The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 141: Good Friends Forever

Chapter 141: Good Friends Forever (2)
In a corner that Wu Zing didn't see, Wu Ying smiled triumphantly, he had already secretly poured out the ginseng tea just now, when Wu Zing came in, he was just putting on a show.

He didn't want to drink it at first, but in order to avoid Wu Xiang saying something wrong about him in front of the lord, he had no choice but to do it this way. You must know that he is a bad friend, and sometimes he can really vomit blood from anger.

Wu Zing thought he succeeded in making Wu Ying drink the ginseng tea, and quickly fell asleep.

Today's autumn night, the outside is full of frost and cold, the wind is whistling, and the leaves are whistling. In a certain maple forest in Maple Leaf Valley, a black shadow is quickly shuttling. Movement and stillness are enough to show the high level of martial arts.

"My lord, you are here." Xiao Tianyue had already been waiting here after receiving the news.


"Now that the dark pavilion has been removed, does the lord have any plans for the next step?" When Xiao Tianyue received the hint from the lord, she knew that he had a new mission.

"Heishuiya!" The voice colder than the night was Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words. The word "Heishuiya" finally resounded in the night sky and was mentioned again. I don't know how long it has been. How dare anyone mention Heishuiya!

The shock in Xiao Tianyue's heart was no less than when the dark pavilion was wiped out. In fact, he had already expected that Heishuiya was a nail that the prince must remove. However, Heishuiya is an extremely complicated place, and there are natural dangers. How difficult it is to wipe out Heishuiya!
If time goes back to ten years ago, there is no need to worry about Heishuiya, but now, Xiaoyao Heishui, the master of Shuilian Cave, is missing, and the power of Long Ruhuo, the master of Huolian Cave, is becoming more and more rampant. Hearing the news, he was terrified.

It is said that now Heishuiya is not only Long Ruhuo practicing evil skills, but even his subordinates have begun to practice.Moreover, the speed of cultivating evil arts is much faster than ordinary martial arts. After several years, there must be many masters of evil arts on Heishui Cliff.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head to look at the night sky, the Ziwei star that was getting dim day by day became even dimmer, and smiled wickedly, the man's eyes were firm, Heishuiya, determined to win!
Xiao Tianyue couldn't help sighing that the prince's first big plan was almost half completed, and soon, the dark forces in the entire rivers and lakes would be completely wiped out, and Heishuiya would also be defeated in the hands of the prince.

If there is one person in this world who can turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain, that is the prince!
"My lord, what preparations should I make?" To wipe out Heishuiya, it is natural to plan carefully, and even more so, to make complete preparations, without any carelessness.

"Go back to Hanhai Kingdom and mobilize the Golden Armored Guards!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan spoke directly without any hesitation. He had already made up his mind that this time, the royal army must be mobilized.

Now Murong Rui is keeping a close eye on Wuyuelou, wishing to uproot Wuyuelou, moreover, after a contest with the dark pavilion, Wuyuelou also needs time to rest, and now that the Black Water Cliff is expanding day by day, it cannot be delayed any longer.

Xiao Tianyue was extremely shocked by Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words. For the first time in many years, the prince mobilized the royal army to deal with the forces of the Jianghu. It seems that this time the prince has made up his mind to overthrow Heishuiya in one fell swoop.

The Golden Armored Guards, a mysterious army of the Xuanyuan royal family in the Hanhai Kingdom, the people in it have been specially trained by the royal masters. The golden armored guards have a commander in the open, but there is another commander in the dark, one bright and one dark. Absolute dominion!

The commander of Jin Jiawei directly obeys the orders of two people, one is Emperor Xuanyuan Ce of Hanhai Kingdom, and the other is Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Regent of Hanhai Kingdom. The orders of the others are not obeyed at all.

"My lord, Wuying is the leader of the Golden Armored Guards, shouldn't he be allowed to go back?" Xiao Tianyue was puzzled. According to the rules of the Golden Armored Guards, he might not be able to transfer them!He had met the leader of the Golden Armored Guards in the dark once, and he was very cold and hard!
"Wu Ying is used to following Xiang'er, let him stay here to protect Xiang'er, you take my token to go to Emperor Father, he will help you mobilize the army."

"The subordinates know." Since the prince had already said that, Xiao Tianyue didn't ask any more questions, but this reason was too far-fetched. With the prince here, is there anyone else who can touch the princess?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan did not answer Xiao Tianyue's doubts, and said: "Heishuiya is in the territory of the Southwest King, and coming from the Hanhai Kingdom, not only must pass through the middle of Shengtian, but also enter the territory of the Southwest King. You are responsible for bringing the Golden Armored Guards into the designated place."

After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Tianzhan took out a token and a pair of maps and handed them to Xiao Tianyue. The token was a token needed to mobilize the Golden Armored Guards, and the map marked the location of Heishuiya.

When Xiao Tianyue looked at the map, she admired the prince's foresight even more. Such a detailed map could never be drawn without three or two years. It seems that the prince has already prepared it.

"This subordinate understands! But, about this matter, the prince seems to deliberately hide it from the princess?" After hesitating for a while, Xiao Tianyue still asked.

"I didn't deliberately hide it, it's just that Xiang'er is not in a good mood recently, and I don't want to disturb her!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart softened when he thought of the little girl who was still sleeping.

"This subordinate talks too much." Xiao Tianyue was extremely shocked when he heard the explanation from his lord, but in order not to affect the mood of the concubine, the lord actually asked her to come to this place in the middle of the night, it was inconceivable!

Is this still the unfeminine prince?When they first went to the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion, it was just to...Xiao Tianyue put away his thoughts, so that such thoughts could not come up again.

"Someone outside Maple Leaf Valley has already prepared a horse for you. If you want to leave now or tomorrow morning, you decide for yourself!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Xiao Tianyue who was a little distracted, and decided to give him a punishment.

Uh... my lord, why don't you drive me away in such a hurry, it's the middle of the night!What else do you say to let him choose by himself, does your look make people have a choice?

"Let's go now, my subordinate!" Xiao Tianyue looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling that her fate was even more tragic than the car leaving the prime minister, at least the prime minister could work in the prime minister's mansion, he often came in the wind and went in the rain !

Hong Zhuxiang woke up after a nap, but found that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was no longer around her, she hurriedly put on her clothes and went out to look for it, as soon as she went out, she found a figure, Hong Zhuxiang followed quickly, only then did she realize that it was Murong Rui, not Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Hong Zhuxiang was hesitating whether to continue to follow, but Murong Rui's gentle voice came.

"Xiang'er, follow me!"

"Rui, what's the matter with you? Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Although Hong Zhuxiang was sitting upright, she didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and she didn't want to give Murong Rui any hope.

She has been avoiding Murong Rui's eyes for the past few days, she doesn't want to fail like this, and she still wants to find Ah Zhan!Just about to turn around and leave, Murong Rui's words stopped her in her tracks!

(End of this chapter)

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