The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 142: Good Friends Forever

Chapter 142: Good Friends Forever (3)
"Xiang'er, it hurts here!" Pointing at her chest, Murong Rui's voice was full of loss that she had never felt before, and now, she was unwilling to even give him a look.So, what is his guardianship for nearly three years? !In the past three years, has she never moved a little bit for herself?
Hong Zhuxiang felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. She was cold-hearted, but that was towards others. She had never been able to be cruel to the people around her. The indifference towards Murong Rui in the past few days has almost touched her bottom line.

This feeling broke her down. She always thought that the atmosphere of Maple Leaf Valley was causing trouble. Now that she thinks about it, most of the reason is probably because she tried her best to avoid Murong Rui.

"Rui, why bother? In the past, Xue Yinghua liked you, but you gave her the title of 'Princess Jinghua'; Murong Qing'er liked you, but you gradually alienated her on purpose; now, a girl as good as Ling Luo also likes you , but you turn a blind eye to her, even if Ling Luo is not good, but the car is beautiful, such an excellent and beautiful girl, don't you also look down on her? Why do you have to hang on a tree like mine? I will pay attention to you in the future girl!"

Hong Zhuxiang's voice was a little reproachful. This man always makes people feel heartbroken, but he doesn't know how to grasp his love. There are so many people who like him around him. As long as he is willing, what kind of woman is there? !

"Xiang'er, I only like you!"

"Don't be like this, there are so many good girls around you, you should pay more attention to them, I think the car is beautiful!"

"Xiang'er, I love you!" Murong Rui was a little annoyed, what was he still moaning about?That cunning fellow Xuanyuan Tianzhan must have said such a long time ago, right?It was because he was one step late that Xuanyuan Tianzhan took the lead and won Xiang'er's love!
Now, the opportunity is in front of him, he must seize it!

Hong Zhuxiang was stunned for a moment, it's not that she didn't understand Murong Rui's feelings for her, it was just because he kept this feeling very hazy all the time, so in the past two years, she had no chance to clarify, and later she clarified , only to find it was too late.

"Xiang'er, I love you!" Seeing that Hong Zhuxiang was silent, Murong Rui thought she was going to give him hope, and said affectionately again.

"No, can you take that back?"

Hong Zhuxiang didn't dare to look at Murong Rui's injured eyes, maybe she shouldn't have said a word to him at all, the more she talked, the more unclear she would be.

"I've wanted to say it a long time ago. I've been holding it in for almost three years, and I'm so tired!"

"You are really crazy!" Hong Zhuxiang no longer cared about Murong Rui, turned and left, her arm was suddenly grabbed, Murong Rui tried to pull Hong Zhuxiang into her arms.Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyes, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, Murong Rui let go, but stopped in front of her.

"Xiang'er, don't beat me to death with a stick, okay?"

Hong Zhuxiang didn't know what to say anymore, she thought that Murong Rui would endure as before, and even if she loved her, she could keep it deep in her heart, but she didn't expect him to say it out.

"Xiang'er, I really regret that I didn't stop you from getting on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cruise ship when I was swimming in the lake. I know that you have been different since that time."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Hong Zhuxiang felt helpless. Tonight's Murong Rui is very different. If this continues, she still doesn't know what he will say!
"I want to know, have you ever loved me?" Murong Rui's voice was as smooth as a spring breeze and as wet as drizzle, with faint expectation and heartache.

Hong Zhuxiang's heart swayed, and he replied coldly: "No!" The voice was as firm as a river flowing eastward, without giving people any hope of staying.

Murong Rui smiled bitterly, laughing heartbreakingly, three years, he loved her for three years, but she said she never loved him!Xuanyuan Tianzhan has only been with her for more than half a year, has he already completely occupied her heart?

As if mocking himself, Murong Rui's voice was hoarse and painful: "I have no weight in your heart now!"

Hong Zhuxiang couldn't bear to see his painful expression, lowered her voice and comforted: "Rui, I have always regarded you as a good friend, a good friend forever!"

"Would you have fallen in love with me without Xuanyuan Tianzhan?"

"No!" Now that this point has been reached, she will not give him any hope.

"Xiang'er, you are so cruel. Do you know how much my heart hurts when you say that? Do you know how much my heart hurts when I see you making out with Xuanyuan Tianzhan? Don't force me, don't force me I hate Xuanyuan Tianzhan!"

"Rui, can you wake up? In the past two years, what kind of feelings I have for you, don't you understand? We support and help each other, but we are just immersed in the same darkness. Thinking about how to destroy the dark pavilion, after all, we are just two poor people."

"But Ah Zhan is different. What he brings to me is sunshine, warmth, and peace of mind! You are right, from the moment I got on his cruise ship, from the kiss that was worth 30 yuan, I have fallen deeply. You can extricate yourself! To love someone, you don’t have to put time in order; to love someone, you don’t have to give a big reason!”

Hong Zhuxiang's emotions also started to get agitated, how can she make Murong Rui completely give up?She didn't want to hurt him again and again!

His heart was bleeding little by little, Xiang'er had never opened up to him so much, he knew that she said so much just to make him give up!

God is really teasing, he was thinking how to get close to her, but she was thinking how to stay away from him!
"Xiang'er, have you been with me for so long, have you been immersed in darkness?! Although I fought against the crown prince, it was out of necessity. Being in the royal family, I lick blood on the tip of my knife every day. And at that time, didn’t we agree to kill the dark pavilion together? We are not two poor people sunk in the darkness, we are not!” Murong Rui was obviously also very excited, and the days when he was with Xiang’er, he He is happy, seeing her laugh, cry, and make trouble, his heart will be tightly pulled by her, he doesn't want her to say that!

"Xiang'er, I can give up the throne and the whole country for you. As long as you are willing, I will take you to wander the world and live the life you want! Didn't you say that you want the wild cranes and the pure land?"

"You are wrong. There is no so-called pure land in this world. My whole life is to verify this fact. No matter where I am, it is full of blood and rain. The dark pavilion is destroyed, but there are countless people behind me." There are still countless mysteries. As long as Xuanyuan Tianzhan is there, I feel at ease and I feel hopeful. Even if I want to indulge in the mountains and rivers and live a happy life, I still want to be with the person I love, and this person, It is Xuanyuan Tianzhan!"

(End of this chapter)

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