Chapter 143 A Restless Night (2)
Seeing the deep love inside, Hong Zhuxiang began to compromise, and took the initiative to explain: "Ah Zhan, I didn't do anything with Murong Rui just now. I woke up and found that you were not around, so I wanted to come out to find you. In the end I didn't find you, but met Murong Rui by chance, I wanted to explain it to him, but he didn't listen!"

Although Hong Zhuxiang knew that Murong Rui's tricks couldn't be hidden from Xuanyuan Tianzhan, she still didn't want him to have any grievances. Her love for him was so thorough that she didn't hide anything.

"Xiang'er, don't explain so much to him in the future!" Hearing the woman's explanation, the movements of her mouth became more gentle, and her big palm turned into a soft wind, blowing across her body.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Hong Zhuxiang smiled happily, and became very cute. His domineering and generous cloak floated down, wrapping her body tightly, misty with love, passionate in love, two flaps of flapping sleeves, wanton entanglement, The fallen maple trees all over the ground played a symphony of love in the rustling wind.

On the fourth watch day, Mingyue was in a hurry, and just came out of the toilet, but saw a black figure jumping up and down, swimming around like a ghost, quick in action, light in body, flying through the clouds, graceful like a dragon swimming.

Ming Yuexin was startled, and her eyes chased the black figure everywhere. Suddenly, the black shadow fell to the ground, and a strange cold light flew over, indifferent, distant, ruthless, and strange.

The man in black's sudden look directly awakened Mingyue instantly. It turned out that it was Wuying. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night. Could it be that he was anxious?Seeing that it was Wuying, Mingyue said happily: "Wuying, it's you, I thought there was a thief!"

Mingyue's laughter, in exchange for more cold and unfamiliar eyes, Wu Ying at this time is no longer the affectionate, righteous, flesh and blood Wu Ying in the daytime.

Mingyue felt a little baffled, why did Wuying change so much?
"Say, you are here in the middle of the night, what exactly do you want to do?" There was no warmth in the voice, and he looked like two different people in peacetime. He looked at the bright moon without a trace, and a cold light burst out from his eyes. The cold light became more and more intense. , What finally fell into Mingyue's eyes turned out to be a pair of blood red eyes.

The doubts in Mingyue's heart magnified infinitely, but she couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Wuying was joking with her?

Seeing that Mingyue didn't speak, the coldness in Wuying's eyes became even worse, just for a moment, Mingyue's collar was lifted up, and Wuying easily lifted Mingyue and threw it out.

I only heard the sound of the flesh being cut, Mingyue's back felt a piercing pain, and what hurt even more was the heart that throbbed, frantically, and accelerated for this man, but is still beating now!

"Wuying, are you crazy? I'm Qin Mingyue!" Mingyue looked at Wuying in disbelief, and he threw her out without mercy.

The pain in the woman's eyes blurred Wu Ying's eyes for a moment, but only for a moment, Wu Ying's eyes immediately returned to the previous coldness.

Wuying's eyes became redder and redder, as if he didn't know Mingyue, as if the woman he was fighting with every day was just an enemy.

Receiving the strange and bloodthirsty gaze, Mingyue felt a pain in her heart. She felt ridiculous for her original thought. She once thought about marrying him, but his performance tonight gave her a shock from the beginning to the end. Basin of cold water.

"Say, what exactly do you want to do?" Without hearing the woman's answer, Wuying's whole nerves collapsed, and his whole body was in a state of vigilance. He must not let anyone endanger the life of the prince, even if it is from the prince. It's not okay to pass by in the yard!

"It's really crazy!" Mingyue decided not to pay attention to Wuying, dragged her heavy body, turned and left.

"I want to leave, but there's no way!" Wuying circled over, quickly grabbed Mingyue's neck with a pair of powerful hands, and sharply pinched a thin red mark on the snow-white neck.

Grabbed by the throat, Mingyue felt that death was approaching, and made final preparations. Mingyue decided to fight hard. She wanted to go to her master and tell her how incredible all this was!

The person who was still smiling at her during the day turned so scary at night!what is this?
The strength in Wuying's hand is getting stronger and stronger, Mingyue is really aware of her danger, and immediately concentrates all her internal strength, strikes out forcefully, feeling the fierce palm wind coming, but Wuying has no interest in dodging, disdainful With a sneer, Wuying looked at Qin Mingyue with contempt.

Withdrawing her palm, Mingyue was surprised to find that Wuying's body was as stiff as iron, but her own palm was numb with pain. She had exhausted all her strength in the palm just now, but she didn't shake Wuying at all.What exactly is going on?Why did Wuying become so powerful?

Cruelly picking up Mingyue, Wuying threw her out again, with a 45-degree parabola, Mingyue hit the ground fiercely, spat out a mouthful of blood, and her breath became extremely weak.

When he threw her out, it was as simple as throwing a thing. She, Qin Mingyue, was really sad. She was so affectionate that she fed them all to the dogs!
Pulling out the long sword mercilessly, Wuying pointed it directly at Mingyue's throat, without any hesitation in his eyes, without any emotion, as he raised the knife and dropped it, Mingyue's heart ached to the extreme, he actually wanted to kill her!
With a "bang", the long sword in Wuying's hand deviated from the direction, and Mingyue took the opportunity to retreat to the corner, away from the dangerous area.

Without killing Qin Mingyue, Wuying turned around angrily, stared at the direction where the hidden weapon flew, saw a man wearing a cloud-white brocade robe, and thought to himself: Could it be that he is this woman's helper and also came to hurt the prince? ? !

Anyone who dares to tempt the prince should die!
Yun Feihong looked at the angry man in front of him in puzzlement, why did he kill Mingyue?Hasn't their relationship always been great?
"Eldest Prince, you have to be careful, Wuying is not the previous Wuying, his skill has increased a lot!" Seeing Yun Feihong coming out, Mingyue kindly reminded with a glimmer of hope in her heart.

"You really belong together!" Without waiting for Yun Feihong to speak, Wu Ying started a frenzied attack.

Hearing the movement outside, Wu Zing hurriedly got up, looked at Wu Ying's bed, there was no one there, cursed in a low voice, Wu Zing ran out of the room, just in time to see Yun Feihong and Wu Ying who were fighting!

This is another Wuying, cruel and ruthless, cold-blooded and arrogant, but, didn't he drink that cup of ginseng tea?Damn it, he was deceived by Wuying, Wuying didn't drink that cup of tea at all!Now I am afraid that only the prince can subdue Wuying.

Wu Zing went to find Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but found that there was no one in the room. When he came out to look again, Wu Ying and Yun Feihong were fighting in full swing, and Ming Yue, who was on the side just now, had disappeared.

sky!What is he going to do now?
"Prince, Wuying is not normal now, don't confront him head-on!" He has seen another Wuying's power before, and his skill is ten times higher than usual!
(End of this chapter)

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