The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 158 Murong Yangxiong's Shock

Chapter 158 Murong Yangxiong's Shock (2)
Breaking through the evil fire formation, turning to the edge of the empty cliff, Xuanyuan Tianzhan passed by as fast as a ghost, and the white figure flashed and flew down the cliff.

"Yun Feihong, what are you pretending to do! How can you really fall off such a cliff with a protruding front and a concave back?!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a bad tone when he was in a very bad mood.

"Brother Zhan, I'm waiting for you here!" Yun Feihong raised his head and looked at the man who suddenly appeared above with a smile. Fortunately, he grabbed the protruding stone wall on the cliff in time, otherwise, he would really go See Hades.

Nose snorted softly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Yun Feihong an angry look, which made Xiang'er feel so heartbroken, if it wasn't for the fact that he was already injured, she really wanted to beat him up.

"Brother Zhan, I seem to hear Xiang'er calling my brother, but the situation was urgent just now, and I only heard the whirring of the wind, did Xiang'er really call my brother?" Yun Feihong seemed to have returned to more than ten years ago. Before, the younger sister who had been clinging to him surrounded him all day, calling him brother sweetly. The family was happy and happy, which was enviable.

"There's so much nonsense, why don't you go up quickly!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stepped on the cliff, grabbed the edge of a stone with one hand, held his breath, concentrated his inner strength, threw Yun Feihong onto the cliff, and flew on himself.

Looking at the two people who appeared suddenly, Hong Zhuxiang was a little dazed, with wet tears still in the corners of her eyes. She saw that Yun Feihong was not on the edge of the cliff just now, and she thought Yun Feihong had fallen off the cliff. Now it seems that, He should hang on the stone wall.

"Sister!" Yun Feihong spread out his signature smile, his dark eyes flashed with excitement, although he received a slap from Long Ruhuo on his back, but in exchange for Xiang'er's recognition, everything was worth it.

"!" Hongzhuxiang looked a little unnatural, the expression on her face was constantly changing, as if she hadn't come out of the shock just now.

Even if she didn't get rid of the silt in the deepest part of her memory, even if she was only a soul from the past and present, Hong Zhuxiang could still feel the call from the bottom of her heart, carrying someone else's body, perhaps, she should take on this responsibility.

Yun Lin looked at Yun Feihong in disbelief, then at Hongzhuxiang, the eldest prince was actually called Hongzhuxiang's younger sister, that is to say, Hongzhuxiang is the princess of Nanyue Kingdom, it's unbelievable.

"Good sister, give me a hug!" Although Hong Zhuxiang called very jerky and a bit awkward, but this clear and sweet voice fell into Yun Feihong's ears, it was the most beautiful words he had ever heard, and he had been looking forward to it for so many years , He finally found his biological sister.

Perhaps, God just made a joke with him. When he was 11 years old, he ruthlessly took away his mother, concubine and younger sister. After 12 years, when they met again, Xiang'er was already a slim girl.

"What are you hugging? Yun Feihong, when did you get so wordy?!" Pulling the red bamboo fragrance into his arms, Xuanyuan Tianzhan declared his sovereignty domineeringly. Even if Yun Feihong was Xiang'er's elder brother, he was not allowed Touch Xianger.

Uh... Your lord, you are so domineering, Wujing glanced at his lord with admiration, his eyes were full of admiration.He followed Yun Feihong up to the Black Water Cliff, and what happened just now made him tremble with fear, especially when he saw his prince jumping off the cliff to save Yun Feihong without hesitation, his heart was so tense that he couldn't breathe. Now, everything is fine.

Feeling the momentum of thousands of troops galloping forward, Long Ruhuo had the idea of ​​retreating for the first time. Heishuiya masters failed to besiege Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and the eight guardians were seriously injured. They grabbed the red bamboo incense to force Xuanyuan Tianzhan The plot was shattered, and now Long Ruhuo's only way out is to escape and let the King of Southwest take care of the rest.

With the green hills still there, he doesn't have to worry about no firewood, he, Long Ruhuo, can't just take his own life like this!Turning around and entering a stone wall, Long Ruhuo activated the mechanism, only heard a "boom", the stone door was closed tightly, and Long Ruhuo's figure disappeared.

"My lord, Long Ruhuo has escaped, do you want to catch him?" Wu Zing asked Xuanyuan Tianzhan for instructions.

"No need, someone will take care of him!" It's not that Xuanyuan Tianzhan doesn't want to take care of Long Ruhuo, it's just that he fought against the Eight Great Guardians just now, and the loss was huge, and Yun Feihong was also injured. No one can subdue Long Ruhuo so far.

Long Ruhuo's escape caused the dragons in Heishuiya to be leaderless, and the fighting spirit of many masters became lower and lower. In this confrontation, in the contest between good and evil, the outcome has been decided.

From then on, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's imperial dominance opened a new page, and it was the end of today that pushed forward the road ahead. Perhaps, from now on, everything will become more difficult.

"Ah Zhan, Ling Feng is dead." Although what Ling Feng has done is enough to kill her millions of times, she is still Ling Lao's granddaughter. If possible, Hong Zhuxiang would rather hand Ling Feng over to Ling Lao , and he didn't want to kill her by mistake.

"Xiang'er, Ling Feng deserves what he deserves, and he will die when he dies." Seeing the woman's tangled expression, Xuanyuan Tianzhan pinched her little nose fondly, and said lightly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew that although Ling Feng was pierced by Xiang'er's cold sword, in fact, the person Xiang'er wanted to kill was Long Ruhuo. Even if Xiang'er really killed Ling Feng, he would not feel anything No, Ling Feng has done all kinds of bad things, all of this is retribution!
Red Bamboo Fragrance was only because of Ling Lao's face that she had such entanglements. Now that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had said so, her heart suddenly became clear. Yun Feihong did not die, Long Ruhuo fled, and Heishuiya completely Being destroyed, the ending like this is already the best!
Looking at the Jin Jiawei who had charged into the crowd forcefully, Hong Zhuxiang could only feel the blood boiling all over his body. The Jin Jiawei was different from the masters in Wuyuelou, and their martial arts were superb, but they were well-trained, with a strong lineup, and had a large area of ​​lethality.

On Heishuiya, screams continued, sword energy flew across, and the piled corpses exuded an unpleasant smell, with an evil aura. Seeing the fallen Heishuiya disciples one by one, Hong Zhuxiang could only say that he was helpless , even if she has kindness in her heart, she can't let these people who practice evil skills go.

Imagining the situation of Xiao Yao Hei Shui Luo Ya, Hong Zhu Xiang's heart was instantly hardened like iron stone. These people are simply Long Ru Huo's minions, and they don't deserve her sympathy!
Although the Golden Armored Guards were dispatched, the disciples of Heishuiya were not embroidered pillows. This battle can be described as a thrilling battle with blood and flesh flying everywhere. Even though the masters of the Golden Armored Guards and Wuyue Tower are strong in martial arts and have experienced the battle, they still need to recuperate.However, the reality is always so cruel and does not give people a chance to breathe.

Hearing Dada's hooves at the foot of the mountain, Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a deep breath. Murong Yangxiong was not afraid, but his adviser Ouyang Yifei was a powerful character, if Dugu Piaojian was added, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Brother Zhan, the men of the Southwest King are here, so fast!" Yun Feihong's white brocade robe fluttered in the wind, and Yun Feihong's brows were tinged with rare sadness. Nanyue Kingdom has bloody enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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