The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 159 The Bullish Prince

Chapter 159 The Bullish Prince (1)
"Brother Feihong, take Xiang'er and leave first, and leave the rest to me." More than ten years ago, because of the death of the Bing Concubine, the Emperor Yun Tianxiang of the Nanyue Kingdom and the Southwest King Murong Yangxiong forged a deep hatred until now. .

"Ah Zhan, do you think I will leave you alone?" The hard tone was unquestionable, and Hong Zhuxiang expressed strong protest, avoiding when things came to an end, this was definitely not her style of Hong Zhuxiang.

"Xiang'er, trust me, I'll be fine, you leave first." Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew that Xiang'er didn't know what happened in Nanyue Kingdom back then, she was just worried about his safety, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had to admit, Seeing such a red bamboo fragrance, he was very moved.

Hongzhuxiang's mind was spinning quickly. The reason why the Southwest King came to Heishuiya was mainly because of the unprovoked intrusion of the Jinjiawei. The Jinjiawei was the royal army of the Hanhai Kingdom. If the Southwest King didn't know about this matter, wouldn't it be solved?

"Ah Zhan, why don't we hide the truth about Jin Jiawei?" Hong Zhuxiang directly asked the question in his heart.

"Xiang'er, Murong Yangxiong will investigate and use this as an excuse to detain Jin Jiawei. As long as he investigates, the matter will come to light." Although the matter between Yun Tianxiang and Murong Yangxiong is very complicated, at present, Jin Jiawei is the The key to the whole thing!
"So, as long as it is not an army of the Shengtian Dynasty, it will be detained by the Southwest King?" Hong Zhuxiang knew very well that once the Golden Armored Guards fell into the hands of the Southwest King, they would suffer a catastrophe.

"That's right, and Murong Rui has long ordered a strict investigation into the matter of Wuyuelou, so whether it is a person from Wuyuelou or Hanhai Kingdom, as long as they are from Brother Zhan, they will be eaten by Southwest Wang Tongtong." " Yun Feihong said.

"Ah Zhan, you've thought of this a long time ago, haven't you?" Looking at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's calm face, Hong Zhuxiang's head was short-circuited for a moment. When she first communicated with him, she knew that Xiao Tianzhan was an unfathomable person. Now, she is the one who sees the shallowest side of him.

"Xiang'er, this is the price. Everyone has their own destiny. They are all dead soldiers selected from the Golden Armored Guards. They also knew that today would happen. I know you can't accept it, so I haven't told you for a long time. !" Frowning slightly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a deep voice.

The last thing he wants to do is to stir Xiang'er into this game of chess. He wants to draw a circle around her and protect her well, but Xiang'er is not such a woman, and he will not let him do this !
This game of chess has already started, and there is no possibility of stopping. This is not Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ambition alone, and it is not something anyone can stay away from if he wants to!Today, he is facing the Southwest King, but one day, he will be facing Murong Rui, with the blade facing each other and the sword pointing at his chest.

If he still wants to hide such a trivial matter from Xiang'er, what will Xiang'er do then?Therefore, Xuanyuan Tianzhan decided to tell her even if he challenged the softness in Hong Zhuxiang's heart.

Although she has gone through so many hardships, Hong Zhuxiang didn't know what the real conspiracy of power and imperial power was until this moment.She had already imagined that the man next to her pillow could never be a gentle and kind person, as much love as she gathered in one body, so much blood and sweat should be paid!

Who can guarantee that the royal family of the Hanhai Kingdom is so clean that they don't shed a drop of blood?If it was really so pure, it wouldn't be possible to cultivate a resolute, tenacious, and world-minded man!
Today's world is already different from the equal 21st century. Isn't her own hands stained with blood?In fact, as early as when Prime Minister Guo Tao's family was ransacked, she should have understood that this was the Shengtian Dynasty, the feudal kingdom she had traveled through.

"Ah Zhan, I know." Red Bamboo Fragrance said lightly, with eyes so clear that there was no trace of impurity.Xuanyuan Tianzhan caressed the girl's hair with all his tenderness. He had known for a long time that Xiang'er was a red snow lotus on a high mountain. How can a husband ask for a wife like this? !
"My lord, the people from the Southwest King are here." Wu Zing reminded.Xuanyuan Tianzhan nodded slightly, without expressing too much.

"Prince Zhan, why didn't you say anything when the army of Hanhai Kingdom came to the territory of my Southwest King?" Murong Yangxiong personally led the army and surrounded the people in the center of Heishui Cliff.

Jin Jiawei and Wuyuelou's people were all expressionless, ready to fight. Although they had exhausted a lot of energy, once they attacked, they would still burst out with unprecedented momentum.

Dugu Piaojian stood beside the Southwest King silently, like a sculpture, motionless, with a cold face, without a trace of soft lines all over his body, if he hadn't seen Dugu Piaojian many times, everyone really thought that the Southwest King was beside him Bring a stone statue too!

"King of the Southwest, do you recognize me?" Before Xuanyuan Tianzhan could answer, Hong Zhuxiang asked with a light smile.Hong Zhuxiang smiled brightly. On this cold winter day, her laughter was like a ray of bright sunshine, blowing across her heart, emanating a strange warmth.

Murong Yangxiong was startled, why is this laughter familiar?He had focused all his attention on Xuanyuan Tianzhan just now, but when he turned his head and saw the red bamboo fragrance, he suddenly felt stiff all over, and his deep eyes were full of astonishment.

"Bing'er!" The originally strong voice became extremely hoarse. Murong Yangxiong couldn't restrain his excitement. For 12 years, he had never seen Bing'er again. Seeing you now, she is still so touching!
Murong Qing'er came over a little later, and saw the Southwest King looking at the red bamboo fragrance obsessively, almost spat out a mouthful of blood, what's wrong with the father?Why are you staring at Hongzhuxiang obsessively?Moreover, just now my father called her Binger, she is Red Bamboo Fragrance, not Binger at all!
After carefully looking at Hongzhuxiang, Ouyang Yifei's eyes dimmed, and he said in a voice that only two people could hear: "My lord, she is Hongzhuxiang, not Bing'er!"

Standing proudly beside Xuanyuan Tianzhan, dressed in red, who else could it be but the legendary red bamboo fragrance?Although Ouyang Yifei also knew about Bing'er, he was obviously much calmer than Murong Yangxiong, even if there was a storm in his heart, he still remained calm and composed.

The corner of the clothes was pulled by Ouyang Yifei calmly, Murong Yangxiong finally came to his senses, Yifei said that she is Red Bamboo Fragrance, but why she and Binger are like carved out of the same mold?
Moreover, wasn't Bing'er already burned to death by the fire more than ten years ago?How could it reappear here?However, how could there be two people who look so similar in the world for no reason?

Looking carefully at the red bamboo fragrance with his deep black eyes, Murong Yangxiong began to compare the two in his mind. The woman in front of him was seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in a silk red dress, and the pure red shawl of the flame fox, which contrasted perfectly with the whole person. Delicate and enchanting, with every gesture, a casual and lazy look.

(End of this chapter)

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