The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 160 The Bullish Prince

Chapter 160 The Bullish Prince (2)
However, the coldness and indifference between the eyebrows gave birth to a sense of alienation. This is definitely not Bing'er who is as gentle as water and as indifferent as a breeze!So, what is the relationship between her and Bing'er?Could it be that she is Binger's daughter, they were not burned to death at all, so Binger may still be alive in this world.Thinking that this might be the case, Murong Yangxiong suddenly became excited.

"King of the Southwest, you have to look carefully, is the little girl the Bing'er you're talking about?" Seeing the constantly changing expression of the Southwest King, the corners of Hongzhuxiang's mouth moved slightly, evoking a wicked smile.

Of course Hong Zhuxiang knew that the Bing'er mentioned by the Southwest King was the Bing Concubine of the Nanyue Kingdom, that is, the mother of her body.But, what entanglement does mother have with the Southwest King?Judging by the appearance of the Southwest King, he should be his mother's admirer.

"My lord, don't make a small mistake!" Ouyang Yifei reminded in a low voice.Hong Zhuxiang is definitely not a simple woman, besides, she is the queen proclaimed by the emperor, if she insists on showing off the queen's airs, there is nothing they can do.

"Ahem... this old man's eyesight is dull, and he has never seen a girl before!" Murong Yangxiong quickly came to his senses. He would never admit that the woman in front of him is the current emperor's queen. Once he admits her identity, things will change will get more complicated.

The Southwest King categorically denied it, Hong Zhuxiang's complexion suddenly turned cold, it is said that Murong Yangxiong is a seasoned man, now seeing him, he is indeed a cunning old fox!
"Could it be that this girl is Princess Zhan?" The person who spoke was Ouyang Yifei, who was the brains of the Southwest King. He was the one who sent Dugu Piaojian to rescue Murong Qing'er from the palace. Within a short period of time, it is indeed a character to grasp the key points of contradictions.

Raising her beautiful eyes, Hong Zhuxiang turned her head to look at Ouyang Yifei. He is about 50 to [-] years old, and he looks like a deep and wise person. To get such a talent, the Southwest King must have spent a lot of effort!

Ouyang Yifei is forcing Hong Zhuxiang to make a choice. Normally, she would be Princess Zhan, but now, what she wants is the identity of the queen of the Shengtian Dynasty.

"Xiang'er." Seeing through Hong Zhuxiang's thoughts, Xuanyuan Tianzhan disagreed very much, even if he just took advantage of this identity, he was not willing, even if all the Golden Armored Guards were killed in battle, he would not want Xiang'er to admit that he was Murong Rui's queen!

"Ah Zhan, don't talk!" Hong Zhuxiang gave the man a reassuring look, not wanting him to fall into dire straits again. Although she knew that Azhan could break through the encirclement, if she could avoid this killing, why didn't she stop?
She Hong Zhuxiang never cared about her reputation, the empress has already been sealed, why didn't she make good use of this status to help Ah Zhan through this calamity?Ah Zhan has saved Murong Rui many times, even if she does this now, Xuanyuan Tianzhan doesn't owe Murong Rui anything!
Perhaps, in Ah Zhan's eyes, the remaining [-] or so Golden Armored Guards are responsible for them, but Hong Zhuxiang believes that they have the hope of getting out alive. , are the best soldiers, and she is absolutely unwilling to watch them cook fish on the chopping board for nothing when they need to recuperate.

"I don't recognize me. Does the Southwest King recognize this gold medal?" With a wave of her sleeves, Hong Zhuxiang pulled out a gold medal from it. It was given to her by Murong Rui back then. At that time, she thought it was just a person who could enter and leave the palace at will. The gold medal, she didn't realize until later that there was a lifelike phoenix on the gold medal, and this gold medal was the unique phoenix order of Empress Shengtian.

Looking at the golden token in Hong Zhuxiang's hand, Murong Yangxiong's face instantly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot. He never thought that the emperor actually gave Hongzhuxiang a phoenix order?Such an important Feng Ling was handed over to Hong Zhuxiang, how much Murong Rui trusted this woman!

Ouyang Yifei originally thought that as long as he refused to admit Hong Zhuxiang's identity and insisted that she was Princess Zhan, he would be able to deal with the matter of Jin Jiawei in a legitimate way, but now it seems that this is impossible.

Compared with the two discolored old faces, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's complexion was not much better. Although he knew that Xiang'er didn't want more people to sacrifice, but in this way, Xiang'er still took advantage of her status as Empress Sheng Tian. He didn't want to see it.

Murong Yangxiong was engaged in an extremely fierce struggle in his heart. The imperial decree to establish a queen was sent from Shengjing to his Southwest Palace day and night. Now that Hongzhuxiang is holding the order of the phoenix, what is he going to do?This queen, does he recognize it or not?
"Hong Zhuxiang, are you still shameless? You like the man next to you, why do you still admit that you are Sheng Tian's queen?" Murong Qing'er roared.

The heart that was already as dead as ashes rekindled in an instant, and Murong Qing'er felt a strong hatred in her heart. Hong Zhuxiang obviously didn't love Brother Rui, but she still put on airs like a queen?She really makes you feel worthless for Murong Rui!
Seeing Murong Qing'er who was getting out of control gradually, Dugu Piaojian's heart also became cold little by little, everything changed, and when they couldn't go back to their childhood sweethearts, they were not opponents of time, time diluted the relationship between Murong Rui and Qing'er The feelings also dilute his heart that has been persistent for many years. Murong Qing'er, like a stream flowing eastward, suddenly moves away.

"Princess Qing, you'd better keep your mouth shut, otherwise, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth, and your own life is naturally not a pity, but it's not worthwhile to implicate the entire Southwest Palace." She Hongzhu Xiang has never been a kind person, Murong Qing'er insulted her in public, do you really think she has always been so good-tempered?

"You...could it be possible that you really regard yourself as the queen of Sheng Tian?" Murong Qing'er was so angry that her heart stopped, she couldn't understand why Brother Rui fell in love with someone like Hong Zhuxiang woman?After a while, it was rumored that he and Xuanyuan Tianzhan had made a private decision for life, and after a while, he admitted that he was Sheng Tian's queen.

"So what? I can do whatever I want, and I can come whenever I want!" With a stiff tone and a cold face, Hong Zhuxiang's tone was very bad.Even if she has a phoenix order, she can't do it without enough momentum, so she wants to come and knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

"My lord, Hong Zhuxiang's queen status must be admitted!" Ouyang Yifei had long noticed that Yun Feihong, who had been silent all this time, was so similar to the Bing Concubine of Nanyue Kingdom. There must be some kind of relationship between them. In this way, the matter will involve Nanyue Kingdom, so it cannot be underestimated.

Besides, the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom and the King of Southwest had already been fighting each other. Yun Tianxiang had tried many times to unite with the western countries to fight against the King of Southwest. According to secret information, this matter was still going on in secret. The country regenerates hatred.

As for Hong Zhuxiang, she is the empress who was conferred by the current emperor in person despite the objections of all his ministers, and the imperial decree has a saying: keep her name for life, and never set up a new queen!It can be seen from this that Murong Rui loves Hong Zhuxiang deeply, and this woman must not be touched.

(End of this chapter)

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