Chapter 161
"Qing'er, shut up!" Murong Yangxiong scolded in a low voice.Murong Yangxiong has always regarded Ouyang Yifei's words as good advice. Over the years, he seldom disobeyed them. To be precise, he almost always listened to Ouyang Yifei except for the matter with the Emperor Yun Tianxiang of Nanyue Kingdom.

"How is it? Did the King of Southwest recognize me?" Although Hong Zhuxiang admitted her status as queen, she was only using it for a while. won't work.Besides, the jealousy around me is getting stronger and stronger!
"Empress, my humble servant was abrupt just now, and I almost offended my empress, please forgive me." Being suppressed by a girl's aura, Murong Yangxiong was also very upset, but when he saw this familiar face, his anger It cooled down in an instant.When this matter is over, he will thoroughly investigate Binger's matter.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that the king of the Southwest is mighty and mighty, and he personally led his troops, so what's the matter?" Murong Yangxiong's mother-in-law came to her mother-in-law, which really made Hong Zhuxiang feel extremely uncomfortable. Of course, there was another person who was even more uncomfortable. That was Xuanyuan Tianzhan who was holding back his anger, and the sparks in his eyes were shining out.

"The army of the Hanhai Kingdom marched into the Shengtian Dynasty, and the duties of the veterans are, I hope the empress will forgive me." Now that he has come, Murong Yangxiong does not want to return empty-handed.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan endured it again and again, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore. Now that he couldn't bear it, he didn't need to bear it anymore.

"Hmph..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a deep voice, snorting cold air in his nostrils, "Could it be that the King of Southwest really wants to fight? Since I, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, dare to stand here, am I still afraid of you? Since the King of Southwest is determined In this way, the king will accompany you to the end!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice was strong and powerful. It resounded over the Heishui Cliff, surrounded by clouds and mist, accompanied by the sound of water and startling waterfalls.

At this moment, Wu Ting worshiped, Yun Lin was frightened, Dugu Piaojian shook his sword hand, the corners of Yun Feihong's smiling mouth stiffened, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's subordinates all proudly puffed out their chests!

Hong Zhuxiang's darling also jumped a few times, this man is really arrogant!The Jinjiawei and Wuyuelou's people are only 2000 people. Facing the tens of thousands of troops of the Southwest King, he is still so defiant?
God, the Jade Emperor, hurry up and take him away. Where did he get his confidence? !

Murong Yangxiong raised his eyelids, his black eyes were like torches, and his eyes were scorching hot. In an instant, he met a pair of amber eyes, pointing at the peak of his sword, showing his sharpness. Murong Yangxiong suddenly felt flustered. People are unpredictable!Could it be that Murong Yangxiong is really old?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan is only 22 or [-] years old. However, his natural domineering, arrogant tone of voice, and strong and low-key aura make him, who has experienced many things in the world, feel terrified.

Murong Yangxiong had heard of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's reputation a long time ago, seeing him so confident and calm now, Murong Yangxiong felt very uneasy.

How could a thoughtful man like Xuanyuan Tianzhan not have thought of the danger of letting the army of Hanhai Kingdom enter Shengtian?If he knew, why would he do it?What is the purpose of Xuanyuan Tianzhan? !

"Prince Zhan speaks so loudly. Could it be that these people are the army of your Hanhai Kingdom?" Although he was uncertain, Murong Yangxiong wanted to see what trump card Xuanyuan Tianzhan had?
Ouyang Yifei glanced at the men in black around him, admiring secretly in his heart, the Golden Armored Guards of the Hanhai Kingdom really lived up to their reputation, in just one stick of incense, they had finished adjusting their breathing and restored their combat effectiveness, but the [-] troops brought by the prince, He is not a vegetarian either, why is Xuanyuan Tianzhan so arrogant?

"If the Southwest King insists on pursuing it to the end, then just try the power of Jin Jiawei and Wuyuelou masters!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said coldly, casting a sideways glance at Murong Yangxiong.

As a result, Murong Yangxiong was speechless. Even if Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't have any trump cards, he didn't dare to underestimate these remaining golden armored guards. From their fearless and decisive eyes, Murong Yangxiong saw the danger of breaking the boat. Courage, if it really competes with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the ending may not be satisfactory.

Seeing the Southwest King's brows slightly wrinkled, with some hesitation on his face, Hongzhuxiang hit the iron while it was hot, and said with a smile: "Xinxi King, how can there be any Hanhai army here? I think you have misunderstood. My secret army, I am the person who was ordered to exterminate the evil cultivators of Heishuiya, could it be that the King of Southwest is still doubting my identity?"

Murong Yangxiong's purpose is very clear, it is to let Xuanyuan Tianzhan admit that this is the army of the Hanhai Kingdom, and Ah Zhan has no intention of denying it, he admits it openly, if there is a real fight, he can only fight to the death. .

The Southwest King and Ouyang Yifei both knew that these masters were all from Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan's attitude caught them by surprise. Besides, Hong Zhuxiang said so, they Now there is no other way but to leave empty-handed, but, you can't leave in such a useless way.

"Naturally, the old minister dare not doubt the empress, it's just a matter of the country's safety, the old minister has to treat it strictly!" Murong Yangxiong said humbly with a respectful look.

"Xiang'er, why bother to say more? Tianyue just brought more than a thousand people to the Black Water Cliff, and the rest are in Wuying's hands. Now they are waiting somewhere? Don't you believe in your husband's ability? " Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes flashed with determination, and his tone was also resonant.

Hearing Xuanyuan Tianzhan say this, not only Wuzong was shocked, Yun Feihong was also very shocked, it turned out to be like this, no wonder Brother Zhan was so arrogant!
Hong Zhuxiang glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzhan faintly, hooked her lips into a smile, met Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, turned to Murong Yangxiong and said, "King of the Southwest, I have already said that these are my people. The Fire Curtain Cave Master of Heishuiya has practiced evil arts for many years on the territory of the Southwest King, but the Southwest King turned a blind eye to it, is it rare that these things were secretly allowed by the Southwest King?"

Hong Zhuxiang's words were like small stones falling into the water, causing ripples on the calm lake surface. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Murong Yangxiong would have found it hard to imagine that a young girl could say such words. Glancing at Red Bamboo Fragrance, Murong Yangxiong thought of the woman in the deepest part of his heart again, she looks alike, really alike!

"My lord, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is full of confidence, and all his subordinates regard death as home. It is not appropriate to confront Xuanyuan Tianzhan at this time. Hongzhuxiang is the Queen of Shengtian, and it is not appropriate to be caught by her. Although she has not entered the palace, she has a good relationship with the emperor. But it's excellent." Ouyang Yifei spoke at the right time.

Now that Ouyang Yifei said so, Murong Yangxiong naturally would not continue to pursue it, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still smiled and said: "Even if I have ten guts, I dare not acquiesce in Heishuiya's practice of evil skills! The reason why the veteran did not touch the Black Water Cliff is because he did not dare to confront Long Ruhuo head-on, besides, without the imperial decree, the veteran is not good at self-propelled soldiers, and I hope that the empress will understand the heart of the humble minister."

(End of this chapter)

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