The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 167 Long Yuyan and Ouyang Ren

Chapter 167 Long Yuyan and Ouyang Ren

Sisterhood has long since faded away when the ice and snow were endless, and now all that remains is hatred!
"Han Bingyu, you devil, Xiang'er Bingxue is smart, sooner or later you will discover your tricks!"

"Really? Then just wait and see, now that you are disfigured, what kind of face do you have to live in this world? If I were you, I would die. Hahaha..." Han Bingyu smiled fiercely Then, the originally beautiful face became extremely terrifying.

"Then you just kill me." With a flash of determination in his eyes, Han Bingxue raised his head and said.

"Kill you?! Wouldn't that be too cheap for you? I will let you slowly watch me be happy, watch me replace you, and love all men instead of you. Hahaha...hahaha..." Evil smile The sound resounded through the bamboo forest again, and it looked particularly terrifying on this black winter night.

Across the long bamboo forest path, Long Ruhuo heard this evil laughter, time is like running water, gone forever, the road chosen at the beginning, can no longer turn back, even if kneeling or crawling, he can only grit his teeth and walk go down.

A phantom flashed in front of her eyes, and a cold face like ice cubes appeared. When she was in Heishuiya, maybe she would give him a good face, but now, she doesn't show any affection at all.

"It's really shameless to show up in front of me after failing, Long Ruhuo, what else can you do?" Han Bingyu said mercilessly.

"Bingyu, don't speak so harshly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has long been determined to destroy Heishuiya, and the current result is probably what the master expected, right?"

Long Ruhuo is also in an extremely bad mood. Among the many disciples of Heishuiya, he is the only one left now. No, there is also Long Yuyan who left Heishuiya. It may not be destroyed yet!
Years of painstaking efforts were ruined in one fell swoop, how unwilling is Long Ruhuo's heart!

"Hmph...I speak badly? It's not because you are incompetent. Do you know why I look down on you? It's because you are incompetent. In martial arts, you are inferior to Xiaoyao Heishui, and in intelligence, you are no one else. Now, a boy in his twenties has wiped out all your money, so what face do you have to meet your master?"

Han Bingyu's words pierced into the lungs like a sharp blade, tearing flesh and blood. If it wasn't for Han Bingyu, he wouldn't be able to practice evil skills. If it wasn't for Han Bingyu, he wouldn't have violated his conscience to deal with Xiaoyao Heishui. Now, in her eyes, He turned out to be nothing more than a homeless dog.

Long Ruhuo has already seen Han Bingyu's ruthlessness, and only when she needs to use him, she will speak softly. This woman is more cruel than anyone else, and she will never give up until she achieves her goal.

Since Han Bingyu is so unfeeling, don't blame him for turning his face. After many years of patience, Long Ruhuo's patience has gradually worn away.

"For so many years, even if I have no credit, I have worked hard. The master's dark deeds, why am I not doing it? Since King Beixiang is so heartless, I will tell Emperor Shengtian about these things behind the scenes. What do you think will happen? Like?" Long Ruhuo roared angrily.

"Do you think Emperor Shengtian really doesn't know? Even if he knows, so what? I'm afraid he won't even know how he died if he can't reach the palace. Let me tell you another news, King Beixiang has already taken control of the government. Even Murong Ran has turned against him, except for the old man Xue Yang, almost all the prestigious ministers have joined King Beixiang, hahaha...hahaha..."

"Do you think King Beixiang will really succeed? Murong Rui has already experienced the prince's rebellion, and he has already matured in dealing with court battles. How could Murong Ran surrender to King Beixiang so easily? If it was really that simple, how could King Beixiang He will try his best to reach out to the territory of the Southwest King, all of this is simply trying to cover up!"

Han Bingyu glanced at Long Ruhuo unexpectedly. Although he is not good enough, he still has some insights. Now that Long Ruhuo's evil skills have been cultivated to a certain level, she is no match for him.

"If you want to expose the master's words, go ahead, but don't even know how you died when the time comes, you must know the methods of King Beixiang." Han Bingyu threatened.

"Han Bingyu, you are such a cruel woman, do you really think that I dare not kill you?" Long Ruhuo's eyes were so red that they were about to burst, with a bloodthirsty glint flashing.

"If you are willing, you will kill me?" Han Bingyu's tone suddenly became gentle, with a pair of winking eyes like silk, a smile on the brow, and the delicate and slender hands that took off the black gloves. Slapped on Long Ruhuo's chest.

Seeing such ice jade, Long Ruhuo's anger dissipated instantly. This woman is his eternal nemesis.

On the second day, in the territory of the Southwest King, at the foot of Hopeless Mountain, a simple hut stood in front of the mountain, surrounded by mountains, quiet and secluded. Around the hut, the owner simply surrounded a yard with thick branches, which felt like a farmhouse.

Although it is already winter, there is a strange group of evergreens growing around the small courtyard. Looking around, it is a piece of greenery. On the high mountains in the distance, there are cold pines and green cypresses, proud of the world, and there is no chill of severe winter.

In front of the courtyard gate, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy was anxiously standing on tiptoe, looking forward to it, Mr. has been away for three days, why hasn't he come back yet?

Long Yuyan sat on the blue stone bench in the courtyard, he didn't feel the coldness of the stone at all, he just sat there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking about, his exquisite facial features were sharp and angular, and his pair of phoenix eyes were as if they were piercing across the sky Meteor, peerless elegance.

"Mr. Long, is something wrong with Mr. Ouyang?" The boy asked timidly.

Xiao Fan is really a little afraid of this young master named Long Yuyan, he is excellent in martial arts, his whereabouts are strange, he came back last night without knowing it, and he didn't even say hello, which made him think he saw a ghost when he woke up in the morning .

"Mr. Ouyang is coming back now." Long Yuyan said gently when he heard the footsteps coming from a distance.

Perhaps sensing the child's timidity, Long Yuyan's voice was much softer than usual, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Xiaofan kept looking outside the door, where is the shadow of Mr.?Xiao Xiao took a deep breath in her heart, and didn't dare to ask Long Yuyan again, but finally she was so angry that she let go of her feet and ran out.

Long Yuyan only went out to meet Ouyang Ren as a child, and didn't say much.

"Ah... sir? You're really back." Xiao Fan was running, and suddenly bumped into a wet embrace, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Mr.Xiao Fan was startled, that Mr. Long was really amazing, he thought Mr. Long was playing tricks on him, but he didn't expect Mr. Long to really come back.

"Xiaofan, what are you doing so recklessly?" Ouyang Ren has a tepid temper, but his temper as a medicine boy is on fire, so he hurried out in such an early morning.

Xiaofan didn't dare to lie, he faltered and told Ouyang Ren what happened just now, after Ouyang Ren listened, he patted Xiaofan's head and said with a smile: "Mr. Long won't be as knowledgeable as you, don't you Thinking too much, Mr. Long is well educated and reasonable, and has high martial arts skills, you should be courteous to him in the future, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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