The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 168 Helianbei's ambition

Chapter 168 Helianbei's ambition (1)
Ouyang Ren unloaded the basket for collecting herbs, and seriously educated the little boy. This kid is a ghost and spirit, but he is a little afraid of Long Yuyan. I really don't know why.

"Sir, Xiaofan understands." The little boy replied seriously.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are back." Long Yuyan's voice came from behind.

Hearing Long Yuyan's voice, Xiao Fan was shocked again, he walked without making any sound, could this be the so-called master?
"Yeah." Ouyang Ren nodded with a smile. Long Yuyan met him by chance. He said that he would visit famous doctors and travel around the world. Those who walk the world become partners and accompany them all the way.

Due to the cold weather, the three of them returned to the hut very quickly. A stove was fired in the house, which was very warm and had a homely atmosphere. tumbling.

Long Yuyan's thoughts gradually drifted away, and almost his whole heart flew out of the window. Ever since he saw those crystal clear eyes, he began to feel restless and cranky.

"Mr. Long, did you go to Heishuiya a few days ago, didn't you like it?" Ouyang Ren asked carefully when he noticed that Long Yuyan was frowning slightly.

As a doctor, Ouyang Ren can not only heal the patient's body, but also observe the patient's expression, understand the patient's mood, and prescribe the right medicine according to various situations.

Over time, even the expressions of ordinary people, Ouyang Ren can see through to some extent. Looking at Long Yuyan's expression now, it is clear that he has something on his mind.

"Mr. Ouyang, Yu Yan has already found Junior Sister." Long Yuyan sighed, and spoke slowly, with a bit of disappointment in his voice. I don't know if it's because Junior Sister didn't think of him, or Junior Sister fell in love with him. another man?
When he was in Heishuiya, he spent most of his time practicing in seclusion and rarely communicated with others. On the rivers and lakes, Ouyang Ren can be said to be the person he has known the longest.

Long Yuyan himself didn't know why, but he was willing to confide his heart to Ouyang Ren. Perhaps, it was because he and Ouyang Ren were more sympathetic, and Ouyang Ren had rich experience in the world.

"That's a big happy event. Why is Mr. Long so sad and preoccupied?" Ouyang Ren asked suspiciously.Long Yuyan has always been thinking about his little junior sister, now that he has found it, why is he so unhappy?

Although he and Long Yuyan didn't know each other for many days, Long Yuyan's personality left a deep impression on him. He is a sincere, stable and reassuring man.

Long Yuyan is 25 years old, and he is already in his thirties. Although they are almost ten years apart in age, they can still find many common topics, which is very rare!Now that he found his junior junior sister, he should be happy, why is he still so sad?
"Mr. Ouyang, my little junior sister is the red bamboo fragrance you mentioned not long ago!" Long Yuyan took a deep breath and finally said this.

The pupils dilated in an instant, and an unbelievable light flashed in Ouyang Ren's eyes. Long Yuyan's junior sister turned out to be Junior Brother Xiao Tianzhan, no, now she is Junior Brother Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and he is his fiancee for life. Moreover, there are many others in the world. Rumors about Hongzhuxiang.

Ouyang Ren suddenly didn't know what to say. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was the master's favorite disciple. At the beginning, because he devoted himself to studying medicine, the master kicked him out of the master's school in a fit of anger. Later, he met his junior brother Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and finally ended the master's plan. Long cherished wish.

"Mr. Long, no matter who she is, she is your little junior sister after all. This is an unchangeable fact, and your brother-sister relationship will not change." Ouyang Ren comforted.

"Mr. Ouyang, you don't know, Junior Sister fell in love with that man. He was a complicated, powerful, and unfathomable man. I was very worried. Moreover, Junior Sister seemed to have forgotten me. Until the end, she also Didn't think of me as a senior brother." Long Yuyan said in pain, and the situation he saw on the Black Water Cliff involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Ouyang Ren knew that the unfathomable man in Long Yuyan's mouth was Junior Brother Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and he was indeed as Long Ruhuo said, but his love for Miss Xiang'er must be sincere.

One is his junior brother, and the other is a good friend who trusts him. It's really embarrassing to be caught in the middle, so let's just say it straight.

"Master Long, the man your little junior sister fell in love with is my junior brother. Although I was kicked out of the school by the master more than ten years ago, I never gave up begging for the master's forgiveness. Junior brother Zhan is Master's proud disciple is excellent in all aspects, and he should not disappoint your little junior sister." Ouyang Ren took a deep breath, but his eyes were fixed on Long Yuyan.

"Mr. Ouyang, you said that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is your younger brother?" Long Yuyan was shocked that Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Ouyang Ren were from the same school.

"Yes, we are all apprentices of Master Miaoshou. Because I only want to study medicine, I haven't been able to learn other skills from Master. Brother Zhan is a master of literature and martial arts. He is not only strong in martial arts, excellent in medicine, but also proficient in the art of war and formation. , imperial power in the world, strategizing, such an excellent man is rare in the world! Mr. Long should be happy for your little junior sister!"

Long Yuyan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He had also seen the exchange of love between his junior sister and Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and when he heard Ouyang Ren say this, he really couldn't find any excuses.Xuanyuan Tianzhan is so good, he is indeed a man worthy of entrustment, but he is too powerful, will he be the beloved of the junior sister?
"Mr. Long, Miss Xiang'er is no longer the little Ding Dong she used to be. She has grown up and has her own judgment and ideas." As if seeing Long Ruhuo's worry, Ouyang Ren continued.

Long Yuyan was startled, and instantly sobered up, yes, whether it was the cold temperament of the little junior sister, or the decisive way of doing things, they were no longer the Tinker Bell in his memory, everything had changed.

Maybe, as long as he sees his junior sister happy, he will be happy, but why is his heart hurting so much?Why is the brain so blank?If so, what's the point of him going to her?
He has Xuanyuan Tianzhan, so he no longer needs him as a senior brother, no, he wants to see his junior sister happy, see her put on her wedding dress, and see her happy life with his own eyes.

Long Yuyan suddenly felt that this was a beautiful thing, and he didn't want to miss any time in her life.The man seemed to have found another motivation for himself, and another excuse to move forward. He was finally full of faith and anticipation again.

Shengjing, Fengyang Palace.

After the crown prince was killed, Murong Rui did not treat the queen very well. Murong Rui's mother and concubine Concubine Shen died early, and he was fostered under the name of the queen since he was a child. Although the queen did not treat him as well as her own son, she still had some affection for nurturing him .

(End of this chapter)

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