Chapter 180 Counterattack (1)
Master Xuankong was surprised to see a huge change in the chess game. Hong Zhuxiang's move seemed to be a dead move, but it actually brought life to the surrounding pieces. No matter how he played next, he could no longer trap her.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" Yun Feihong praised three wonderful words in succession, yes, just like what Xiang'er said, give up what you have to do, otherwise you will put yourself in prison.

Playing chess is like life. In various conflicts of interest, only by resolutely giving up something can you get what you want. The same is true of Xiang'er's thinking in playing chess. The sacrifice of some white pieces will bring about a turn for the whole game.

Mingyue looked at her master in disbelief. If she remembers correctly, the master spent a few days studying chess. It seems that he has never actually played against anyone. How could he improve so fast?
Xue Yinghua's eyes are constantly changing, is Hong Zhuxiang really just a woman who runs a singing and dancing studio?Why does it feel like she has an earth-shattering secret?

"Miss Xiang'er acted boldly and decisively. I admire her, but it's a little risky to do so." Master Xuankong said in an inscrutable way.

"Master, in Xiang'er's view, life is an adventure. Every step is a risk. There has never been a truly peaceful and quiet world. Even if the master lives in seclusion in Qingshan Temple, he is still taking risks. The master accepts us and lets us live in Qingshan Temple. Isn't it just an adventure?" Hong Zhuxiang said faintly.

"Miss Xiang'er is really beyond the reach of ordinary women! I have a jar of good wine. I heard that Miss Xiang'er loves good wine, so I gave it to Miss Xiang'er." Master Xuankong's eyes were full of smiles, and he was in an unprecedented mood. Well, it's also fate that Miss Xiang'er can break the chess game!

"Master is a monk, how can he drink alcohol?" Mingyue asked suspiciously.

"Uh...hahaha... This was originally prepared for the old man Master Miaoshou, but he didn't come to Qingshan Temple recently, so he gave it to Miss Xiang'er to drink with a few of them." Master Xuankong laughed loudly.

In the evening, everyone drank perfect wine and took a bath early to fall asleep. Hongzhuxiang sent someone to take care of Murongyan, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. She was always on guard against the troops in Helianbei, but Qingshan Temple seemed strangely quiet. Any changes.She also entered Qingshan Temple with a little fantasy, but she didn't expect that He Lianbei really didn't do anything at Qingshan Temple.

The red bamboo fragrance flew up to the roof, looking up at the starry sky, the bright moon was like a hook, shining brightly, and the wide sky seemed to attract people into it. Perhaps, Ah Zhan was also looking at the same night sky as her.

Thinking of that domineering man, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly missed him terribly in her heart. Although she had only seen him for a few days, it seemed like a long time, he should have returned to Hanhai Kingdom!
Thinking about it, Hong Zhuxiang actually fell asleep on the roof. Slowly, the woman was getting better and better, and she seemed to see the man she was thinking of, his jealous expression, his domineering and urgent kiss She, he gently straightened her hair, bit by bit, full of bosom.

Suddenly, a man in black appeared on the roof. His handsome face was calm and resolute, with clear outlines, as if walking from the moonlight, and his beautiful eyes were like shooting stars across the sky.

Long Yuyan slowly approached the red bamboo fragrance, and gave her a smell of Anshenxiang, which can make people sleep more comfortably. The man's white and warm hands stroked the red bamboo fragrance's face, and the little face was sleepy and sweet , as if dreaming a sweet dream, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth.

Long Yuyan couldn't help sighing, she was in such a difficult situation, and she fell asleep leaning on the roof, smiling so happily, it seemed that she was really dreaming, but Xiang'er's face turned pale, as if she was too tired Due to God.

Long Yuyan couldn't bear to wake up Hong Zhuxiang, but couldn't help wanting to come out to see her when she was asleep. No matter how many years passed, she was always his Tinkerbell, the Tinkerbell that he dreamed of .

Gently caressing the woman's face, Long Yuyan stared at her. After a long while, he took out a pill from the celadon bottle. It was a condensing qi and blood-tonifying pill that he got from Mr. Ouyang. The effect of nourishing blood and beautifying skin.

"Hey, open your mouth." Long Yuyan whispered softly, his movements were extremely skillful, although it had been so many years, the scene of him feeding her medicine was still in front of his eyes every time.

At that time, Xiang'er was poisoned by the dark pavilion. Although Master Xiaoyao used his true energy to force him to suppress it, the poison would still flare up frequently. He often gave Xiang'er medicine pills according to the master's instructions, and sometimes Xiang'er fainted Shen Chen, but still obediently opened his mouth to eat, until later, even when Xiang'er was asleep, whenever he heard this sentence, he would open his mouth slightly.

Hong Zhuxiang obediently ate the condensing qi and nourishing blood pills, and even stretched out her small tongue to lick her lips, seeming to enjoy it very much. The seductive petite red lips made Long Yuyan's throat tighten, and he dared not look directly at this beautiful picture. face.

What's terrible is that a pair of small hands suddenly grabbed his arm and hugged him tightly. Long Yuyan thought she was about to wake up and was reluctant to leave, but saw her sleeping soundly with her arm in his arms. There was no time to wake up. Meaning, I couldn't help but stop my steps to leave.

"She actually treated me like a pillow, she's such a cute little girl." Long Yuyan smiled lowly, with a sexy voice flowing from his throat.

With the ups and downs of the woman's breathing, the soft touch of the small hands eroded Long Yuyan's reason one by one. Looking at her delicate red lips again, Long Yuyan bent down involuntarily, and couldn't help but want to kiss her.

His self-control has always been very strong, but now his mind seems uncontrollable, and he can't wait to grab that piece of sweetness. Just when his lips are about to touch the soft spot, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly made a sound, murmuring Murmur talking in sleep.


Long Yuyan felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. She actually called Xuanyuan Tianzhan's name, and she never forgot that man even in her sleep. Long Yuyan suddenly wanted to withdraw her arm. As soon as her body moved, the woman frowned, very Displeased.

"Ah Zhan, don't go!"

Long Yuyan took a heavy breath, and his handsome face was stained black. He could tolerate Xiang'er not remembering him as a big brother, but he couldn't tolerate her thinking of him as Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Ah Zhan, I miss you so much!" Hong Zhuxiang continued to call the name of the man she loved, completely unaware that the arm she was holding now belonged to the elder brother.

Long Yuyan stared at Red Bamboo Fragrance in pain, only to see that the woman's face was reddish, with the happiness of a little woman on her face. Long Yuyan raised his other empty hand, and his nails dug into the flesh, dripping with blood.

The pain in the palm made Long Yuyan wake up instantly. Xiang'er loves Xuanyuan Tianzhan. He can't do anything to be sorry for Xiang'er, not even kiss her. He is afraid that he will become addicted and fascinated. She is just what he wants. The person he wants to protect is not the person he wants to possess.

Even though Xiang'er was holding him, she was thinking of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, even though she had long forgotten his existence, he just wanted to protect his little junior sister, his little Ding Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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