Chapter 181 Counterattack (2)
"Ah Zhan, you are the most reassuring person in the world, and so is senior brother!" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly said in a daze.

"Xiang'er, what did you say?" Long Yuyan's whole body trembled, he couldn't help doubting his ears, all his nerves tensed up, the throbbing that had been suppressed burst out of his heart instantly, and became rampant.

Hong Zhuxiang turned around and found a comfortable position, and continued to sleep with Long Yuyan's arm in her arms, not knowing that Long Yuyan's heart was already agitated by her at this time, and she was very anxious.

Long Yuyan stared closely at the woman's lips, as if he wanted to hear something from there, but Hong Zhuxiang didn't say anything Long Yuyan wanted to hear except for calling Xuanyuan Tianzhan's name.

"What's so good about that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan?" Long Yuyan cursed in a low voice, that complicated, deep and man, Xiang'er must have been fooled by him to love him so much.

Long Yuyan complained to himself, and the night could not hide his hostility. Suddenly, he felt a strong vibration in the air, Long Yuyan's black eyes sank, and he quickly left the sleeping woman.

Murong Rui jumped onto the roof, and saw Hong Zhuxiang's sleeping face at a glance. Without thinking, he took off his coat and put it on Hong Zhuxiang, wrapped her tightly, and hugged her tightly. in arms.

"Fool, as soon as I saw you were not in the room, I knew you would be on the roof. Besides the roof, can't you find another place? It's so cold up here, you'll catch cold when you sleep, don't you know how to take good care of yourself? "Murong Rui was talking to himself, and he didn't care that Hong Zhuxiang was asleep now.

Long Yuyan paused in the dark, and Murong Rui's tone was affectionate and slightly reproachful, with deep affection and obvious love. It seems that the rumors about Xiang'er and Murong Rui's confidante are indeed true , Murong Rui's love for Xiang'er is no less than that of Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"What's so good about that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan? He's domineering and jealous. Xiang'er doesn't know. He's an extremely black-bellied man. He's already set up a trick to lure you into the bait. You don't even know how sophisticated his methods are. " Murong Rui seemed to be addicted to it, looking at the red bamboo fragrance for a while, and looking at the moon in the sky for a while, his tone was very bad.

"For a man like him, the first time he appeared in the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion, it was impossible for his purpose to be pure. Xiang'er is so smart, why didn't he find out?" Murong Rui's eyebrows were tinged with anger, and he hugged the woman even tighter with both hands. tight.

"Xiang'er, we have known each other for almost three years. It would be great if there was no Xuanyuan Tianzhan! Maybe there would be no Xuanyuan Tianzhan, now you are my queen, we will live happily together, and maybe have children." Murong Rui There was a look of happiness on his face, and that beautiful picture was outlined in his heart.

Sitting on the roof for a long time, Murong Rui didn't know how much he had said about Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Gradually feeling the coldness of the night, the man raised his hand and squeezed the little hand under the brocade robe. , Still unable to block the cold wind, Murong Rui frowned, got up and carried him back to the room.

Wuying's annoyed luck rushed to open his meridians, someone tapped his acupuncture points just now, what is the purpose of this person?He is responsible for the safety of the princess, and now he doesn't know how the princess is doing?Thinking of this, Wuying quickly flew to Hongzhuxiang's room.

"Princess, are you alright?" Wuying knocked lightly on the door and called out at the door.

Hongzhuxiang fell into a drowsy sleep, heard Wuying calling her, and lazily replied "nothing", just about to lie down to sleep again, but saw a man sitting beside the bed, Hongzhuxiang's drowsiness suddenly fell After more than half of the trip, she could already smell his breath, it was Murong Rui's smell!
"Rui, why are you here?" Hong Zhuxiang clearly remembered that she was watching the stars on the roof, did she accidentally fall asleep, and Rui carried her back to the room?When did he come to Qingshan Temple?

"You're such a grown-up, and you don't know how to take good care of yourself. The weather is so cold that you actually fell asleep on the roof. Let alone accidentally falling, even this weather can freeze you into an ice cube. "Murong Rui reproached.

"Also, why did you go back to Shengjing without saying a word? Don't tell me you don't know the plans of the King of Beixiang and the Queen Mother? What if you are caught by them?" Murong Rui complained sentence by sentence. It's full of worries and dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, like a housekeeper!" Hong Zhuxiang laughed strangely, lit the candle, and flicked the wick, the candle light instantly burned.

Long Yuyan looked at the suddenly lit lights, and slowly left the room, his dark eyes were stained with a touch of sadness, and somewhere in his heart was aching.At least, Murong Rui can still chat with Xiang'er freely like this, but he is the one who is not remembered by Xiang'er!

Murong Rui raised his eyebrows, Xiang'er said he was the housekeeper?Then he should take care of it a little more, it's best to keep her by his side, so that the man Xuanyuan Tianzhan can also taste what it's like without Xiang'er by his side.

"Xiang'er, since we're back in Shengjing, we're going to stay for a while longer. You said you wanted to go to the palace, but you haven't had time to go. When Helianbei is cleaned up, I'll take Xiang'er for a stroll. How about the palace?" Murong Rui asked seductively.

Wuying gritted his teeth secretly, could it be that Murong Rui tapped his acupoints and took the opportunity to enter the princess' room. It's late at night, and Murong Rui doesn't know what evil intentions it has?Princess, don't forget my prince!

"Not good?" Hong Zhuxiang muttered, after He Lianbei was cleaned up, she was going to find Ah Zhan!

"Xiang'er, haven't you always wanted to go to the palace to be a tyrant? With my support, you can do whatever you want? The whole palace is up to you, isn't that okay?" Murong Rui continued to seduce Well, he has figured out Xiang'er's temperament a long time ago, and she will definitely agree.

Hong Zhuxiang was really moved. She has always been curious about every corner of the palace. Although going to the palace is not an adventure, it can satisfy her curiosity and gain some knowledge. Even Ah Zhan can take her to visit the palace of Hanhai Kingdom. But the palaces of the two countries are different after all, she still wants to visit the Shengtian Palace.

"No, who told you to make me a queen without permission? If I go to Shengjing with you, won't I be the queen of Shengtian by default? You know that I like the vinegar jar." Hong Zhuxiang said very clearly, Murong Rui was taken aback for a moment, and then recovered his natural look.

Wuying was overjoyed, it seemed that the princess was still thinking about her lord, and she even admitted that she liked him in front of Murong Rui. He must truthfully pass the letter back to Hanhai Kingdom, and the lord would be very happy to hear it.

"Xiang'er, it's not that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan who is angry. Even if you like him, you can't deny the fact that he announced in advance that he and you will have a private life. If he hadn't been ruthless, I wouldn't be so impulsive. You know, I have always been calm in my work, but that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan pissed me off."

(End of this chapter)

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