The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 184 The Punching Bag Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 184 The Punching Bag Delivered to Your Door (1)
"Is this the first step for the prince to annex the Shengtian Dynasty?" Che Ziyou asked with a smile on his lips.

"It's just to play with Murong Rui and cause some trouble for him." Without the relationship between Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui, Xuanyuan Tianzhan planned to kill Murong Rui directly, but considering Xiang'er, he couldn't Do anything casually to Murong Rui, unless Xiang'er really fully understands him.

Murong Rui covets Xiang'er, but he can't let him die in his own hands, so he can only be in a hurry and has no time to take care of it. He Xuanyuan Tianzhan swears that if Xiang'er doesn't obediently return to Hanhai Kingdom, he will give Murong Rui a lot of gifts .

"Using Murong Rui's methods, I'm afraid these troubles will be resolved soon." Che Zili knew a lot about Murong Rui, and Murong Rui was not a man who was always gentle.

"Wu Zing, tell the prime minister about the progress of the western countries." Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Wu Zing a look, motioning him to say what he wanted to say.

"Prime Minister Che, do you still remember Xiyuewei? He is the eldest son of the Emperor Xiyue, known as the Prince of the Western Regions. He has made a lot of moves recently. Now he is not only satisfied with robbing some gold, silver and jewels. He will soon send troops to attack the west of Shengtian. Gateway——Yucheng, the prime minister said Murong Rui still has time to take care of so much?" Wu Zing was in charge of contacting the secret guards of the western countries, so he naturally knew everything about it.

"My lord, you couldn't be the one who did it secretly, right?" Che Zili looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, turning his hand into clouds and rain!
"The situation in the world is such that this king can control it alone? Yucheng has long been crumbling. Although Xiyuewei is from the Xiyue Kingdom, he has kindness in his heart, and the people of Yucheng will not be slaughtered bloody. Besides, The current situation of Yucheng will fall into his hands sooner or later." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said indifferently, he just followed the situation, the Shengtian Dynasty has already been full of holes, and now all countries are staring at this piece of fat.

Yun Feihong expressed his shock at Murong Rui's sudden appearance in Qingshan Temple. He remembered that Xiang'er avoided Murong Rui when he was in Maple Leaf Valley, but now they get along very well.

If it is said that Murong Rui and Xiang'er got along like this before, then he was very worried about the jealous vat in Hanhai Kingdom. Wuying might have passed the matter of Murong Rui back to Hanhai Kingdom. What will Brother Zhan do?
Xue Yinghua couldn't restrain her excitement for a long time, and her whole body trembled. When she opened her eyes in the morning and went out, she saw him in Tsing Yi. His handsome face was still warm and moist, like a spring breeze blowing through her heart, even in the cold winter months, It also makes people feel warm, time seems to go backwards, back to the most beautiful time in Youcheng.

She knew that following Hongzhuxiang would bring unexpected gains, but she did not expect to see him here. Although he is a high-ranking emperor and has always emphasized that she wants to call him emperor brother or elder brother, she can see him here , I was already very happy in my heart, so why would I mind so much?
Hongzhuxiang sat leisurely on the stone table, the small stone in her hand flew out suddenly, drew a beautiful parabola, and hit a certain corner, making a crisp and pleasant sound.Dead trees, broken branches, fallen leaves, and the severe cold can't affect the mood of the woman in the slightest. She is dressed in red, and she is extremely coquettish.

With a smile on his face, Murong Rui looked at the mischievous woman in front of him seriously, and felt that the most beautiful time in life was nothing more than this. There was a woman he loved who sat quietly in front of the court with him, watching the flowers bloom and fall in the yard, even if he didn't say anything. Said, is also a kind of enjoyment.

Sensing Murong Rui's gaze, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly stopped moving, resting her chin with her hands, looking deep, thinking about something.

"Princess, are you thinking about my lord?" Wu Ying laughed and squeezed in front of Hong Zhuxiang, just blocking Murong Rui's sight.

Hong Zhuxiang raised her head and guessed Wuying's motive without even thinking about it. Wuying is really not easy, not to mention being a good guard, but also responsible for helping her prince to look after the princess.

Murong Rui's eyes suddenly deepened, and a pair of black eyes stared straight at Wuying's back, as if he wanted to see through Wuying. Xuanyuan Tianzhan really defended him very well, and even a mere subordinate was so conscious. , he has to learn from that man.

"Yeah, I really miss that vinegar jar." Hong Zhuxiang didn't deny her inner thoughts because of Murong Rui's presence. From the moment she left Heishuiya, she began to miss him and his handsome face. Think of his tenderness, his thoughtfulness, the fragrance of his body, and even his overbearing.

What a lingering man, he always occupied her heart, as long as she had time, her mind was full of him.

Murong Rui's body trembled, and then he regained his composure, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Wuying originally wanted to annoy Murong Rui, but he didn't expect Murongrui to have no reaction. The look of his own princess turned sad, and Wuying felt a little annoyed and a little guilty.

Perhaps, although the friendship between the princess and Murong Rui is quite good, the princess has a deep love for her prince, and he can see the look of missing the princess, which is so sincere.Therefore, he couldn't let Murong Rui spoil the situation, and couldn't let Murong Rui ruin the relationship between his prince and princess.

"Xiang'er, what do you want him to do? He is strong and strong, can eat and drink, what else can happen? Besides, there are many beauties in Hanhai Country, maybe he is hugging left and right now, so he is very comfortable."

Hongzhuxiang was speechless, Rui's tone and way of speaking are really different from before, it seems that this guy is also changing the way of getting along with her.

Before Hongzhuxiang could answer, Mingyue's cheerful voice came from outside the door.

"Master, the soul has returned." Mingyue has been guarding the gate of the temple waiting for the news. Thanks to Lord Zhan leaving behind so many experts, otherwise it would not be so easy to deal with Helianbei's people with the people of Xiangge alone.

While talking, a woman in black came hurriedly. She walked steadily, her face was calm, and she looked unfazed. This is the first time that Hongzhuxiang saw Huihun in the daytime. A peerless beauty.I really don't know where did Ah Zhan recruit such a character?

"Go into the room and talk." Hong Zhuxiang smiled lightly.

Murong Rui felt strange. Although Xiang'er used Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people to help him, these people were Xuanyuan Tianzhan's subordinates after all, and he didn't want to get involved with them too much. In other words, Xuanyuan Tianzhan Having saved him several times, and now keeping my own people by Xiang'er's side, it really makes people feel uncomfortable.

Hong Zhuxiang glanced at Murong Rui who had stopped, and motioned for everyone to enter the room. She really didn't understand why a man cares so much because he can bend and stretch.As long as it is helpful to me, whoever it is!
"Murong Rui, what does it matter to you if I use that jealous person? It's all my own business. I killed Murong Xiang, and I'm the one the Queen Mother wants to take revenge on. Naturally, I'll take care of it. You can treat it as if it's your fault." You're doing me a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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