The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 185 The Punching Bag Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 185 The Punching Bag Delivered to Your Door (2)
Hong Zhuxiang has always had a lot of fallacies. She knows that Murong Rui, like Ah Zhan, is an extremely strong person. If it is not forced, no one will accept the other's help.

Just like the last time at Heishuiya, Ah Zhan would rather risk the lives of 2000 people than have anything to do with Murong Rui, even if it was just a single identity. Murong Rui's current situation must be the same .But she didn't want to worry about it so much, she just tried her best to use the powerful conditions to achieve her goal.

"Xiang'er, what's your reasoning? It's Helianbei who wants to rob me of my country. What do you have that is worth his shot? You're a little girl, why would he put so much thought into dealing with you?" Murong Rui also moved out. own reason.

"I'm too lazy to tell you so much. If you like to listen or not, if you don't listen, you can do your own thing. I don't think we need to deal with Helianbei together. I will take people back to Hanhai Kingdom to find that vinegar jar immediately. He won't be like that." You are so stubborn." Hong Zhuxiang said angrily.

Xiang'er wants to go back to Hanhai Country, so is that okay?Murong Rui pouted, and entered the room very unwillingly, Hong Zhuxiang laughed lowly, it seems that threats are the best way!

"Princess, we have been following Han Bingyu, and she ended up entering a mansion in Shengjing. That place is extremely hidden. We followed in and found that Helian Bei lived there. Moreover, we accidentally discovered that Long Ruhuo was also in the mansion. Now the situation is exactly the same as our original guess, both Frost Jade and Long Ruhuo are from Helianbei."

"Any other discoveries?" Hong Zhuxiang knew that Huihun would not take the risk to come to Qingshan Temple if there was only such a little news.

"He Lianbei originally planned to wait for the opportunity to kill the princess when the princess came to Shengjing to satisfy the Queen Mother Helian Fengyang's request, but after learning that the princess came to Qingshan Temple, He Lianbei did not dare to do it easily, so, He doesn't plan to cooperate with Helian Fengyang anymore, he wants to directly announce to the minister that Emperor Sheng Tian was killed during a private visit in Weibo."

"Now it is rumored that the second prince, Murong Ran, is unwilling to be under Emperor Sheng Tian and is trying to rebel. He Lianbei plans to kill two birds with one stone. First let everyone admit that the emperor is dead, and then attack the second prince, saying that the second prince killed him. Your majesty, in fact, everything was made up by him at will."

"At first, we didn't understand why Helianbei was so confident. Later, I sent people into the palace to investigate secretly, only to find out that Helianbei has arranged his own masters in almost every corner, trying to force the ministers to Surrender, in other words, is to kill anyone who refuses to obey. Many people in the court have died of illness or disappeared for no reason. It can be said that almost the entire Shengjing is full of people from Helianbei."

"Rui, you already knew about Helianbei's plan, right?" Hong Zhuxiang saw Murong Rui's expression was calm, and felt that he must have known about the situation beforehand, but how much he knew exactly was unknown.

"Yeah." Murong Rui nodded and admitted.

"Then what are you going to do?" Since Murong Rui had discovered this a long time ago, he must have his own arrangements and should listen to his plans first.

"It is impossible for the Second Emperor to betray, and I have already contacted him secretly. I told him to keep his face and tolerate Helianbei's arrogance for the time being. As for the general Xue Yang, he will not betray. The newly appointed Shangshu Liu Weihai and Household Minister Li Tianyou are both important ministers in the court and my confidantes."

"Are you sure that Helianbei doesn't know about your secret contact with them?" Since Helianbei has sent someone to monitor the minister's mansion, Murong Rui must be very careful when contacting them, otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you will be very careful. identity exposed.

"I only contact them every time I change my face. I believe that He Lianbei will not know. Now that I come to Qingshan Temple, I keep it very secret. Except for Leng Feng, almost no one knows." Murong Rui is full of confidence. If it is so top-secret that Helianbei finds out, then Helianbei is a god, but it is a pity that he is human.

"If I was the only one in Qingshan Temple, Helianbei would not have paid such a high price to attack Qingshan Temple, but if he knew that you were in Qingshan Temple, it would be different. He has deployed so many masters in Shengjing , in order to kill you, so we must not let him know your whereabouts." Hong Zhuxiang said seriously.

"Xiang'er is right!"

"What do you and the court ministers decide to do?"

"Don't worry, Xiang'er, Shengjing has long been in my hands. Although the imperial guards surrender to Helianbei on the surface, they are actually all my people. The armored guards and the imperial hidden guards are also ready. It's all hidden among ordinary people, and Helianbei's ambition to usurp the throne will be exposed soon." Murong Rui's eyes were firm, as if he was determined to win.

"Are you going to show up in public?" Hong Zhuxiang was a little worried, if Murong Rui showed up in public, it would definitely lead to death.

"Yes, as soon as Helianbei announces that I died during a private visit on Weibo, I will appear in Shengjing publicly. Brother Erhuang and Old General Xue will also try their best to cooperate. At that time, everyone will stand up and expose Helian North's plot."

"But the most important thing right now is your safety. If you go out so rashly, won't you be exposed to Helianbei's eyes? How could he let you go so easily?" This is what Hong Zhuxiang is worried about. After all, Well, what everyone is afraid of is Helianbei's strength.

It is said that Helianbei has many masters, all of them are extremely brave, and Helianbei's 40 army in the northern part of Shengtian has already advanced, and is stationed at Tianmen Pass not far from Shengjing, and may enter Shengjing at any time.

"Xiang'er, I've already talked with Helian Bei's son, Helian Yufeng. He won't let the army enter Shengjing. Even if Helian Yufeng breaks his promise and comes to Shengjing, it doesn't matter. The general can mobilize troops from all over the country. , Qin Tianyi's 50 troops in Youcheng are also slowly moving towards Shengjing."

"It seems that I am really worrying for nothing. I knew that I should go back to Hanhai Kingdom with Ah Zhan and live a good life." Only then did Hong Zhuxiang truly understand that Murong Rui is really as the jealous jar said, it is not easy!
"Xiang'er, without you, it would be meaningless for me to own the whole country. You can't just go back to Hanhai Kingdom, and you promised to visit the Shengtian Palace with me. You can't break your promise!"

As soon as Murong Rui said this, everyone in the room looked at him unkindly, especially Wu Ying and Hui Hun. If the eyes could kill, Murong Rui might have been killed long ago.

"I won't break my promise, it's not too late to leave after visiting the palace." Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes and said angrily, why does she feel that she doesn't even have the most basic freedom now?
"Your Majesty, there has been a change outside. The Empress Dowager brought 2000 people to Qingshan Temple to ask for someone. She said that the empress had captured Princess Yunyan and Princess Jinghua, and they are now hiding in Qingshan Temple. The Empress Dowager threatened to wash Qingshan Temple with blood and rescue Princess Yunyan and Jinghua. Princess, what should I do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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