The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 186 Under the Imperial Power

Chapter 186 Under the Imperial Power

Many people looked at the empress with Lengfeng's voice, but Hongzhuxiang didn't want to be too fussy, but when she went to the palace, she had to disguise herself as a man to hide her identity.

Leng Feng rubbed his nose. It seems that it is better not to use names indiscriminately in the future. The current situation is really embarrassing. Who makes people over there so powerful?However, the emperor seems to be in a good mood!
"It's just in time!" Hong Zhuxiang hooked her lips into a smile, she was indeed a brainless woman, did she come to save her daughter, or wanted to avenge her son?
"Xiang'er, here's a punching bag, let's vent it!" Murong Rui cast a look at Hong Zhuxiang, the meaning of pampering was obvious.Hong Zhuxiang could only say, well, as expected, Murong Rui knew a lot about her temperament, and she was about to vent her anger on Helian Fengyang.

Outside the gate of Qingshan Temple, there are rows of guards in black with knives standing neatly on both sides, looking solemn and solemn. Helian Fengyang is dressed in luxurious palace attire, with dazzling golden hairpins on her head, and jade hairpins. rich.

Although Qingshan Temple is spacious inside, the road outside is not smooth, the carriage cannot be fully driven in, even Helian Fengyang is riding a horse, Hongzhuxiang is surprised, that old woman can ride a horse, why is she not on the road Throw her to death?
"The old benefactor came to Qingshan Temple to petition or ask for a lottery?" Master Xuankong stood calmly and calmly in front of the group with a cassock and a smile on his face.

"Master Xuankong, the Ai family has always respected you as a generation of eminent monks, but they didn't expect that you and Hong Zhuxiang kidnapped the daughter of the Ai family, Princess Yunyan. The Ai family saw with their own eyes that Hong Zhuxiang grabbed Yan'er and hid it in Qingshan Temple. , do you know that what you committed was a capital crime?" Helian Fengyang looked domineering.

The old monk Xuankong actually called her the old benefactor, did he really think she was an old woman?It's fine if she doesn't recognize her as the queen mother, but she dared to cover up Hong Zhuxiang and caught Yan'er. You know, this Qingshan Temple is in Shengtian's territory, and it's not his turn to be presumptuous as an old monk.

"Empress Dowager, Miss Xiang'er didn't hurt Princess Yunyan at all, so why bother to mobilize people to fight? In my opinion, peace is the most important thing." Although Master Xuankong knew that Prince Zhan and Miss Xiang'er had already laid an ambush outside Qingshan Temple Sagittarius, but the monks are compassionate, and he still doesn't want to see the bloody scene directly.

"Smelly monk, you talk a lot of nonsense, I order you to hand over your person quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for blood-washing Qingshan Temple." When will it be the turn of a stinky monk to point fingers at what was decided by her majestic queen mother?

Helian Fengyang doesn't know martial arts, so she doesn't know that there are many masters ambushing all around, and that these 2000 troops were obtained from Helianbei after all her efforts.

He Lianbei said that he didn't have many troops stationed in Shengjing, and only gave her 2000 people. However, since he is from Helianbei, he should be a master of the best, and it must be enough to deal with Qingshan Temple.

Hong Zhuxiang could only sigh, all pampered women have one problem, that is, they are arrogant and unreasonable, domineering, and always self-centered, especially this kind of women who have a certain amount of power, it is even more unreasonable, they really think that people in the world Should everyone surrender at their own feet?

"Old benefactor, since you are the empress dowager of a country, it is better not to lose your status." Master Xuankong was still calm, showing the mind and bearing of a generation of eminent monks to the fullest.

"Smelly Monk, if you continue to be obsessed and refuse to hand over the red bamboo incense, don't blame the Ai family for being rude." Helian Fengyang had already made up her mind, whether Xuankong handed over or not, she would Finding an excuse to kill Hong Zhuxiang, the only thing she wants to do now is to avenge Xiang'er.

Hearing Helian Fengyang's yelling, Hong Zhuxiang felt that she should be taught a lesson, lest she spray dung all over her mouth and pollute the landscape of Qingshan Temple.

Walking down the steps slowly, Hongzhuxiang stared at Helian Fengyang with a smile that was not a smile. She was aloof and temperamental, and instantly condensed the flowing air. Everyone seemed to only have the proud queen-like woman in red in their eyes.

Mingyue and Wuying behind him were also shocked, the master seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant, this natural aura seemed to be able to conquer people in just an instant.

"Ugly old woman, why are your eyes so big? Did you get scared when I came out?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled charmingly, her voice full of banter.

Helian Fengyang's pupils shrank again and again, not seeing each other for half a year, this woman is even more sinister and arrogant than before, especially her red dress, which is absolutely stunning, paired with a bright red Firefox shawl, is really a monster reborn.What's even worse is that she actually called herself an ugly old woman, which is tolerable or unbearable. Just as Helian Fengyang was about to speak, she was preempted by an abrupt laugh!

"Pfft...Master, look at the rouge on her face, it's probably thicker than the city wall,'s still falling down, it really polluted the treasure land of Qingshan Temple." Mingyue smiled and looked at He Lian Fengyang looked disgusted.

"Thickness is not rouge, it's shame, so the princess said she is an ugly old woman? I think the beggars on the street are prettier than her." Wu Ying began to use his imagination, adding fuel and vinegar.

Qin Mingyue was startled. This was the first time the two of them spoke after meeting Wuying again. Although they didn't speak directly, it felt like they were back to the time when they were singing together.

Hongzhuxiang admired secretly, Mingyue and Wuying are both very talented, and their cooperation is becoming more and more tacit, and they haven't discovered before that they have the ability to sing together.

"You don't know, once a person's heart becomes bad, he will easily become old and ugly, like some vicious women like snakes and scorpions, they will become ugly faster..." Hong Zhuxiang said while looking at Helian Fengyang, The meaning was obvious, Helian Fengyang was the vicious woman she was talking about.

Uh... Master Xuankong was speechless, he covered his face and slipped away, let Miss Xiang'er handle it.

Yun Lin almost fell off the roof, the princess's people were really not easy to mess with, he swore that he would never mess with the princess and the people around her, otherwise they would definitely be mobbed and attacked.

"Hong Zhuxiang, don't be too arrogant. Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui were there to help you in the past, but now they are not here. I think you still have some crazy capital? Today, the Ai family will take your skin off!" He Even Feng Yang was so angry that her mouth was crooked, they talked to each other, it really pissed her off.

As soon as she saw Hongzhuxiang's incomparable arrogance, she thought of how tragic Xiang'er's death was. If it wasn't for Hongzhuxiang's presence, Murong Rui would have let Xianger go without worrying about brotherhood. woman!

"I'm different from some old women. I don't need a man's protection, and I can live a good life by myself. Unlike some people, who help outsiders to usurp their husband's family right after his death. It's really sinister. " Hong Zhuxiang explained Helian Fengyang's ugliness in one word.

(End of this chapter)

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