The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 189 The Best Mother and Daughter

Chapter 189 The Best Mother and Daughter (1)
"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you in turn?" Helian Fengyang asked suddenly, she didn't believe that Hong Zhuxiang would let her see Yan'er, shouldn't she be on guard against herself?
"Wait until you have that ability, but I warn you, if you want to kill me, you'd better do it in one step. If you accidentally provoke me again, your life will be over. I won't be so kind all the time. " Hong Zhuxiang smiled disdainfully.

Helian Fengyang didn't forget that she annoyed Hongzhuxiang because she called a little bitch, now the whole Qingshan Temple is standing by Hongzhuxiang, how could she still provoke her?
Mingyue snorted softly, "I don't know a good heart", then walked to Hong Zhuxiang on her own, not looking at Helian Fengyang's old state, she is really a deep-hearted woman in the palace.

"Xiang'er, you are not allowed to take risks casually in the future, do you know that I was worried just now?" Murong Rui walked slowly, scolding softly, but his eyes were doting.

Helian Fengyang was taken aback, how could Murong Rui be here?It turned out that he and Hong Zhuxiang had teamed up a long time ago, but it's a pity that He Lianbei didn't know about this matter. If he knew, he might have sent people to sweep Qingshan Temple.


"Rui'er, did you hear the queen mother calling you?" Helian Fengyang's lips trembled, to be precise, her entire body was trembling. Murong Rui's appearance was beyond her expectation.

"Rui, the ugly old lady is calling you, and you don't pay attention to others. You really don't know how to respect the old and love the young." Hong Zhuxiang blamed it funny, but the tone was extremely strange.

"Rui'er, I'm the queen mother..." Helian Fengyang roared, her expression of pain was extremely struggling, if she didn't know her sinister intentions, everyone would have been deceived by her.

"Mother's queen? Where did I get my mother's queen? I only have my mother's concubine, and my mother's concubine is Concubine Shen, who passed away very early. I still have my father, who is killed by chronic poison?" Murong Rui approached Helian Fengyang step by step, his eyes were full of coldness, and he put on the emperor's airs.

"You, how can you doubt Aijia?" Helian Fengyang was startled, could it be that Murong Rui knew about her drugging the former emperor?Impossible, she did it perfectly, how could Murong Rui know?

Hong Zhuxiang didn't suspect that Helian Fengyang would kill the late emperor, after all, he was her husband, but seeing Helian Fengyang's frightened look, it seemed as if she had really done something wrong, Yun Feihong, Yun Lin, Mingyue, Wuying and others also all looked at Helian Fengyang.

Helian Fengyang felt more and more guilty, her palms were sweating, and her footsteps were a little unsteady.

"Do I doubt you? Or are you just not calling yourself?" Murong Rui's voice suddenly amplified. The emperor passed away early so that the prince could ascend the throne as soon as possible and proclaim himself emperor.

"Rui'er, it's really not Aijia, not Aijia." Helian Fengyang was forced to retreat step by step by Murong Rui's aura, so that she staggered and fell to the ground, her face full of panic.

Seeing this, Hong Zhuxiang finally understood, Rui must have investigated the matter of Helian Fengyang killing the late emperor, this woman is really heartless, for the sake of power, she even killed her own husband, what a femme fatale!Could it be that without power, she, Helian Fengyang, would not be able to live?
"Brother Huang, don't kill the empress mother, I did it, I did everything, I poisoned the emperor father, it has nothing to do with the empress mother." Murong Yan suddenly ran out of the meditation room, crying.

The whole group was very surprised. Could it be that Murong Yan wanted to take the blame for Helian Fengyang?What a mother-child relationship!It's a pity that Hong Zhuxiang doesn't believe that there is such an affectionate mother and child in the deep palace, especially between Murong Yan and Helian Fengyang, maybe there is some unknown secret in it?
"Master, the effect of the ecstasy given to Murongyan has expired, it looks like she just woke up not long ago." Mingyue whispered in Hong Zhuxiang's ear.

Hong Zhuxiang nodded, expressing that she understands, Murong Yan came just in time, this woman in her 20s is much easier to deal with than Helian Fengyang, right?This makes things clearer.

"Princess Yunyan, how can we believe that you did it? Unless you can explain what happened clearly, the more detailed it is, the more you can clear your mother's innocence."

Wuying swallowed hard, the more detailed the better?Only when Murong Yan is mentally ill will he explain his crimes in incomparable detail!

"Yan'er, don't talk nonsense, don't be fooled by Hongzhuxiang, all this has nothing to do with you." The moment Helian Fengyang saw Murong Yan running out, her mind regained half of her sobriety.

"How does the Empress Dowager know that it has nothing to do with Princess Yunyan? Could it be that it has something to do with you, Empress Dowager?" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly approached Helian Fengyang and asked sharply.

"You don't have any evidence, so you can't spout blood." Helian Fengyang shrank back, her face was full of horror, but she firmly insisted that Hongzhuxiang had no evidence, so she couldn't be wronged casually.

"Evidence? The evidence is probably all in your nightmares, right? Killing someone to silence her is something that a vicious woman like you can't do?" Seeing luck in Helian Fengyang's eyes, Hong Zhuxiang took the opportunity to ask.

"Whatever you say, anyway, you don't have evidence and you can't wrong me, and the emperor can't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Helian Fengyang looked at Murong Rui, trying to get some words of tolerance from Murong Rui.

innocent?When hearing these two words, Hong Zhuxiang really resisted the urge to spit at Helian Fengyang, this old woman talking about innocence in front of her is really ridiculous.

"Princess Yan'er, didn't you say that you did everything? Now that you've admitted it, why don't you tell me the truth? Otherwise, on the charge of your mother's collusion with He Lianbei in rebellion, ten heads might not be enough to be beheaded." Yes, if you tell the truth, maybe I can plead with the emperor and let your mother go."

"Yan'er, don't talk nonsense, you didn't do anything, neither did your mother, it's Hongzhuxiang who wronged us!" Helian Fengyang looked like she hated iron but steel, why is her daughter so stupid?Don't be self-defeating and self-defeating!
"Brother Huang, if I tell you, will you really let the queen mother go? I just ask brother to let the queen go, Yan'er's life doesn't matter." Murong Yan cried out, with a very pitiful look, which made people feel uncomfortable. It's a pity, it's a pity, none of the men in the courtyard feel sorry for her, but I'm curious what she will say?
Murong Rui's eyes were deep and his complexion was deep, but he didn't speak. He already had the definite evidence that Helian Fengyang murdered his father. Does Murong Yan dare to fabricate the facts without shame?

"Of course, if you tell the truth about what happened, the emperor will definitely let your queen mother go!" Hong Zhuxiang threw a look at Murong Rui if you don't agree with me, and successfully made Murong Rui go away. Chrysostom.

(End of this chapter)

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