The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 190 The Best Mother and Daughter

Chapter 190 The Best Mother and Daughter (2)
"If this matter really has nothing to do with your mother's queen, I won't wrong her." Murong Rui, as "your mother's queen", put aside his relationship with Helian Fengyang, and even murdered his own husband. This woman is really the Empress Dowager Shengtian in vain!

Murong Yan seemed to see a glimmer of hope, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Hongzhuxiang saw it in his eyes, and a bigger smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this Murong Yan is indeed better than an experienced old woman!
"Brother Huang, if I explain the whole story clearly, I hope that Brother Huang can fulfill his promise and let the queen mother go. In fact, the real murderer who killed Emperor Father is Brother Prince Prince. Seeing that Emperor Father loves Brother Emperor wholeheartedly, Brother Prince Prince will dote on Brother Emperor." He wanted to kill his father and take his place, and he forced his mother to join him in murdering his father, but the mother refused, so the prince and brother threatened the mother, saying that the mother did not love him as a son."

"I saw that the prince's brother forced his mother all over the place, and I couldn't bear it, so I warned the prince's brother not to do stupid things. If he did, I would expose his conspiracy. However, the prince's brother refused to listen to the advice and insisted on going his own way. Without telling the truth to the mother, he secretly bought Xiao Xuanzi, the eunuch beside the father, and poisoned the father."

"The prince's brother brought a strange poison from outside the palace, and every time Xiao Xuanzi put a little bit of it in the meal of the father. This poison is very strange, and the silver needle can't detect the abnormality. Father's condition became more and more serious, and the imperial physician was unable to cure him. In the end, father finally couldn't bear it anymore, so..."

Speaking of this, Murong Yan wanted to cry, desperately squeezed out a tear, and pretended to wipe the corner of his eyes with his hand, it was very sad!

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault that I didn't pay attention. I thought that after I warned the prince and the prince, he would not harm the father again, but I didn't expect that he was still obsessed and made a big mistake. If I can find the prince in time Brother, if you want to murder the father again, it will not cause a great tragedy, it is all my fault that I failed to stop the crown prince, brother, please punish me, I just ask you to be magnanimous and let the queen go."

After Murong Yan finished speaking, she began to cry sadly, with a look of beating her feet and chest, regretful, Helian Fengyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although she was a little dissatisfied with Yan'er for pushing the matter onto Xiang'er, but After all, Xiang'er is dead, and Hong Zhuxiang is now dead without proof.

"Yan'er, don't cry, it's not your fault." Helian Fengyang cooperated very quickly. She was stunned just now, but wiped the corners of her eyes in a blink of an eye. Tears flowed down my face within a short period of time, master!
Hong Zhuxiang just wants to say "shit!", is there anyone in the world who can be more superb than this mother and daughter?After talking for a long time, the mother and daughter were not at fault, but it was the dead prince Murong Xiang's fault. Murong Xiang is really pitiful, he has to take the blame for his relatives after he dies, I'm afraid he will die with regret? !
It's a pity that Hong Zhuxiang is not such an easy-to-deceive person. Once she tells a lie, she has to tell more lies to cover up the lie. With the evidence, today she is determined to expose Murong Yan's blatant lie.

The evil smile was gentle, the eyebrows were wide open, and the red bamboo fragrance's beautiful face showed a strange look. Everyone was instantly attracted by this unique temperament, as if seeing that red snow lotus on the mountain again, standing proudly in the world blizzard.

After tidying up her clothes, Hong Zhuxiang waved her sleeves and started the modern review mode, with the air of a prosecutor questioning the crime. This strong momentum instantly created a low-pressure atmosphere.

"Empress Dowager, is everything that Princess Yan'er said true?" Turning to look at Helian Fengyang, Hong Zhuxiang asked with a smile.

"Of course what Yan'er said is the truth, and this is what the Ai family wanted to say. The prince's conscience is gone, and even his own father and emperor are not spared. What a family misfortune!" Helian Fengyang shook her head sadly, echoing Murong Yan's statement.

Hong Zhuxiang despised this old woman in her heart, obviously she was the one who would not let her husband go, just now she brought people to Qingshan Temple to avenge the crown prince, but in a blink of an eye she started to frame her I have a son.

"So, I killed the prince Murong Xiang to avenge your husband. You should be grateful to me, is that so?" Hong Zhuxiang laughed arrogantly, so angry that Helian Fengyang knocked out her teeth. She could only swallow it in her stomach, why didn't she expect Hong Zhuxiang to say that?This woman's method is really extraordinary.

Hong Zhuxiang taunted Helian Fengyang, then turned to Murongyan, to expose Murongyan's lies, of course he had to find loopholes in Murongyan's words.

"Princess Yan'er, you said the crown prince threatened your mother?" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly leaned in front of Murong Yan, and looked directly into her eyes, her eyes were like torches, piercing people's hearts.

Murong Yan was obviously taken aback, her eyes flickered, and a feeling of guilt rose in her heart. She had never felt that lying was bad before, but now that she saw Hong Zhuxiang's eyes, she knew that lying was also a kind of torment.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"So, when did the crown prince threaten your mother? When did he threaten your mother? How did you threaten her? How did your mother react to the crown prince's threat?"

"About a few months before the palace banquet, the prince's brother threatened the queen mother and asked her to murder the father with him, otherwise he would not recognize the mother's queen, but the mother had a deep affection for the father and did not agree to the prince's request. "Murong Yan tried not to look into Hong Zhuxiang's eyes, those eyes seemed to see through her.

"First, how could the prince threaten his mother? In the palace, does he have the guts? Even if he has the guts, will he be able to get away with all the eyeliners?"

"Secondly, I met the first emperor during the palace banquet. He was pale, weak, and his body seemed to have been hollowed out. Not to mention the imperial physician, even ordinary people can see that the first emperor's illness is very serious, so weak If the body hadn't been fed poison for a long time, how could it have caused such a situation? Obviously, this person attacked the first emperor very early, as early as a few years ago, so how could it be possible that the prince was only a few months before the palace banquet? Start threatening your mother?"

"It's just your guess, it doesn't explain anything?" Murong Yan had a hard mouth, and naturally she would not agree with Hong Zhuxiang's words. Even if it was true, she would deny it, because Hong Zhuxiang was just an inference and had no evidence.

"That doesn't explain anything? Well, I'll just point out a few more points. You also said that you warned the crown prince not to murder the late emperor?" Hong Zhuxiang could only say that if he didn't find out more loopholes, Murong Yan might be wrong. Will be convinced!

"What's the matter?" Murong Yan broke into a cold sweat, thinking that Hong Zhuxiang was just against her. Could it be that every word she said had loopholes?

"When you warned the prince, how did he react?" Hong Zhuxiang accentuated her tone, and the enchanting red dress dangled in front of Murong Yan, making it impossible for Murong Yan to ignore her existence. There will be no ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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