The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 197 No one can stop me

Chapter 197 No one can stop me (1)
"Helian, what's the matter with you?" Han Bingyu didn't see the silver needle coming at all, so naturally she didn't know what happened, only saw Helianbei's face suddenly pale.

He Lianbei used his luck to force out the silver needle. This silver needle is shorter and thinner than ordinary silver needles. No wonder he didn't realize that this woman is really daring to attack him!
He Lianbei looked down at the bottom of the tower with a gloomy expression. Hong Zhuxiang was looking at him provocatively. He Lianbei stretched out his sleeves to snatch another guard's spear, but he couldn't use his hand suddenly. It seems that Hands and feet were made on the silver needle.He Lianbei hastily took out an antidote pill from his sleeve, fortunately he had it ready at any time, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

After seeing the situation just now, Wuying immediately gave Jin Jiawei a death order, not to be three steps away from her own princess. Many experts surrounded Hongzhuxiang, and Hongzhuxiang suddenly became the key protection object, Lian Mingyue Also not close.

"Wuying, aren't you exaggerating?" Hong Zhuxiang said amusedly.

"Princess, just make up for it and let me make up for my mistakes. If the lord knows what happened today, he will take my skin off!" Someone hurt the princess.

"Is it okay if you don't tell him?" Hong Zhuxiang teased.Wuying is completely speechless, Princess, you just escaped danger, are you in such a good mood?He was still terrified!

"Uh... to deceive the prince, do nothing!" He also wanted to hide the prince, but how could he hide such news?I'm afraid that the other group of messengers have already flown back to Hanhai Kingdom.

Several hours later, Qin Tianyi's secretly led Youcheng army finally entered Shengjing mighty and mighty. No matter how many people lay in ambush in Helianbei, no matter how good their martial arts were, it was still not enough for multiple forces to jointly strangle them. The situation turned sharply, and Murong The morale of Rui's men and horses is high.

How did Helianbei expect the army to come in so quickly, and he was a little flustered for a while, why hasn't there been news from Helian Yufeng?He clearly confessed that Helian Yufeng acted according to the movements of Qin Tianyi's army, why Qin Tianyi had already entered Shengjing but there was no news of Helian Yufeng?

If this rebellious son ruins his big business, believe it or not, go back and kill him!

Murong Rui was surprised to find that the army trained by Qin Tianyi had made great progress in a short period of time. Although they had never been on the battlefield, they were all full of energy and glowing red. He is a rare general!

Seeing Qin Tianyi who had entered the city, Xue Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was already old, and the competent general he had carefully cultivated was finally worthy of a great job. Even if he gave up his old life today, he would condemn He Lianbei.

"Everyone, I am Xue Yang, the great general who protects the country. He Lianbei conspired a rebellion, and the people of insight in the world should punish him together!" Although Xue Yang was old, his voice was strong and powerful, which was exciting to hear.

"Kill Xue Yang!" He Lianbei directly ordered the people on the tower, even though all the people in the palace were dispatched by him to kill Murong Rui, there were still many guards on the tower.

"My lord, Old General Xue is the elder of my dynasty, and I am so angry that I can't obey!"

"Don't forget, you all ate my poison!"

"I will never forget, I am the Imperial Guard!"

"Helianbei, can the imperial guards work for you with just poison? It's ridiculous!" A mocking laugh suddenly came, and Murong Ran walked out from the corner of the tower, behind him were all uniform and mighty imperial guards .

Helianbei's eyes darkened, Murongran couldn't be locked up in death row, so what chance did he have of winning?It seems that the two brothers have already contacted each other. Murong Rui has done so many tricks in the palace, but he didn't even notice it!

"Helianbei, the old minister advises you to surrender quickly and stop fighting trapped beasts. We just played a show with you, and now the good show is coming to an end. If you surrender obediently, you can get a whole corpse! "Xue Yang was loyal to the country. If the emperor hadn't told him to be patient for a while, he would have ordered the three armies to kill Helianbei at any cost.

"The old general is right. After the play is over, we should be relaxed." Master Shangshu Liu Weihai finally let go of his hanging heart, and the old ministers finally got their heads together!
"Expel the thieves, bless me!" A minister on the tower suddenly shouted to the people downstairs, and the people followed suit. For a while, the sound of crusade resounded through the sky, deafening.

"Murong Rui, my 40 troops are stationed at Tianmenguan. If you dare to touch me, the Tianmenguan army will rush into Shengjing. As the emperor of Shengtian, you probably don't want to see such a situation. You hand over the throne quickly, let's calm down and don't make people miserable." He Lianbei's performance of directly calling the current emperor Murong Rui caused even more dissatisfaction among the crowd.

"Helianbei, are you still wishful thinking? Who is it? Even if you sit on the throne? Will the common people obey you? Will the courtiers listen to you? Your 40 army is probably I can't move anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Dear years of civil strife in the Helian family, do you think your son Helian Yufeng will not think about the way out for himself? Helian Zhongyu is running on Helian Yufeng everywhere, do you think Helian Yufeng will stand up without hesitation?" Is it with you?"

A few rhetorical questions made Helianbei startled.According to the stipulated time, Yufeng should send him a signal, but why has there been no movement until now?Is it really as Murong Rui said?
This traitor actually dared to do this to him. Very good, if you betray him, you have to pay the price of betrayal!
"Withdraw!" He Lianbei made a decisive decision, and then flew down the city wall and blended into the crowd. He is a master of martial arts, and with the cover of the remaining men in black under the city tower, it is not difficult to escape. There was a lot of water in the periphery, but he still gave Helianbei a glimmer of life because of the scruples of ordinary people.

The civil strife in Shengjing has been put down for the time being, leaving Murong Rui with an even more dilapidated imperial power. Will this gentle man always struggle in the struggle for power?And the one from Hanhai Kingdom is still fanning the flames for him. Xuanyuan Tianzhan once said that if Hongzhuxiang doesn't return to Hanhai Kingdom, Murong Rui won't even think about peace!

New Year's Eve at noon.

At the foot of Wuwang Mountain, in a quiet courtyard, in a shabby hut, a man in his 30s, a drug boy in his twelfth and thirteen years, a house is closed, and a woman with burns on her right cheek is resting quietly in the back room. If ordinary people don’t know, Still think this is a family!

"Xiaofan, didn't I ask you to add more firewood?" Ouyang Ren's voice was extremely gentle, in a calm tone that had been precipitated by time, he looked up at the closed door, and continued to fiddle with the herbs in his hand.

The weather is too cold, I'm afraid the body of the woman in the back room can't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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