The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 198 No one can stop me

Chapter 198 No one can stop me (2)
"Sir, it's already much more than usual." Xiao Fan was puzzled, the most recent thing the husband said to him was to add more firewood, but the room was already very warm.

Ouyang Ren stopped talking, imagining the situation in the courtyard that morning, the snow was flying like goose feathers, the ground was white, this was the first snow this year.

That day, he packed his bags and planned to leave Wuwang Mountain the next day and go to other places to continue his wanderings. Suddenly someone knocked on the door at night. Xiao Fan was sleepy. When he opened the door, he could not help but exclaim.

"Sir, there is a beautiful woman lying at the door, she seems to be in a coma." This is the first time Xiao Fan saw such a beautiful side face, with icy skin and smooth skin, but the woman's face was too pale, giving people a kind of Feeling weak.

Ouyang Ren walked out of the room quickly, and with the help of the dim light, he saw the unconscious woman in the snow, and was stunned for a moment. Ouyang Ren took the pulse of the woman, and Ouyang Ren was startled by the weak beating. The woman had been ill for a long time. , his life is at stake, if it is later, I am afraid he will not be able to recover.

"Ah... sir, her right cheek!" Xiao Fan cried out in panic.

Following Xiaofan's line of sight, Ouyang Ren saw the shocking burns on the woman's cheekbone. Although the area was not large, it would be unbearable sorrow on any woman's face. What kind of suffering did she go through?
Ouyang Ren looked at the left side of the woman's face again, it was intact, as white as snow, as beautiful as a fairy in the world.

The man's heart trembled, and he quickly helped the woman back into the room.

Over the past ten days, after Ouyang Ren's careful recuperation, Han Bingxue's condition has improved, but her injured heart can never be repaired, just like the scar on this face, which can never be erased.

The closed door slowly opened, and Han Bingxue came out, wearing a simple and elegant women's attire, not a black dress, this was the clothes that Ouyang Ren bought for her in a nearby town, Han Bingxue's face was covered with a white silk Xiao Fan would have thought that this was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen if he hadn't known the fire burns under the silk scarf.

"Mr. Ouyang, it's time for me to leave." Han Bingxue smiled warmly, with gratitude to Ouyang Ren in her eyes. Although she felt that life would be better than death, she still had concerns.

"Today is New Year's Eve, let's go after the New Year." Ouyang Ren smiled back, feeling a little sour in his heart. He devoted himself to studying medicine, but he couldn't heal the wound on her face. This is the most painful thing for a doctor .

The ghost doctor is nothing more than the love of the world!
Han Bingxue was stunned, Chinese New Year, so fast, it’s no longer 12 years, it’s been 13 years, and I haven’t seen my old friend in 13 years, it’s not that I don’t want to see him, but that it has become a distant dream, disappearing in the cycle of time, Remains in the memory of youth.

Now, things have changed!
"Mrs. Han, how do you feel?" Xiao Fan asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thank you Xiaofan for your concern." Han Bingxue's voice was as light as the snow falling outside the window, with a smile in his eyes, Xiaofan's nose was sore, and he almost shed tears, such a good lady, fate shouldn't be so harsh she.

"Leave in a few days, your body still needs to be nourished." Ouyang Ren said gently, the voice made people want to stay behind.

"Mr. Ouyang, I'm almost healed. My body, I know." This body, which has been ill for more than ten years and has been tortured by the ice jade for several years, is not easy to survive.

"I'm a doctor, I know." Ouyang Ren's voice froze Han Bingxue's thoughts, she really wanted to stay for a few more days of peace like this, too much suffering, too much loneliness, made her almost collapse , Although the past few days are dull, they are so beautiful.

In the past, there was Xiang'er, and the two could talk and laugh together during the Chinese New Year. Later, when Xiang'er was born, she was taken away by Han Bingyu. Han Bingyu ordered Xiang'er not to go back without her call, and time was wasted for several times. This year, now, I really want to have a good time.

"Xiao Fan, go and serve the food." Ouyang Ren specially killed a chicken, bought a fish from the town, and some nourishing medicinal food, and made a whole table of nutritious meals.

"Yes, sir." Xiao Fan happily went to the kitchen to work.

The three of them ate in harmony, except for Xiaofan's occasional words, the room was very quiet, Han Bingxue lightly chewed on the tender chicken, his eyes sore, a tear fell from under the veil, soaking the corner of the veil.

"Ouyang, thank you for taking care of me for so many days."

"You're welcome." Ouyang Ren naturally picked up a piece of fish for Han Bingxue, as if caring for an old friend.

In front of such an indifferent and quiet man, Han Bingxue suddenly felt ashamed of herself. He is such a holy person, but she is an ugly hide in darkness!

Under the care of Ouyang Ren, Han Bingxue decided to continue to rest here for a while. Ouyang Ren told Xiaofan to pay attention to the fire in the stove, and put on a cloak and went out alone. Courtyard, return to tranquility.

It was also the Chinese New Year, but Shengjing was not so peaceful. Three days ago, there was still a scene of bloody fighting. Today, there is still an atmosphere of sadness.

Calming down the civil strife in Helianbei does not mean quelling the turmoil in the north. The northern region has always been a headache. The people in the north are brutal and barbaric. Except for the Helian family, almost no one recognizes them.

The Helian family is now divided into two factions. One is the faction headed by King Helianbei of Beixiang. Helianbei has sons Helian Zhongyu and Helian Yufeng, and they have broken up now.

The second is the faction headed by Beiqu King He Lianlie, with a total of 30 troops. He Lianlie is Helian Fengyang's elder brother, but Helianlie's courage and ambition are far inferior to Helianbei's, so Helian Fengyang only He would go to the point of colluding with Helianbei because his brother refused to agree to her request from the beginning to the end.

The fathers of He Lianbei and He Lianlie had a deep hatred, and it can be said that they killed each other, and both sides suffered.

Today, Helian Yufeng leads 40 people to guard Tianmen Pass, and Helian Zhongyu still has 20 people left behind in Liaoyuan City. Liaoyuan City is the center of the north and the location of Beixiang Palace. It must be the only place for Helianbei to go now. It is to return to Liaoyuan City and re-expand its power.

All the emperors of Shengtian were defending the north. In order to balance the power in the north, the first emperor married Helian Fengyang as his queen. Subtle changes are also taking place in the relationship.

Although Murong Rui wanted to kill Helian Fengyang, but due to the forces in the north, he didn't do anything. If Helianfengyang was killed, there would be a rift between the imperial court and Helianlie, and the situation would become even more chaotic.

Murong Rui knew very well that the balance in the north would eventually be broken, it was only a matter of time!

(End of this chapter)

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