Chapter 203
Following her master's line of sight, Mingyue exclaimed in surprise: "Master, this Chunlan plant has grown flower bones and is about to bloom." This is early spring, and such a situation is rare. Is it the first Chunlan plant that is about to bloom? !
"Yes!" Winter has gone, spring has come.Last spring's trip to the lake was when Hong Zhuxiang saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan for the first time. At that time, when he appeared, he made the princes and nobles lose their color. That handsome and unparalleled man!No, she wants to find him before spring comes!Must go, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly had such a thought, and went immediately.

"Princess, when will you go back to find the prince?" At this moment, Wu Ying just asked.

"Let's go now! Let's go right away!" She has stayed in this palace long enough, and Murong Rui's injury is almost healed, Ah Zhan, Xiang'er misses you, really misses you!

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly started to run, and ran all the way back to Hanxiang Hall, unexpectedly forgot to use lightness kung fu, and tidied up indiscriminately, Hong Zhuxiang turned and went out, thought for a while, went back and wrote a sentence on the paper, there was Three words: I'm leaving!

Wuying didn't have time to rejoice, and hurriedly sent someone to send a letter back to Hanhai Kingdom, Mingyue was also in a hurry, the master has never made a decision in such a hurry!She thought that the master would not leave until at least February, but she did not expect the power of love to be so powerful!
A group of eunuchs and maids are cultivating soil and planting flowers, watching Hongzhuxiang running in a hurry, they all secretly look at Hongzhuxiang, their eyes are both puzzled and cautious.

Recently, many court ladies and eunuchs thought that the emperor was very masculine. Although they didn't dare to say it outright, they whispered it behind their backs. In the end, many ministers knew about it. They were terrified and began to worry about the issue of the emperor's heirs.

Recently in the court, although the emperor was tired, he always had a smile on his face. As for the matter of Helian Yufeng, the emperor didn't say a word, as if he didn't know, and the courtiers were very worried, but the strange thing is, More than 20 days have passed, and it seems that Helian Yufeng is approaching Quecheng, but there is no movement.

To this day, an unprecedented sense of crisis has erupted in the court, and one after another news has been bombarded indiscriminately.

"Your Majesty, the war in the west is urgent. Xiyuewei, the prince of the Western Regions, led an army of one hundred thousand to attack Yucheng. Yucheng is in danger, and I am afraid it will not be able to sustain it." Along the way, the soldiers who sent the letter died of three good horses, and the news was urgent.

The courtiers have a little understanding of the war in the west. Xiyuewei only robbed some property at the beginning, but now it is arrogant to start a war against Shengtian. The Xiyue Kingdom alone may not be able to shake the deep-rooted Shengtian.

Murong Rui sat in a high position and still didn't say a word, but let the courtiers explain their own methods. He had already predicted the current result of Yucheng, what should come, will always come.

"Report, to report to the emperor that Hanhai Kingdom sent 50 troops to approach Shengtian's east gate - Zhumen City, saying that the emperor was unjust and robbed the princess of Hanhai Kingdom's regent, and Hanhai Kingdom officially started a war like Shengtian! Unless... …Unless the emperor sends their regent princess back with his own hands." After the soldier reported, he fainted from fright.

The court suddenly boiled up. People who knew the development of Hanhai Kingdom were all pale. Xue Yang, the great general who protects the country, was one of them. He had started to pay attention to Hanhai Kingdom a long time ago. Her ambitions have been exposed, so that she is now rising strongly!

"What an excuse!" Murong Rui laughed suddenly, but the smile was a bit piercing, did Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally make a move?For this day, that man didn't know how long he waited, was it for Xiang'er, or for his own ambition?
All the civil and military officials fell silent in an instant. Everyone knew that Hong Zhuxiang, the regent princess of Hanhai Kingdom, was the emperor's favorite woman. Deep love!

Now let the emperor send back the red bamboo incense, I'm afraid the emperor can't do it!However, Han Hai Guoshi is well-known and powerful, which makes people fear. The two tigers are fighting to become the beauty, what should we do?
Murong Rui made up his mind, if Xiang'er left by himself, he would have no reason to stop him, but if Xuanyuan Tianzhan threatened, he would not be able to send Xiang'er back with his own hands.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. Miss Xiang'er is in a hurry to leave the palace, and she has already gone to the gate of the palace." A eunuch hurriedly came to report.

"What?" When Murong Rui heard this, he panicked, left Zhaoyang Palace directly, and rushed to the gate of the palace with light kung fu!
Loucheng, Hanhai Kingdom's 50 troops are stationed here, facing Zhumen City in Shengtian, the 50 iron cavalry are mighty and solemn, with high morale, following the Regent's expedition, this is the wish of every Hanhai Kingdom soldier, their great Regent, that is a figure who exists like a god!
On the city tower, a tall and straight man was dressed in a black brocade robe, a silver mask covered his magnificent face, his amber eyes looked down on the world, he was domineering and majestic!

This is the real Xuanyuan Tianzhan!This is a man like a god!He has taken off his white brocade robe, and lost his image as a gentleman. Can Xiang'er accept him like this?

Although he will still be gentle and pampering to her, but he can't be so humble to everyone, and he can't always hide his inherent domineering, people, what should be, what will be in the end!

When Wuying received the news from Hanhai Kingdom, he was taken aback. God, the prince actually wanted to appear in black clothes and silver face, and he asked him to help hide the news from the princess, and he was not allowed to leak the news to the princess. disposal!
What are you going to do, my lord?Thinking of the icy look of the prince, Wuying felt trembling all over, it must have frightened the princess!
Wuying thoughtlessly replied to the message to make his lord think twice. The lord got angry and said that he not only wanted to skin him, but also stretched his tendons!God, this is an undercover job, won't the princess fix him in the future?

Shengjing Zhaoyang Hall.

Murong Rui left to look for Hong Zhuxiang, leaving more space for the ministers to discuss, and the courtiers no longer worried about angering the emperor and wantonly expressing their thoughts.

"What nonsense did Hanhai Kingdom say? Where did the emperor rob Xuanyuan Tianzhan's concubine? The emperor's harem is empty so far, and besides, hasn't Hong Zhuxiang been with Xuanyuan Tianzhan all the time? Hanhai Kingdom is simply slandering!" A minister was dissatisfied the way.

"My lord, didn't you hear the eunuch say that Miss Xiang'er is in a hurry to leave the palace?" The speaker cast a contemptuous look, why did this person speak without thinking?Who is Miss Xianger not Hongzhuxiang?

"Even so, Red Bamboo Fragrance is not the concubine of the Hanhai King? It was an imperial edict issued by my empress and the emperor, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan just made a private decision for life. If there is a war, it will start. Is it possible that I, the Shengtian Dynasty, are afraid of it?" Is it possible to kill him?" Another minister stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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