Chapter 204
"Master Li, do you know that the current Hanhai Kingdom is no longer the former Hanhai Kingdom? If you don't know, go out and inquire about it. Today's Hanhai Kingdom is united and strong. The army of 50 is comparable to Shengtian's million-strong army! "

Xuanyuan Ce, the emperor of the Hanhai Kingdom, was clever and well-run. He only had one son, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and he had no internal struggles. Everyone said that a tiger father has no dogs. This sentence really fit the two of them.

Besides, keeping a low profile for the past 100 years has pushed the Hanhai Kingdom onto the road to becoming a powerful country. How can Sheng Tian, ​​who is already a moth, be able to compare?But Shengtian has a deep foundation after all, so he can't move for a while.

"According to what you say, what should we do?"

"Peace is the most important thing! Take the opportunity to recuperate and rectify to win a turning point."

"Why is peace the most important thing?"


The princes and ministers of the Shengtian Dynasty broke out in the biggest war of words in history, with various arguments, reasons, propositions, and worries. Generally speaking, peace is the most important thing.

Most of the generals are in the main battle, saying that they want to see the true strength of the Hanhai Kingdom, but there are many civil servants, and most of them are in peace, saying that there are continuous civil strife in Shengtian, Helian fled to the north, the north is not flat, the country is in turmoil, and it can't stand the toss anymore.

The second prince, Murong Ran, did not say a word, his face was gloomy. Xuanyuan Tianzhan wanted to rule the world. Naturally, he said that he would withdraw his troops as long as he sent red bamboo incense, but it is impossible for the emperor to do so. become very tricky.

Xue Yang was also one of the top two, so it was difficult to make a decision. Master Shangshu Liu Weihai considered from the perspective of national interests, and decided to support peace as the most important thing. The Shengtian Dynasty now needs to recuperate and recuperate, and cannot withstand such a big war.

Among all the people, the one who thinks the most is Qin Tianyi. He has lived in the central part of Shengtian - Youcheng for a long time, and has studied the distribution of various forces in Shengtian. There was a battle, the Helian family in the north was in turmoil, and the powerful enemy in the east was rising. Shengtian's situation was not optimistic.

The unanimous result of everyone's final discussion was to send back the red bamboo incense. Although Murong Ran agreed in his heart, he did not make a clear statement on the surface. Xue Yang also did not express his position, but he did not object either.

"My lords, Hongzhuxiang is about to leave the palace, what's the use of you talking so much here?" an eunuch reminded kindly.

Only then did the courtiers come to their senses, their mouths opened wide in shock, and they all rushed to the gate of the palace, saying that they could not let Hong Zhuxiang leave. To convince the emperor.

In particular, some old princes from the previous generation of Shengtian have strengthened their belief in sending the red bamboo incense away. The Hanhai Kingdom said that the emperor should send the red bamboo incense back with his own hands. If the red bamboo incense leaves, it will be bad.

Palace gate.

Murong Rui finally caught up with the red at the last moment. Her slender back is so thin, but also so firm. He understands her. This time, she is really going to leave, and no one can stop her.

"Xiang'er, you really want to go!" It's not a question, but an affirmation, holding back the pain, acting indifferently, forcing a smile, and replaced it with blessings.

"Hmm..." I have never been so eager to leave, not to escape from you, but to miss him.

"It's never too late to tell me to leave!" Murong Rui smiled, and his smile was like a spring breeze, warming people's hearts.

Hong Zhuxiang seemed to see the man standing at the door of the Xiangge three years ago, gentle as jade, restrained and steady, dressed in green clothes, black eyes like ink, three years later, the man is still the same.

"I left you a letter!" The woman smiled back, her bright eyes were as clear as streams of water, cleansing her soul and soothing her sorrows.

"Is it still three words?" Ask lightly, softly.

"Hmm..." He nodded his head heavily and promised heavily.

Murong Rui understands that these three words mean that they can still be the same as before, this is the way they get along, this is enough, he said, if she leaves, he will never stay!
After so many days in the palace, he couldn't bear to see that she was not as happy as before. He always understood that she didn't like his palace, because there was no one she thought about day and night.

"Xiang'er, why don't you go in a carriage? Riding a horse is even more tiring!"

"No, it's faster to ride a horse. I'll take a carriage again when I reach the Hanhai Kingdom!"

"Xiang'er, if he bullies you, send me a message at any time, and I will give up all Shengtian has, and I will not let him go." Murong Rui may have made a promise, all his life, only for your own good.

"No need, he won't bully me!" The confident smile melted into the air, infecting the people around him, Wu Ying was stunned for a moment, then elated.

"If you are having a bad time, come to me anytime, if you want to show off your power, come to me anytime, if you want to talk to someone, come to me anytime, if you want to eat the delicious food here, if you want to drink the good wine here, think……"

"Okay, I know." The corners of her eyes were wet, and she forced the tears back. The woman reined in the horse's head and rode away.

The corners of Mingyue's eyes are also wet. She never thought that even if the master loves Prince Zhan with all his heart, the former third prince would still have such deep affection for the master. She also participated in the two years of getting along with him. How could he not understand?
The love is as deep as the sea, and the relationship is shallow and finally separated.

"Empress, please stay, Empress, please stay!"

"Miss Xiang'er, please stay, Miss Xiang'er, please stay!"

Hong Zhuxiang was puzzled, turned her horse's head and saw a group of ministers coming towards her. Now that she had changed back into women's clothes, these ministers naturally recognized her, but what did they want her for?
Murong Rui's face darkened, and he immediately guessed what they wanted to do?Hongzhuxiang stopped and waited for a while, and a group of ministers surrounded her.

"Everyone, what do you want from me?"

"Empress, you don't know that Hanhai Kingdom sent 50 soldiers to attack Shengtian, claiming that the emperor was unjust and robbed the concubine of the regent of Hanhai Kingdom, and asked the emperor to send you back to Hanhai Kingdom with his own hands, otherwise we will start a war with Shengtian." , I hope Empress Empress will be merciful and agree to our request."

Hong Zhuxiang had always known that Xuanyuan Tianzhan would always attack Sheng Tian, ​​but she never expected that it would be so soon, how could she control the situation in the world?These courtiers stopped her for this?

"My lords think too highly of me. I'm just a little girl. I don't care about the affairs between countries. If you believe me, I will tell the regent about my affairs in Shengtian and the emperor after I return to Hanhai Kingdom." It doesn't matter, the matter that the emperor robbed his concubine no longer exists."

If Ah Zhan really wants to fight Shengtian, then this is just an excuse, she can't guarantee it casually, nor can she make a decision for Ah Zhan, even if the two sides really exchange fire, it is Ah Zhan who he wants to help!

Most of the ministers felt relieved when they heard Hong Zhuxiang's words, but some old guys insisted on making an inch of it, thinking that Hong Zhuxiang was a woman who was easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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