The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 206 The Man in Black Mask

Chapter 206 The Man in Black Mask (2)
Not to mention, Hong Zhuxiang has only now seen Wuying's kung fu of threatening people. It's really high-level. It can be seen that she has practiced it. She still remembers that Ah Zhan asked Wuying to cook, and ended up setting up a table in more than ten minutes. Good food, it's really not covered!Admire, admire!

Mingyue, this girl, I'm afraid she has to learn from others!
"You liar, you obviously still have one, I'll find it myself!" Mingyue was furious, wondering if she was a girl easy to bully?The shopkeeper was just talking nonsense with his eyes open. She couldn't believe that there was no room like this.

"Okay Mingyue, one room is one room, you are tired too, go back to your room to take a bath, and have a good rest." Hong Zhuxiang pulled Mingyue over funny and gave her a comforting hug. You know, in this kind of inn, there is only one bath barrel for one room, and if there are two rooms, Mingyue can also take a good bath and rest.

The matter was finally settled, Wuying turned around, and let out a deep breath, it's really not easy to be an undercover agent!In the corner, Wujing changed his face, looked at Wuying sympathetically, and couldn't stop laughing.

Hongzhuxiang was extremely tired, and as soon as she entered the room, she ordered the waiter to bring hot water, trying to wash off the dust all over her body. The woman took a picture in front of the mirror, and she seemed to have lost weight a little.

"The vinegar jar should be distressed again. When I go back, I have to mutter for me to make up for it." The woman laughed lowly, her small face was full of happiness, she turned and went behind the screen, humming a little song while taking a bath.

Heat steamed from the water, covering the woman's body. Xuanyuan Tianzhan sat quietly on the beam, watching the woman take a bath with tender eyes. Xiang'er seemed to be in a good mood, but she lost a lot of weight recently.

"Ah Zhan, I miss you so much!" the woman muttered suddenly.The man's heart tightened, and his eyes darkened. He had been extremely patient looking at her alluring body, but now he heard the woman's soft call, and his whole body throbbed.

Forbearance, he forbearance, who made Xiang'er not come back for a month, now you know you miss him, right?While Xuanyuan Tianzhan was annoyed that he couldn't eat her, he was in a good mood.

Red Bamboo Xiang was washing, she shrank her body, plunged into the bathtub, and sank to the surface of the water, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart sank, what was Xiang'er doing?You won't pass out in the shower again, will you?
The man endured the worries in his heart, and waited for the woman to pop her head, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement on the water surface. The man became anxious, and immediately flew down from the beam, and picked her up from the water with his big hands.

"Who are you?" Her body was forcibly lifted, Hong Zhuxiang panicked, she is taking a bath now, who is in her room?

When she saw clearly the person holding her shoulder, she was shocked, it turned out to be a masked man in black with air-conditioning all over his body.Xuanyuan Tianzhan was out of breath, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, did Xiang'er want to scare him to death?
"Do you want to seek death?" the man said angrily.

"What did you say? You want to commit suicide?" She just took a bath, this pervert came out wearing a mask to harm the girl, do you think others can't see him?

Hong Zhuxiang stretched out her hand and wanted to take off the mask of the man in black, but the masked man grabbed the woman's little hand three times, and pulled her into his arms.

The current situation is that the woman is standing in the tub with nothing on, her wet black hair is wrapped around her chest, and she has a delicate and charming pink appearance. The man is wearing a silver mask and standing outside the tub, watching The look in her eyes is not clear, except for the mask and black clothes, the only thing Hong Zhuxiang can feel is coldness and anger.

Hong Zhuxiang felt puzzled, what was he doing in anger?
"Let me go!" Hong Zhuxiang was extremely annoyed when she found that the two were too intimate, and she wasn't wearing anything!
"Why put your head in the water?"

"None of your business! You pervert, if you don't let go, I'll yell." The salty pig's hand had already wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly in his arms.

Hong Zhuxiang resisted, but had little effect. To Hong Zhuxiang's surprise, this man's martial arts was almost comparable to that of Ah Zhan. Where did he come from?

"If you want everyone to see you being hugged by me, then shout!" the masked man said casually, his anger still lingering.

"You..." Hong Zhuxiang gritted her teeth, "Then what do you want?"

Hong Zhuxiang felt that her nerves were getting bigger, and she broke into the woman's room inexplicably, not because she wanted to rob her, but what did she want to do?It seems that she has really fallen into the wolf's den, how can she escape now?
"Don't move, if you move around again, I can't guarantee that I can hold back the impulse!" The man breathed on the woman's neck, his voice sounded like a smile but not a smile, it was fatally sexy.

After Xuanyuan Tianzhan had finished seducing him, he suddenly became conflicted. What if Xiang'er fell in love with the masked man?He would never allow Xiang'er to fall in love with a man other than Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

Hong Zhuxiang was agitated, this man is actually seducing him?He is really a skilled flower picker.

"I'm already married. Even if you're looking for a woman, you should find someone who's clean, a broken flower like me, so don't worry about it." Have you always had a clean freak?
"I don't mind." Xuanyuan Tianzhan softened his tone, his scent was the cleanest, how could it be a broken flower?Thinking of her talking about herself in order to get rid of the masked man, her heart aches.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't help but move his eyes down, "What are you looking at, be careful of needles in your eyes!" Hong Zhuxiang was angry, this man's eyes are too exposed?It's really unlucky, it's not safe to live in an inn, and I met a pervert!
If Xuanyuan Tianzhan had never heard of it, he was appreciating this beautiful spring scene with his heart, and his mind began to fluctuate. He hadn't seen her in a month, and he missed her to the bone. Now she is standing in front of him and leaning in his arms. How can he bear it?
Kissing the woman's lips domineeringly, the whole person seemed to be on fire, and the longing for many days turned into a domineering demand, a reckless conquest.

Hong Zhuxiang's mind exploded, this was the first time she was kissed violently by another man besides Ah Zhan, and it turned out to be a strange man who had never even seen his face.

She was a little dizzy, and kicked the man with her hands and feet, God, she actually reacted, this is betrayal, no, she must not betray Ah Zhan!

"Bastard... bastard!" She shed tears, and almost exhausted all her strength, Hong Zhuxiang struggled to push away the man in front of her, and immediately wanted to use the hidden weapon of the silver bracelet.

The man was afraid of hurting the woman, so he let go of her. He dodged and skillfully avoided the attack of the silver needle.

"Get out!" Hong Zhuxiang roared, quickly took a piece of clothing to surround herself, watching the man vigilantly, if he raped her again, she wouldn't mind dying with him.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was in a good mood, raised his mask with his hand, walked to the table calmly, looked quietly at the woman wrapped in clothes, Xiang'er seemed really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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