The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 207 Black Belly Prince VS Crazy Witch

Chapter 207 Black Belly Prince VS Crazy Witch (2)
"How are you thinking? Do you want to follow me? I can guarantee that I will love you more than Xuanyuan Tianzhan."

The masked man's voice made Hong Zhuxiang frowned again. The voice seemed too cold, not like Ah Zhan, but there was at least a 30.00% similarity in it.

Hong Zhuxiang smiled without answering, slowly approaching the man, the feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger, slowly, she suddenly hugged the man's waist tightly, closed her eyes and felt his breath, a kind of peace of mind, What I miss, what I think about day and night, is him—Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's complexion was extremely ugly. He covered up the fragrance on his body, but he couldn't cover up the strangeness of his body. He had already endured it uncomfortably since he hadn't seen Xiang'er for a whole month. Now that she is holding him like this, it is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire. .

Hong Zhuxiang put her hand into the man's neckline, skillfully tore off Xuanyuan Tianzhan's clothes, the man's wide and white shoulders were exposed, and the muscles and contours on his chest were extremely clear. Hong Zhuxiang was very sure that this was the man. Vine jar, she was already familiar with his body, even more familiar than her own body.

A surge of joy rose in her heart, and then she was a little angry, how could Ah Zhan tease her like this?In vain of her trekking across mountains and rivers, running around day and night to see him, this villain actually put on a mask and came out to bully her.

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly buried her head in a bite of the man's muscle, the familiar texture and tenderness of the man's flesh, who else could it be?He actually wanted to fool her, and didn't even look at how much she was a modern person.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's rationality was broken a little bit, he could no longer be annoyed that he was now a masked man, he just wanted to hug her, kiss her, and do the most intimate things.

Hongzhuxiang complained in her heart, the hateful Xuanyuan Tianzhan made her almost think that she had betrayed him, made her think that she was kissed by another man and was sorry for him, it turned out it was all his pranks, It is said that men have an evil side, but this man is too evil!Let's see if she doesn't take care of him!

Hong Zhuxiang lowered his head and took another bite, Xuanyuan Tianzhan suffocated his breath, his body swelled with heat, his heart was beating fast, damn it, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Thinking of his identity as a masked man, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was extremely annoyed. Could it be that Xiang'er really fell in love with the masked man, or is Xiang'er planning to use a beauty trick?
No matter which choice it is, it is not what he wants to see, Xiang'er can only think about Xuanyuan Tianzhan, only him!Hey... Domineering prince, isn't the masked man also you?
The trembling of the body instantly defeated the man's thoughts just now. In the two fierce ideological struggles, his rationality finally collapsed, and the man fought back fiercely, pressing down on the woman's body like a wolf.

However, the proud little woman will not let him get what he wants so easily, she will have to pay the price if she tricks her, and she has to fix him first.

" lord, I've already considered it. I'm willing to follow you, a handsome masked man." Hong Zhuxiang bit the word masked man very hard, as if emphasizing it specially.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart ached inexplicably, and his lust retreated half. He didn't believe that Xiang'er agreed to follow the masked man just like that, and a feeling of worry and fear came to his heart. What if Xiang'er really came?
"Actually, I also hate that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan, you don't know, he is domineering, petty, and jealous, and, tsk should I put it? He's not good at bedtime."

Hong Zhuxiang's attitude towards the masked man suddenly made an [-]-degree turn, and her tone was so soft that water dripped out, but she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, if that man's bed skills are not good enough, he won't be able to find him. OK man.

The face of the masked man turned black, his whole body was stiff, his eyes were fixed on the red bamboo fragrance, and a frightening air came out from top to bottom. He is domineering, petty and jealous?And he can't work hard in bed?Very good, very good, let her see it.

"Since the young master said that he would treat me better than Xuanyuan Tianzhan, then I will follow the young master. Do you want to take good care of me?" Hong Zhuxiang's charming voice sounded again. Tian Zhan's unique coquettish voice.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was extremely angry, Xiang'er was talking to the masked man, not him, if it wasn't for the man wearing a mask, Hong Zhuxiang could see a pair of murderous eyes.

Hong Zhuxiang pursed her lips secretly, and began to feel happy. Some people dug a hole for themselves and jumped in without hesitation. Now they will soon be unable to climb up!

"Why don't you talk, son?" The delicate voice, soft as boneless touch, all these desires made the man hot, but his heart was half cold, and his rationality gradually recovered.

"Are you really willing to follow me? Don't you mind if I wear a mask for the rest of my life?" The man's voice was extremely dull, and his mood fell to the bottom. He had a bad feeling that Xiang'er really planned to follow the masked man.

Could it be that all of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's dedication was in vain?No, Xiang'er is not such a person, but Xiang'er's "swaying" performance in front of the masked man made him unbearable.

Struggle fiercely, Hong Zhuxiang yelled in her heart, this time I will let you remember well that women are not to be provoked at will, especially women who can eat you to death.

"It doesn't matter even if you wear a mask. You have a burly body, so you must be good in bed, right?" Hong Zhuxiang's words made Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face turn pale, and Xiang'er actually fell in love with the masked man's body. Can't wait to sacrifice? !

"My lord, are you happy that the little girl said that? You see, we don't like Xuanyuan Tianzhan, why don't we have fun together?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled so brightly that no one could see that the little girl The woman was thinking about something, and a pair of small hands began to pull the brocade belt around the man's waist.

"My lord, why are you so cold all over? Let the little girl keep you warm!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled coquettishly, and pressed her snow-white body against it. The man's throat tightened, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings. Xiang'er was his woman. , actually took the initiative to seduce the masked man, it seemed that it was going to be real.

"Aren't you Xuanyuan Tianzhan's enemy? Our being together is the greatest revenge for him, don't you think so?" Hong Zhuxiang's words once again sent Xuanyuan Tianzhan down to the [-]th floor of hell, and she couldn't even explain it for her Cleared up.

Are all women really skittish?Is Xiang'er like this too?The man stood up abruptly, and looked at the casually lazy woman with sharp eyes.

"Young Master, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly get angry? Hey... Don't be sad, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is not as domineering as you! I don't think his martial arts are as high as yours. There are many opportunities to seek revenge from him! "Red Bamboo Fragrance" comforted the masked man with "understanding".

Wuying was about to cry outside the door, so he said he couldn't let the prince see the concubine with this face, now the prince doesn't know how sad he is!But how could the princess be like this, how could she not stand the test at all?Is the princess's love for the prince fake?
(End of this chapter)

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