The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 219 High-profile Zhang Guo, surprised to see an old friend

Chapter 219 Returning to the country with a high profile, I was surprised to see my old friend (2)
"My lord, I finally understand why Xuanyuan Tianzhan refused to hand over this woman to us. It turns out that this woman is his concubine." Can Lang Bihai handle it?
Long Yuyan moved his ears, and took the guard's words into his ears. His skill had reached a higher level. As long as the guard moved his lips, he could hear the news. The four words "Xuanyuan Tianzhan" in the guard's mouth were successful. captured his attention.

"Are you going to die if you don't speak?" Xue Zhongchen frowned, lowered his voice and reprimanded, surrounded by Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people, if you don't pay attention, you will be discovered, this idiot, actually on the street Just gibberish.The guard immediately shut up, he felt that he just reacted a little slower.

Xue Zhongchen probed the surroundings calmly and found nothing unusual, so he was relieved that no matter how much it cost, he would get Xuanyuan Tianzhan's woman. Will this woman be hooked.

Hongzhuxiang's dark and bright eyes swept around casually, and the enthusiasm and cheers of the people were transmitted directly, giving people a feeling of going home, which shows their love for those in power. Compared with Shengtian, Hanhai Kingdom really It is much more prosperous, and you can compare it just by looking at the rare antiques, restaurants and teahouses on both sides of the street.

Suddenly, Hong Zhuxiang noticed a tall plaque with the words "Yinanyuan" written on it, the same feminine font, the same layout, why did it appear in front of her again?Could it be that Yinanyuan hides a huge secret?Who opened this Yi Nan Court?Does it have anything to do with the dead Yukiori?

All sorts of strange thoughts suddenly popped up in Hong Zhuxiang's heart, and she was also faintly uneasy. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes lingered on the woman beside him all the time, and naturally he also discovered Yi Nanyuan.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart sank. There are very few men's restaurants in Hanhai Country. This men's restaurant is also newly opened, and the name is actually "Yinanyuan". You can imagine the intentions of the people behind it. Lead someone without a trace to search this Yi Nan Yuan.

"Xiang'er, let's go back to Loucheng City Lord's Mansion to rest first, and bring you out to play when we have time."

"Hmm..." Hong Zhuxiang replied absent-mindedly.

The man's always pampering gaze caused another commotion in the crowd. The common people exclaimed again and again, praying to God to bless their prince and concubine with a happy marriage for a hundred years and everything goes well.

A group of people returned to Loucheng City Lord's Mansion under the eyes of the common people. The city owner of Loucheng was surnamed Fu. He was a capable man in his thirties. He had a bold and straightforward personality and was a soldier.It is a great honor for the prince to stop in his mansion this time, everyone in the mansion is doing their best.

Night, coming soon, warm and cool as water.

Recently, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hongzhuxiang have been inseparable, Xue Zhongchen is most worried about not being able to find a chance to strike, and Hongzhuxiang is always concerned about the matter of Yi Nanyuan, so he can't sleep, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is done Went lightly walked to the bed, but saw the little woman's eyes rolling, obviously not sleepy at all.

"Xiang'er, do you think of Xue Yuan?" If he had known that a dead man could still make Xiang'er miss him so much, he should have thought of a way to revive that man so that he would not lose too much blood. died.

"He is also a hard-fated person. He was only eight years old at the time. He went through the same ordeal as me. If he hadn't chosen to jump off the cliff, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today. Whenever I see Nanfengguan, I will think of him. This is natural, but what is strange to me is that the fonts on the plaques of these men's fashion halls are all the same, I suspect that it is done by someone with a heart." The black eyes are like night, dark and bright, and the woman's agile eyes are shining with infinite elegance.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a bit unexpected. He thought that Xiang'er would never let go of Xue Yuan, so he kept thinking about the Nanfeng Pavilion. It turned out that Xiang'er also noticed something strange and was puzzled. Under such circumstances, her little head To be able to stay sober.

"Ah Zhan, I don't know how much you know, but I can guess a lot. First, Yinanyuan must have something to do with Xue Yuan back then. Second, Xue Yuan has an 'unusual' relationship with Xuelang Bihai. Third, this matter involves me, and it has something to do with the person who was assassinated that day.” Recently, Ah Zhan surrounded her in a sweet way like honey, but he was extremely vigilant about the people and things around him. Taken together, It can only show that there must be a major contest happening around her.

"Xiang'er, why bother so much?" The man's voice was a little heavy, a little stuffy, and a little forbearing.

"Azhan, don't you understand me? Unless something doesn't happen, once it happens, I can't ignore it. Even if there is really something that is not good for me, isn't there you by my side? "The eyelashes trembled slightly, and under the thick and thick curls was a pair of big eyes that covered his expression. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was taken aback for a moment. So difficult.

Ruxue's face sank, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan said immediately: "Xiang'er, if I guessed correctly, it was done by people from Xuelangbihai. They just took advantage of your nostalgia for Xueyuan to arouse your affection Pay attention, and lead you into the game step by step."

"Is it because of my blood?"

"It's not your blood, it's your life. To save that woman, you need to shed all your blood. That's why I didn't agree with Xue Zhongchen at the beginning. How can I use a girl's life to save another girl? ?” Besides, she is a woman who is not worth saving.

Hong Zhuxiang paused, as if it was unbelievable, no wonder Ah Zhan was so angry when he mentioned this matter, it turned out that the matter was far from as simple as she thought.

"Who...Xiang'er, you wait for me here!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan heard the breath outside, and immediately chased him out, leaving the red bamboo fragrance in the room.

The black figure in front of him is very fast in light kungfu, dozens of times faster than ordinary martial arts masters. After practicing Longteng Juling, this is the first time Xuanyuan Tianzhan has encountered such a strong opponent.

After running a certain distance, the person in front stopped.

Long Yuyan turned around lightly, a face with sharp edges and corners was exquisite to the extreme, and a pair of phoenix eyes were as beautiful as shooting stars, peerless, Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly raised his breath, and a strong wind hit Long Yuyan, which was unexpected by Long Yuyan , greeted with a hand, and after a confrontation, Xuanyuan Tianzhan withdrew his palm and looked at the more mature man in front of him with a smile.

"It turns out that your Excellency is Long Yuyan!" He is the handsome senior brother Xiang'er has been thinking about, and he really is a character.Xuanyuan Tianzhan's faint voice could not hear any emotion, but he couldn't calm down in his heart. With Long Yuyan's martial arts, if he didn't take the initiative to show up, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to discover the existence of Long Yuyan. Such a master is rare in the world , You must specialize in martial arts to reach such a state.Long Yuyan has such cultivation at such a young age, he can be regarded as a martial arts prodigy.

(End of this chapter)

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