Chapter 220 Resurrection (1)
"You guessed my identity?" Long Yuyan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"I feel your aura." When I was on the Black Water Cliff, I was forced to withdraw a strong energy. It was this man at the beginning, but I don't know why he didn't make a move. Xiang'er didn't find her on the Black Water Cliff. Senior brother Long Yuyan didn't know that her senior brother had been following her secretly.

A glimmer of darkness flashed in Long Yuyan's eyes. It turned out that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's attack just now was a temptation. Experts only need to feel this breath to know the identity of the other party. It's just that he has never shown up. How did you guess it was his?Sure enough, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is a deep and powerful man, as he thought, and the younger junior sister fell in love with him, but he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

"Don't let Xiang'er down." Long Yuyan sighed and softened his tone.

"Don't bother Senior Brother Long to remind you." For the sake of being so kind to Xiang'er, it's not an exaggeration to call him Senior Brother Long. Xuanyuan Tianzhan naturally knows that Long Yuyan is not Xiang'er's simple senior senior brother. I'm afraid this man Also deeply in love with Xianger.

This kind of forbearance and silent attention hidden behind is not something ordinary people can do. With the relationship between Long Yuyan and Xiang'er, he can appear by Xiang'er's side in an open and aboveboard manner. Get him out?There are only two possibilities, either Long Yuyan's love for Xiang'er has reached another level, or Long Yuyan has hidden too deeply, as for which one, Xuanyuan Tianzhan can't tell for a while.However, this man will never hurt Xiang'er in the slightest.

"Today I saw a few people on the street who wanted to hurt Xiang'er by chance. They seem to be planning something. You should be careful recently." Long Yuyan wanted to tell Xuanyuan Tianzhan that if he bullied his little girl, Junior sister, he will not stand idly by.The second is to remind Xuanyuan Tianzhan what he saw today.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan tossed out a word resoundingly.

Long Yuyan glanced at the man standing against the wind under the moonlight. The black robe gave people a more mysterious feeling. It may take more time to understand Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but his feelings for Xiang'er should be sincere real meaning.For so many days, he has seen it.

The eyes of the two men collided in the air, one with amber golden light, deep and sharp, and the other with black eyes like ink, calm and calm, Long Yuyan turned around suddenly, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled, and as he walked back, he thought about what kind of person Long Yuyan was. Long Ruhuo practiced evil skills, which went against morality, while his son, Long Yuyan, was righteous and awe-inspiring. There are thousands of iron-blooded men, I'm afraid they can't compare with such a Long Yuyan!

What would happen if Xiang'er knew that she had such a big brother, and that her big brother still liked her?He should believe in Xiang'er, and even more in his own charm, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's golden eyes lit up, and he flew back to the City Lord's Mansion with ease.

The gate of the City Lord's Mansion was opened, lights were lit everywhere in the mansion, bright torches fluttered around, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes turned cold, and he immediately flew towards Hongzhuxiang's bedroom.

As soon as City Lord Fu saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan, he knelt down involuntarily. He never thought that someone would break into the City Lord's mansion at night and break into the room of the prince and princess.

"My lord, a group of masters appeared in the city lord's mansion. The princess was robbed, and the subordinates neglected their duties. Please punish me." The city lord was sweating profusely, and his voice was trembling.

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan heard this, he was furious. With a big hand, a ball of white spiritual light flew in the palm of his hand. The bitter cold wind was sucked into his hand, and the strong internal force was released. With the black robe raised, everyone saw a tree trunk against the wind. It fell down, breaking apart, stirring up dust all over the place.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's anger was completely ignited at this moment, and all the soldiers did not dare to take a breath. They looked at the icy prince in a daze. At this moment, the situation changed, and the world was miserable. Such a thing happened in the Hanhai Kingdom, if something happened to the princess, they would not be at ease even if they died!

Bloodthirsty murderous intent appeared in the amber eyes, deep and ruthless, for an instant, the whole air was filled with a suppressed and suffocating air current, Xue Zhongchen was really daring, dared to challenge his bottom line, if Xiang'er was less With just one hair, he is bound to flatten the entire snowy waves and blue seas.

Hong Zhuxiang was waiting for Xuanyuan Tianzhan in the room, but found that someone was blowing intoxicated drugs into the room, so she pretended to be in a coma, and used her tricks to see what these people wanted to do. Instead of sleeping like this all day long, it would be better to solve it completely this matter.

Several men in black took her out of the city lord's mansion, put her on a carriage, and ran towards the city. When the black cloth blindfolded her was removed, there was no legendary dark warehouse, and there was no rough kidnapping. Boss, I didn't see an evil and bloodthirsty person like an executioner, but in a bright and comfortable room, a man stood upright with his back to her, dressed in blue, very familiar, Hong Zhuxiang was startled, that premonition more intense.

The man in blue turned his head slowly, and looked deeply at the astonished woman with a pair of enchanting eyes. Hong Zhuxiang stood up and looked at the man in front of him incredulously, with a trembling and hoarse voice: "Is it you? Really?" Is it you?"

Such a familiar face, such familiar eyes, such a similar feeling, who would the man in front of him be if not Xue Yuan?But hadn't he already died?Hong Zhuxiang does not believe that there are ghosts in this world. Although she is a soul traveler herself, the probability of such a thing happening is not high.

"Xiang'er, it's so hard to see you!" Xue Yuan spoke slowly, her full voice mixed with the wind and frost of the world, which made people feel distressed.

Hong Zhuxiang became agitated uncontrollably, walked over to look at Xue Yuan carefully, and pinched his face with her hands. He didn't wear a human skin mask. This was the Xue Yuan she had seen in the Men's Pavilion back then, but he wasn't Had Feng Wuhen cut his tongue and bled too much to death?

"Open your mouth!" Short but powerful words.

"Ah..." The man opened his mouth obediently, Hong Zhuxiang raised the man's chin, and took a closer look. His tongue was intact, and there was no abnormality like ordinary people. Hong Zhuxiang took a step back in surprise, He looked at the man in front of him suspiciously.

She checked it herself at that time, and Xue Yuan's tongue was indeed cut off, and she was still speechless, and she also saw Xue Qing take away Xue Yuan's body, what happened to all this?Could it be that people on this continent can really come back from the dead, isn't it incredible?

"Xiang'er, do you think I'm a human or a ghost?" Xue Yuan suddenly jumped in front of Hong Zhuxiang mischievously, looking at her excitedly.

"I don't know." She was already in a daze, completely unable to figure out what was going on?But she can be sure that the man in front of her must be Xue Yuan she has seen before, because the pair of eyes are so similar.

"Hehe... Is there anything in this world that Xiang'er is not sure about? Take a closer look." Xue Yuan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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