The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 225 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog

Chapter 225 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog (1)
Nalan Ruofei was overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "Jar of vinegar, come out." Just now Xuanyuan Tianzhan was sound transmission into the secret, naturally only Hongzhuxiang could hear it, but now Nalan Ruofei heard it.

"Ah... Ah Zhan, why are you here?" Hong Zhuxiang stared blankly at the man who fell from the sky in front of him. His snow-white skin was glowing, his handsome face was slightly cold, his figure was tall and straight, full of charm, and he was dressed in black. The brocade robe made the whole person mysterious and domineering, Hong Zhuxiang's heart skipped a beat, he is really here!Her male god, has he been following her these days?

"Xiang'er, I have already said that it is not for your blood, but for your life! Now I will explain to you, little fool, that what is needed to save that woman is not a bowl of blood, but a daily A bowl of blood takes 49 days, if the woman has not woken up by then, she needs to continue to supply blood, how many days do you think your body can last?"

When Hong Zhuxiang saw through Xue Zhongchen's identity, she expected it wasn't a matter of a bowl of blood, but she didn't expect that so much blood was really needed, a bowl a day, how cruel, she suddenly felt that she was kind-hearted and a little silly, she was She really thought about saving that woman, maybe it was because of her tragic experience in the dark pavilion that she always had such a kind of compassion in her heart.

Looking at it now, she is really ridiculous!

"I see." Hong Zhuxiang said sadly.The strength in his body seemed to be emptied in an instant, his whole face was pale and lifeless, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a pain in his heart, he flew to Hong Zhuxiang's side, leaned against his broad chest, and held the little girl in his arms.

"Vinegar jar, what are you doing to scare Xiang'er?" Although Nalan Ruofei said so, he was very excited in his heart. He didn't expect God to hear his voice and actually let Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the vinegar jar, appear. He was unhappy because he knew the truth, but he successfully prevented Xiang'er from using her own blood to save the woman. Generally speaking, it was a good thing.

"Xiang'er, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. You are still young, so naturally you haven't experienced so much. Most of your world is black and white. Either you are a villainous person like Feng Wuhen, or you are a person like me and me. People like Murong Rui who will never hurt you, but you have overlooked that there are still many people in the gray area between black and white in this world, like Leng Yishuang, like Xue Zhongchen, they plot against you, use You, even if you are willing to be fooled because of Xue Yuan's relationship, you have to think about the consequences and the people who really care about you." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone softened, like a mentor.

"It's like how old you are." Hong Zhuxiang muttered, but her heart was slowly warming up. Yes, there are also people who have always been nice to her, such as Ah Zhan, such as Rui, such as Ruofei, and others. Having a brother... After all, she is still lucky!
"It's been five years longer than you! You are eighteen years old, and your husband is 23." The man pinched her little face dotingly, and didn't mind what she said about being old. He Xuanyuantian Zhan Ke is not old at all, it is the time of youth and full of charm.

"I know you won't leave me alone." Hong Zhuxiang suddenly embraced the man's waist shyly, and buried her small head in his arms. At this moment, she continued to look at Xue Yuan's appearance and saved other women. Out of mind, without Ah Zhan, nothing interesting.

Hearing these words, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart moved. The little woman's words greatly pleased him. Indeed, he would never ignore her. He would always give her a big embrace and warm sunshine.

Nalan Ruofei looked at the two with a smile on his face, his eyes wide open, without the slightest intention of avoiding them, these two people are really interesting.

"Ah Zhan, you haven't said why you are here?"

"Xiang'er, do you really think it's so easy to run out of my territory? Zhuihun has been following you. The teahouse where you drank tea was built by the Wuying Sect. Along the way, your every move is affected by everything. Under my nose, understand?" The man's domineering and arrogant voice was convincing, and Hong Zhuxiang knew that Ah Zhan really had such ability and capital.But, she never thought of it before!
Nalan Ruofei ran away directly, because he received Xuanyuan Tianzhan's unkind eyes, what does his sentence all the way under his nose mean?He just walked shoulder to shoulder with Xiang'er for a short while, this man wouldn't want to fix him afterwards, would he?

Hong Zhuxiang smiled and said: "Hey... I don't want to run at all. I just think about one thing all day long and feel uncomfortable. I just want to see what's going on! After all, I'm still curious. The heart and the naughty heart are a little heavy, but the result is not interesting."

"The result is not interesting? Didn't it turn out that after seeing Xue Yuan, you forgot about your husband?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words were full of jealousy, and his golden eyes seemed to be able to kill people. His anger did not come from the red bamboo fragrance, but from the red bamboo Xiang and Nalan Ruofei hurried behind.

"No, I'll go back with you now." Hong Zhuxiang was still coaxing the man, completely ignoring the person behind him, Xue Yuan was dead after all, even if he could see his appearance, he couldn't understand where his soul was Instead of seeing this man ruining Xue Yuan's character by taking advantage of his appearance like Xue Yuan's, he might as well just walk away.

"Do you think you can walk?" Xue Zhongchen's mocking voice came from behind.

"I can leave as I want, what are you? Can you stop me?" Hong Zhuxiang was furious, and turned to look coldly at Xue Zhongchen in blue.

A Zhan is right, her world is either black or white, and love and hatred are very clear. Now that she already knows what kind of person Xue Zhongchen is, then she will no longer be polite to him.Just a bowl of blood?Thank goodness he had the nerve to say it!If Ah Zhan hadn't said a bowl of blood a day, she would have really believed this man's nonsense.

"Your daily diet has been poisoned these days. Once you leave, you will die from the poison in a short time." Xue Zhongchen looked evilly in the direction of Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hong Zhuxiang, and his laughing voice made people laugh. people shocked.

"Xiang'er, do you know how sinister the human heart is now?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked into the woman's eyes seriously, his voice was neither anxious nor impatient, neither hot nor cold, and it was almost impossible to hear the emotions inside. Having come back, the poison under Xue Zhongchen is not terrible, the important thing is to let Xiang'er know, don't trust others easily.

"Well, I got it." Hong Zhuxiang sneered, human feelings are warm and cold, but that's all... Somewhere you don't know, there will always be darkness hidden. In this world, there has never been a so-called sunny road. It is full of blood, calculations and intrigues. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the enemy's trap and be lost forever.

This is how a kind person closes his heart step by step, isolates himself step by step, until finally, he is unwilling to open himself again.At this moment, Hong Zhuxiang's firm belief began to shake. People's hearts are the most fragile and unpredictable. Even the kindest heart may be taken advantage of.

(End of this chapter)

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