The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 226 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog

Chapter 226 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog (2)
"Xiang'er, I know you have a kind and sincere heart, but you have to remember that some people's badness is written on their faces, which can be recognized at a glance, but there are more sinister little people in this world. People, they won’t show it, when you find out that trust has become deceit, it’s already too late, that’s it.” The reason why he indulged her these days is to let her understand this truth more deeply, and in the future, things like this Maybe there are many more, there are always things he can't care about, he hopes that Xiang'er can take good care of himself and cherish himself.

"Ah Zhan..." Hongzhuxiang's nose soured, and she hugged the man tightly. She just didn't want to have too much hostility towards this world, she just didn't want to touch those sad things, but she slowly She found that there are always many conspiracies and schemes in this world that she can't imagine.

Why don't people live more simply?Why do people go to great lengths?Perhaps, throughout her life, Hong Zhuxiang couldn't figure this out.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan caressed her hair, passing his scorching and warm breath over one by one, the doting light in his eyes surpassed the dazzling stars.

"Fool, I will accompany you how you want to play, as long as you don't take yourself seriously, you have to know, I care about you most. If you are drawn into some conspiracy for no reason, I hope you can protect me Myself." He didn't ask much, he only asked her to be safe, happy, healthy, and happy.

"How can someone be so stupid, don't underestimate your Xiang'er..." Hong Zhuxiang rubbed against the man's arms, her bright eyes were as bright as the moon and stars. She just doesn't want to put a veil on her heart, but as long as someone touches her bottom line, she will hold a sharp knife in her hand and release her own spikes, stabbing those malicious people full of holes.

"You..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan nodded, pinching her little face helplessly, it was pink and tender, extremely smooth, and he also understood Xiang'er, it's not that she didn't know, it was just that she didn't want to.

Well... Even if she is soaked in a honeypot forever, it's okay!The man thinks so.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of people, the two became intimate like no one else, as if they didn't care about Xue Yuan's poisoning at all.Hong Zhuxiang knew that Ah Zhan was more worried about her than anyone else. Now that Ah Zhan has no reaction, there must be a way to detoxify her.

After a long time, it was Nalan Ruofei who broke the calm.

"Despicable and shameless! Not only deceived Xiang'er, but also secretly poisoned Xiang'er. Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?" Nalan Ruofei spat at Xue Zhongchen, with never-before-seen disgust flashing in his eyes.

"God is too busy to condemn me. I, Xue Zhongchen, have always been ruthless and unscrupulous. Didn't someone already know about it? What do you think, Xuanyuan Tianzhan?" Xue Zhongchen didn't seem to take Nalan Ruofei seriously at all. He only cares about Xuanyuan Tianzhan's feelings, and he also wants to let this proud man feel worried about his beloved woman.

From Xue Zhongchen's point of view, the reason why Xuanyuan Tianzhan is extremely calm is that he is trying to be calm. He knows that a person like Xuanyuan Tianzhan will not show panic or fear even if he is in danger and his life is on the line. The calmer he is, the more nervous he is.

Hong Zhuxiang swept her cold eyes, and knew what Xue Zhongchen was thinking, and the coldness in her heart was even worse, and she was merciless when she spoke.

"You put poison on me? What a clever way! The little girl really admires it!" Hong Zhuxiang clapped her hands and "admired", her black eyes were long and her smile was faint, and she suddenly lowered her head and sighed, "It's a pity, The poison you gave me may not be able to threaten me, you know? Master Miaoshou can cure my poison, and he is in Hanhai Kingdom."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was startled, how did Xiang'er know?This ghost is clever, pretending to be pitiful and pretending to be true, the one who rubbed against his arms just now, so he took the opportunity to eat his tofu!
"After this incident, I'm in a bad mood, even if I can save your Jing'er, I don't want to save your Jing'er. If you really want to save your Jing'er, please come and beg me, sincerely beg me! Or you kneel out a hole, or knock your head so bloody, with such sincerity, I might help you. But if you still want to take me back to Xuelangbihai forcibly, that's just a dream, I don't want to No one can force me to do what I am willing to do! Moreover, I am afraid you will not be able to leave the territory of Hanhai Kingdom!"

Red Bamboo Fragrance's voice seemed to come from a high mountain. It was chilly, icy and cold. No one could threaten her like this. She planned to help him for Xue Yuan's face, but Xue Zhong Chen not only lied to her, but also poisoned her. The worst thing is, he actually wanted to threaten Ah Zhan with the poison on his body.

Xue Zhongchen was stunned, speechless, he had never thought that this Red Bamboo Xiang would be so calm and composed, even under such circumstances, he would be able to stay calm in the face of danger, unexpectedly not even afraid of his poison , What a courageous woman.The appearance of the real Miaoshou really gave him a headache, but the whereabouts of the real Miaoshou is uncertain, so how could he appear in Hanhai Kingdom so coincidentally?

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense? Don't say whether Master Miaoshou is in Hanhai Country or not. Even if he is in Hanhai Country, he may not be able to cure your poison." Xue Zhongchen pretended to be calm and looked at Hong Zhuxiang. , but there is the urge to kill in his eyes.

"Xiang'er, he's just a mad dog. Talking to him is too exhausting. Let's go home. By the way, Xue Zhongchen, I have to thank you for bringing my concubine back to me. Xiang'er, you know Is it? Xuanyuan City is five miles ahead." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words were light and full of anticipation, and Xiang'er finally came back.

"You..." Xue Zhongchen was in a hurry, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan called him a mad dog!
"So, we're almost home. It's great. It seems that the journey for so many days was not in vain. I'm so excited!" Hong Zhuxiang ignored Xue Yuan's clamoring, and was extremely happy.

"Xiang'er, you can't forget your friends when you see sex. It's not easy for me to come to Hanhai Kingdom from a long distance. I want to stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion and do my best. You won't disagree..." Nalan Ruofei He also came over and acted so kindly!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled without showing any traces. This man is still savvy, knowing to ask for his opinion, Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help laughing, Ruofei was like a little white wolf in front of A Zhan. To the big tiger!
Xue Zhongchen was messed up in the wind, these few people didn't pay attention to him at all, and they talked comfortably, as if they were talking about family affairs, this feeling of being ignored was gradually slowing down He, one day, he will take revenge on this arrogant couple!
After a while, Wuying, Wuzong and Mingyue also rushed over. The prince is very skilled in martial arts, so naturally they don't need any effort. Speak!
(End of this chapter)

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