The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 227 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog

Chapter 227 Domineering Male God Becomes a Loyal Dog (3)
"Princess, you are so handsome. Today I saw you hit a pig's hand with a whip, domineering, mighty, wanton and unrestrained. I don't want to mention how happy I am... The princess is mighty!" Wuying is the most doggy, I really admire What about the princess?

"Princess, during the few days when you were away, the prince has been thinking about you every day. He can't eat well, sleep well..." Uh...Prince, I'm telling the truth, don't stare at me like this.Wu Zing stopped talking embarrassingly, Xuanyuan Tian's piercing eyes shot out, but a touch of red glow unconsciously flew into the ears, damn it, who made Wu Zing talk too much? !
Hong Zhuxiang was inexplicably distressed, a little annoyed at her self-willedness, her small hand tightly pinched Xuanyuan Tianzhan's big hand, and silently told him her heart, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart warmed, and his eyes softened a lot.

"Master..." Mingyue was stunned for a long time, and then she rushed over and hugged her master recklessly. Big tears kept flowing, and everyone was instantly frightened by Mingyue's actions. Are you close to the princess? .

"Master, woo woo..." Mingyue sobbed, not knowing whether it was from excessive sadness or the joy of reunion.

"Hey... don't cry, am I fine?" Hong Zhuxiang stepped forward, hugged Mingyue and comforted her softly. She knew that Mingyue was really worried about her, and this girl's eyes were swollen from crying.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the empty hand, and frowned. How many times has Xianger let go of his hand? The expression on Xuanyuan Tianzhanjun's face is even more depressed than that pig Xue Zhongchen. Pull it out of Xiang'er so that Xiang'er can be snatched back.

Wu Ying and Wu Zing lay down directly on the gun. Why is the air-conditioning on the prince always towards them? They just said a word to the princess, it can't be so miserable, right?
The complexions of Xue Zhongchen and his party turned pale, did Xuanyuan Tianzhan treat them as air?It's too much, no one has ever dared to ignore him like this!As soon as Xue Zhongchen got angry, he said something that made him regret it.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, didn't you hear? Your woman was poisoned by me and she was about to die." Xue Zhongchen gritted his teeth fiercely, his voice full of hostility.

"Looking for death!" Amber's eyes flashed with coldness, Xuanyuan Tianzhan flipped his wrist, and lifted it up with a burst of vigor. In an instant, sand and rocks flew, the wind howled, and a palm flew out, approaching the group of people on the opposite side, and the snow-white aura swept the man away. Surrounded in an instant, his whole body is sunny and holy, and people can't help but worship him.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was annoyed because Mingyue occupied the red bamboo fragrance, since Xue Zhongchen insisted on bumping into his gun at this time, he just took the opportunity to vent and test how his skills have progressed recently.

Xue Zhongchen's pupils dilated in an instant, and the people behind him fell straight down like this. He didn't even see clearly how Xuanyuan Tianzhan made his move. It's easy to kill such a man.

Hong Zhuxiang was also very shocked to see the fallen guards, who died from the shock of the air wave, without a sound. If the martial arts were not high, they would have no ability to parry this kind of attack.The reason why Xue Zhongchen can stand safely is only because his martial arts cultivation level is slightly higher, and Azhan seems to intend to show mercy to his subordinates. After all, he is the prince of the sea area with snow waves and blue seas, so he can't just die in Hanhai Kingdom like this .

"Monster, I, Nalan Ruofei, swear that I will never dare to mess with this jealous jar again in my life." Nalan Ruofei lowered his usual dandy voice a lot, he did not forget that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was still angry.Xiang'er, you must cover me from now on. What Nalan Ruofei didn't know was that he was not the only one who said this sentence in his heart at the same time!

Princess, you have to cover us!
"Zhouhun, take off his clothes and throw him back into the snowy waves and blue sea." Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave the order, his expression as cold as ice.A few black shadows flew out like ghosts, and the division of labor was clear. Some people were responsible for blocking the sight of their own princess, and some people quickly set up Xue Zhongchen and picked him up at an extremely fast speed. Xue Zhongchen was shocked and trembling all over. Then the hidden guard who was called out by the chasing soul took it out.

Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help admiring, Ah Zhan's people are really different, and they are so thoughtful in doing things, and they want to prevent her from seeing their clothes. How can ordinary hidden guards think so much?

After dealing with Xue Zhongchen, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't seem to be satisfied yet, and wanted to fix others, so he fixed his eyes on Nalan Ruofei, Wuying and Wujing, Mingyue is Xiang'er's person, and you Xiang'er is not easy to deal with for the time being. Fix these few people who always talk to Xiang'er, teach them a lesson, so as not to disturb his good time with Xiang'er at every turn.

Wu Ying and Wu Zing secretly sighed that something was wrong, and Qi Qi winked at Ming Yue, looking so funny, Ming Yue reacted a beat later, and left her master tremblingly.

Because Mingyue was too worried about her master, she didn't notice Xuanyuan Tianzhan's anger at all. Now that she thinks about it, she regrets it. She really wants to shout "Lord Zhan, Mingyue didn't do it on purpose", but she can't say a word because she has already Seeing Mr. Nalan, Wu Ying and Wu Zing lifted their feet off the ground and slowly lifted into the air.

Nalan Ruofei screamed: "Vinegar jar, what are you doing, let us down quickly! Xiang'er, help me, if I fall to my death, no one will drink with you."

"Black-hearted, heartless, let me down quickly." Nalan Ruofei's miserable cry sounded throughout the woods. People mourn for missing.

Nalan Ruofei still dared to shout, but Wuzong and Wuying didn't dare to shout a word, the more they shouted, the more the prince would "take care" of them!Sure enough, after Nalan Ruofei yelled, he suffered even more, and was hung up on a tree. This... this posture turned out to be upside down!
Hong Zhuxiang was stunned, this jealous man is really domineering!It seems that he was merciful when he threw Yunfeilong into the mass grave and Wuying into the cold pool of Qingshan Temple before, but now he hangs the person upside down in the air in resentment, why is that!

"Ah Zhan...don't be angry, don't you know that everyone is afraid of you?" Hongzhuxiang coquettishly poked the man's chest with her fingers, looking extremely charming.

"I don't think they're afraid of me at all." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold eyes swept towards several people in the air, including Mingyue on the ground. If you don't see me, my lord, it's like you can't see me either.

"Hmph..." Hong Zhuxiang snorted, changed her coquettish appearance just now, pushed the man away, and complained, "If you punish them, you can punish me too, anyway, you don't feel sorry for me, If you tricked me back to Hanhai Country, you just ignored it. You dragged me like [-] million all day. When you chased me back then, you were as gentle as something. If you knew I would never go back to Hanhai Country, follow Murong Rui It's good to be together. Murong Rui is personable, gentle and jade-like, and always pampers me. If I say one thing, he will never say another thing. It's not like you, who always punishes me. Do you want to kill the people around me? Are you satisfied if everyone drives away? I regret coming to Hanhai Kingdom now, and I want to go back to Shengjing to find Murong Rui."

(End of this chapter)

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