The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 231 Kicking Out the Gate of the Palace

Chapter 231 Kicking Out the Gate of the Palace (2)
"Miss Leng, you can't just call the concubine by her name casually, or don't blame the old man for not giving me any favors." Although Zheng Bo is a servant, his stand is still very firm. Will not be polite to anyone.

"Okay, okay, I want to see the princess, can I do it?" In order to see Hongzhuxiang, she swallowed her anger for a while, and when she got her cousin and entered the gate of the Prince Regent's mansion, she would definitely smash the old man into pieces .

"This... the prince said, no one is allowed to disturb the princess." Zheng Bo automatically filtered out the word "sleeping". You can't say that the princess is still sleeping in front of this group of people, right?

Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but take another look at Zheng Bo. This old man in his 50s has been protecting her all the time. If someone is nice to her, she will naturally be nice to that person. She remembers this big housekeeper!

Leng Yishuang's face turned dark immediately, this bad old man was just looking for various excuses to prevent her from entering the Regent's Palace, fortunately, she has the Queen's aunt to support her!

"Bold, I have the order of the empress, do you dare to despise the emperor's prestige?" Leng Yishuang almost roared, why is it so difficult to enter the Regent's Palace every time?It doesn't mean that the prince is not here, or that the prince doesn't want to see guests, in short, he just doesn't let people in.

"Uncle Zheng, the empress is the queen's mother. Even if the prince is here, I'm afraid he can't just ignore the empress's order? What's more, you are just a little housekeeper!" Ruan Ling'er, the daughter of the Ruan mansion, echoed.

Although Ruan Ling'er also hates Leng Yishuang's arrogance and arrogance, she really wants to enter the Prince Regent's Mansion. With her status, she can only watch from a distance, but she has never entered this mansion. , Excitement, inquiry, a series of complex emotions flooded in.

As soon as Feng Ling came out, even Zheng Bo didn't dare to disobey, Leng Yishuang led a group of people into the Prince Regent's mansion in a mighty manner, Hong Zhuxiang smiled secretly, and the corners of her lips parted evilly, she was worried that she couldn't find anyone to vent Well, a group of mentally handicapped and boring cuties just happened to come, so how can this make sense if they don't exercise their muscles and bones well?
In order to overwhelm Hong Zhuxiang's aura, Leng Yishuang specially wore a flamboyant red dress. Coupled with her arrogant posture, the whole person seemed even more meaningless, apart from being arrogant, she was still arrogant!

Hong Zhuxiang didn't pay attention to a woman like Leng Yishuang who spoke without thinking at all, but paid more attention to Ruan Ling'er. This woman obviously wanted to hide deeper. They entered the Regent's Palace together with the queen's order, and they did not hesitate to speak for Leng Yishuang.Such a woman needs to be on guard!

Do you care if you are deep or arrogant?As long as you dare to provoke her Red Bamboo Fragrance, there will be no good fruit to eat!Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai didn't understand why they looked at their princess and smiled. Why doesn't this smile look like a smile?The two couldn't help shivering, and agreed that they must not make the princess unhappy. Their poor stomachs are still empty until now!
"Miss Leng, you can wait for the concubine in the living room, and you must not enter the courtyard of the prince and concubine without authorization!" Uncle Zheng became anxious. As soon as Leng Yishuang entered the door, he knew that the concubine was still sleeping. Princess is not good!Now I can only hope that the prince will come back soon.

As soon as Leng Yishuang entered the Prince Regent's Mansion, she couldn't control so much, so she went straight to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's courtyard. When the golden domineering plaque appeared in front of her eyes, she suspected that she had gone to the wrong place, but her cousin's courtyard How could she go wrong?

Leng Yi opened his eyes and took a closer look, and the words "Zhan Xiangxuan" came into view. The characters on the plaque on the plaque were like flowing clouds and flowing water, flying like dragons and phoenixes. If it wasn't written by my cousin, who would it be?The young ladies understood the meaning of the name as soon as they saw it, and they all showed expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Ruan Ling'er had seen Xuanyuan Tianzhan's original handwriting, and she could tell that it was written by him. What kind of woman is Hong Zhuxiang, who is worthy of the prince's treatment?

Raising her beautiful eyes, her eyes swept across the scene in the courtyard, Ruan Ling'er showed an unbelievable expression, these maids and nuns who were so sun-dizzy were clearly here to serve people to dress and wash, could it be that the prince and Is Hong Zhuxiang still going to bed?Ruan Ling'er felt a sudden pain in her heart, how could they do this?Even before they officially got married, they were already in the same room!

Leng Yishuang was well-informed, and naturally knew that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had entered the palace. These women saw that Leng Yishuang had come to the Regent's Palace, and they all thought that Prince Zhan, whom they admired, was in the palace. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was offended by the matter of the blood test bead, so he did not dare to appear in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan easily for the time being, so he came to the Prince Regent's Mansion specifically to trouble Hong Zhuxiang when Xuanyuan Tianzhan entered the palace.

"Hahaha... the dignified princess, she hasn't woken up at this time, it really makes people laugh!" Leng Yishuang laughed first, and this smile instantly attracted everyone's attention, and the maids became the eyes of everyone. hot spot.

What happened next caught people off guard. Uncle Zheng did not expect that Leng Yishuang kicked open the door of the prince's room.

"Presumptuous, do you dare to enter the prince's room without authorization?" Zheng Bo was angry, Leng Yishuang was really daring, if he disturbed the princess, it would be terrible!

Leng Yishuang's feet hurt a little, but she didn't care so much, she just wanted to see Hong Zhuxiang's joke, and quickly entered the room, Leng Yishuang searched around, and all the women seemed to be bewitched, and they couldn't help but step on it. feet in.

"Come here, drive these women out of the palace." Zheng Bo panicked, why are these women so uneducated?The princess is still sleeping, and the guards are men, and they cannot enter the princess' room, what should I do?
Hong Zhuxiang observed in the dark, with a slightly displeased face. These women are so crazy. Fortunately, there are still a few smart ones who did not go in. This time, it is really unreasonable for her not to give these women a big blow.

Leng Yishuang was stunned, not to mention the scent of red bamboo in the room, there was no red shadow at all, how could this be possible?All the girls are also Zhang Er's monks, wondering why there is no one in the room?

After a while, all the girls realized that this was the prince's room, but they broke in by accident, and they were frightened out of their wits, and staggered out the door.

Outside Zhan Xiangxuan, there are a group of guards in white clothes with gloomy faces, and outside the white clothes guards are hidden guards in black clothes who cannot see clearly. All those who have entered Zhan Xiangxuan today cannot escape.Zheng Bo stared angrily at Leng Yishuang, his deep and sophisticated eyes made Leng Yishuang tremble all over, for a little housekeeper like him to have such sharp eyes, the people in the Prince Regent's Mansion are really not easy to mess with.

"Catch it and wait for the prince and princess to deal with it." Zheng Bo gave an order, and Leng Yishuang and the others were immediately arrested by the white-clothed guards, and the black-clothed guards hardly did anything!
(End of this chapter)

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