The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 232 Embracing the Emperor

Chapter 232 Embracing the Emperor (1)
"How dare you!" Leng Yishuang hopped his feet, "You still don't look for the concubine, do you want to wait for the prince's cousin to come back and execute you?"

Uncle Zheng flashed a suspicious look, isn't the princess in the room?How is this possible?

"Yes, butler, we all saw it. The princess is not in the room at all. If you don't believe me, you can let the maids and nuns go in and take a look." A woman who had just entered also said.

Uncle Zheng gave him a wink, and the maids and nuns immediately entered the room cautiously, for fear of disturbing their princess, but when they looked around, the princess was not in the room at all!

When Zheng Bo heard that the maids said that the princess was gone, he was a little confused for the first time.

"Housekeeper, you should still thank me! If I hadn't entered this room, I'm afraid you wouldn't know that the princess is gone. If something happens to the princess, can you afford it? Why don't you hurry up and find someone?" !" Leng Yi rolled his eyes, and immediately shifted the focus of the matter to the matter of Hong Zhuxiang's disappearance, and instead described himself as a hero.

"Let them go first. Everyone in the house is going to find the princess and send someone to inform the prince." The housekeeper was sweating profusely, and he didn't have the energy to take care of Leng Yishuang and the others for the time being. The princess disappeared, why? gone?
Hong Zhuxiang was watching a good play with relish, when someone patted her shoulder suddenly, she turned her head and saw it was Wu Ying, and Wu Ying asked her princess with a smile if she had seen enough of the good show, but Hong Zhuxiang said "" I haven't played enough", and I have to take them out to show off their might.

Xiaobai and Xiaohei rolled their eyes, and asked the sky speechlessly, the princess is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic!
"Hmph... This Red Bamboo Fragrance, dare to trick me? One day, the chief of this county will make her die in an ugly way!" Leng Yishuang cursed viciously as she walked to the door. Although her voice was very soft, the surrounding people The woman can still hear clearly!Everyone is still in shock, and they dare not be as bold as Leng Yishuang!
"Miss Leng, who are you talking about making an ugly death?" A lazy and casual voice came from the air, and the backs of all the women felt a chill, and their first reaction was that there was a ghost.But in broad daylight, even if there are ghosts, they dare not come out!

Just when everyone was wondering, a red figure came down, and then three black shadows jumped out, namely Wuying, Xiaohei and Xiaobai.Everyone was shocked, who is this stunningly talented woman?How did she have such a stunning appearance?
Wearing a glistening celestial silk shirt, it looks like the pure silk that has been specially refined, a head of black hair like a waterfall, a simple bun with a red cherry bead pendant, no extra decorations, a beautiful fair face And tender, crystal clear, under the long thick black eyelashes, a pair of black eyes are as bright as the moon, as bright as stars, and the faint fragrance of snow lotus makes people intoxicated, and a noble and holy atmosphere slowly permeates. She descended from the sky, as if From outside the sky, everyone was stunned.

"Meet the princess soon." Wuying's voice was calm and pretentious, with an irresistible penetrating power.These noble ladies don't recognize Hongzhuxiang, but they recognize Wuying, that is the commander of Jinjiawei!

Uncle Zheng, who had just been driven out, was stunned. Such a temperament, high and aloof, unique, and such an appearance, extraordinary, unparalleled in the world, such a woman, is she not a princess or who?Uncle Zheng couldn't help admiring, the prince's vision is really unique!Only such a woman can stand with the prince!
Ruan Ling'er was also stunned. Even if she searched the entire vast sea country, she might not be able to find such an alluring beauty. Bamboo fragrance!
"See the princess." The people in the yard knelt on the ground, with various expressions, Wuying looked at his princess calmly, with pride all over his face, let's blind your eyes!

"Get up, everyone don't need to be polite!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled gently.Everyone was relieved, it turned out that the princess is so amiable and respectable, it is their blessing to have such a princess.

"The people who broke into Prince Zhanxiangxuan's room just now are all tied up." The casual and soft voice was instantly like a sharp knife out of its sheath, with a sharp edge, and the women who were relieved instantly collapsed. They were still underestimating this princess just now. , imagining that she would not do anything to them, but now half a trace of such thoughts are gone.

With Hong Zhuxiang's order, the master in black jumped out of thin air, and tied up all the people who entered the room just now. Except for the women, all eight women were tied up.

"Hongzhuxiang, how dare you?" Leng Yishuang was unwilling, this woman dared to treat her like this, she must let the Queen's aunt severely punish her, although she was a little wronged, but this is just an excuse to sue Hongzhuxiang .

"Throw Leng Yishuang over here, my princess will kick her out of the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion!" After Hong Zhuxiang spoke, the hidden guard behind Leng Yishuang hardly hesitated, and immediately kicked Leng Yishuang over. Zhuxiang jumped in the air, stretched out her feet to hook Leng Yishuang's body, and flew out with one foot.

Everyone was shocked again, the princess turned out to be a woman with strong martial arts!She dared to tie up the Princess Leng's mansion and kick it like a ball. Such a bold and casual woman is really unheard of, never seen before!

"Ah..." Leng Yishuang exclaimed in pain after being kicked out of the Regent's Palace.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked out of the door in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, Princess Leng Yishuang was kicked out of the door by Hong Zhuxiang so easily, and everyone dared not What I believe is that Leng Yishuang is now lying at the emperor's feet.

Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyes, a mighty and tall bright yellow figure came into view, Hong Zhuxiang's eyelids twitched, who is that?Who else would dare to wear the bright yellow dragon robe except Xuanyuan Tianzhan's father?No way?She flaunted her might and even appeared in front of the emperor, and this emperor is still her future father-in-law!
The arrival of Xuanyuan Ce, the emperor of Hanhai Kingdom, instantly blew up a wild wind in the imperial city, and the common people chased him one after another. The emperor was their most respected and beloved person. The emperor's contribution to Hanhai Kingdom's success is indispensable.

In the hearts of the people of Hanhai Kingdom, there are two great figures, one is the regent Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and the other is the emperor Xuanyuan Ce, both of them have the same status, regardless of order.

Inside the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Hong Zhuxiang's beautiful bright eyes were unscrupulously looking at Xuanyuan Ce who was also looking at her on the opposite side. The woman was dressed in a flamboyant red dress, her eyes were clear and generous, and Xuanyuan Ce was dressed in bright yellow, majestic, domineering and unrestrained!
The eyes of the father-in-law and daughter-in-law met in the air, clear and pure. Suddenly, the two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had found a confidant.Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help sighing, as expected of A Zhan's father, it's really unreasonable for a man in his 40s to be so handsome and seductive!It seems that at least half of Ah Zhan's skin, which is as beautiful as a banished fairy, comes from his famous father!
(End of this chapter)

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