The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 233 Embracing the Emperor

Chapter 233 Embracing the Emperor (2)
Who would have imagined that a man in his 40s still takes care of himself like a man in his 20s? If it weren't for the mature charm exuding from his body, Hong Zhuxiang would almost think that the man in front of him is just a big brother, God Ah, the whole family isn't all monsters, is it?
However, these two people have a common feature at first glance, they are white on the outside and black on the inside, they are definitely not simple characters!

"See the emperor!" Everyone knelt down in unison, terrified, of course, except for the red bamboo incense from the 21st century.Kneel down?It doesn't work for her, even if her legs are broken, she won't kneel down, it's not disrespect, it's just that she doesn't like this kind of feudal etiquette.

Hongzhuxiang glanced around, but she didn't find Xuanyuan Tianzhan's figure. It's strange, why didn't Ah Zhan follow the emperor?How could our naughty Xiang'er know that her dear husband is helping her father quickly process the memorial in the royal study of the palace, and Xuanyuan Ce just wants to take advantage of his son's busy time to come and see his future daughter-in-law!
He knew that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was protecting the red bamboo fragrance, so he wanted to see such a legendary woman who could cause two heroes to argue, what kind of woman was she?Seeing that she kicked Leng Yishuang away with one kick just now, she is really heroic, radiant, and has the demeanor of a heroine, and more importantly, this courage is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I'm afraid his daughter-in-law is still No.1.

But the problem now is that she didn't salute him, the current emperor, her future father-in-law, which made him feel a little embarrassed as the emperor. Although she didn't intend to embarrass her, it's really not good to have so many eyes looking at her like this Indulge her like this!
Wuying is a little anxious, the princess has always been free and easy, and hates vain courtesy. She never bowed to anyone in the Shengjing Palace. Now that the emperor is here, everyone is kneeling, but the princess is so calm and proud Standing, if someone has a heart to provoke, saying that the princess is disrespectful to the emperor, that is a serious crime!But the prince is not here at this time, did the emperor come here to test the concubine on purpose?
"Hahaha... I don't know that the emperor is coming, Xiang'er is far away." Hong Zhuxiang walked towards Xuanyuan Ce carelessly under the gaze of everyone, directly bypassing Leng Yishuang's body lying on the ground, and gave Xuanyuan Ce gave a big hug.

What's happening here?Embrace the emperor?

Everyone was so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground. The emperor has the same eccentricities as the prince, and no one is allowed to approach at will. This red bamboo incense dared to hug the emperor in full view. Isn't this courting death?
Xuanyuan Ce trembled all over, no girl dared to hug him like this, but at this moment, Red Bamboo Fragrance had let go of him, and the pleasant scent of snow lotus lingered in his nostrils, refreshing and happy, Xuanyuan Ce was about to speak , this unexpected little girl was one step ahead.

"I've heard for a long time that the father is a hero of the generation, a real dragon for thousands of years, and he is shining all over the world, and he shines everywhere. Seeing you today, you are indeed the idol in Xiang'er's heart. Xiang'er has always looked up to the name of the father. Today, I am lucky to meet you. I couldn't bear the excitement in my heart, so I hugged my father with the most honorable hug ceremony in my hometown, and I hope my father will not blame Xiang'er for being abrupt..."

Hong Zhuxiang said this in a decent manner, with a lively voice, not only boasted about the emperor, but also showed her admiration, and finally showed the cuteness and playfulness of a little girl, which is really overwhelming .

The corner of Wuying's mouth twitched, a hug?The etiquette of meeting?In the whole world, the princess is probably the only one who dares to hug the emperor on such an occasion, but I don't know if his prince will be jealous of his father!

Everyone was stunned again, where did they hear any hug ceremony, and where is her hometown?Sure enough, he is a freak, no wonder his words and deeds are so unexpected, but judging by the emperor's appearance, he seems to like this kind of thing.

"Why would Father blame Xiang'er for being abrupt? Xiang'er is cute, clever, and extremely intelligent, and it's too late for Father to like her." Xuanyuan Ce said kindly.He originally thought that his son finally fell in love with a girl, and he would have to support his future daughter-in-law so that a large group of noble ladies would not frighten her, but he never thought that there would be such a surprise. I hate it late, this future daughter-in-law is deeply in his heart!
The faces of all the ladies changed without exception. The red bamboo fragrance is really a good way to win the emperor's heart so quickly, making them such noble noble ladies far behind. Leng Yishuang's complexion is even ashen. Xiang, but I didn't expect her to be so bold, now she is lawless, and I don't know what will happen in the future? !It's a pity that she doesn't dare to say a word now, what happened today is that she was wrong first, and Hong Zhuxiang is so eloquent and won the sacred heart, if she stands out now, she will only fall deeper.

Ruan Ling'er kept her head down from the beginning to the end, without showing any emotion on her face. It is impossible for her to become the main concubine of the Prince Regent's Mansion now. Perhaps, there will be no side concubine in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Father doesn't blame Xiang'er. By the way, Father, why didn't Azhan come back with you? Hehe... Let Xiang'er guess if Father wants to be lazy, so let him deal with those annoying people. It just so happens that Xiang'er wants to punish him too! It's rare for the emperor to come to the Regent's Palace in person, so Xiang'er should treat him warmly, let's go, let's go into the mansion to have a drink, there are many fragrant and strong wines in the palace , we just share our lofty ambitions!" Hong Zhuxiang pulled the emperor's sleeve while walking, and the two entered the Prince Regent's Palace openly.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked, the emperor wants to be lazy?Both want to punish the prince?Have a drink?spirits?Is this what a woman said to the emperor?They would only say that the little girl presented a song and danced a song for the emperor, but they never thought that Hongzhuxiang was so heroic and unrestrained, and they were a little envious of her.

Xuanyuan Ce is in a good mood for no reason. It has been so many years since no one dared to talk to him so casually. The more powerful he is, the more lonely he is physically and mentally. Now that the little girl is so kind, it is really hard to let go. He also wants to see this The girl has just come to the Prince Regent's Mansion, will she be able to receive him as an "honored guest" well?
The dragon's heart was overjoyed, and the eyeballs of the people all over the place were shocked, but God, the emperor hasn't ordered them to die yet!Although the sun has slowly set, but kneeling like this, the knees will suffer!

"Uncle Zheng, order me down. The emperor will have dinner at the Prince Regent's Mansion tonight. You should prepare delicious food and wine carefully without any mistakes." Hong Zhuxiang's voice was very soft, but there was an imperceptible majesty, Xuanyuan Ce slightly Surprised, at such a young age, this girl can reveal such an aura, which really impressed him.

Uncle Zheng was stunned a long time ago, isn't the princess sleeping?How could he suddenly enter the Regent's Palace holding the emperor's hand so cordially?What surprised him the most was that the concubine hadn't met him before, so how could she recognize him at a glance?

(End of this chapter)

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