The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 240 The Toss of a Courtier

Chapter 240 The Toss of the Courtiers (2)
Xuanyuanming spoke, and everyone couldn't refuse, so they had to continue to kneel down with their backs and backs hurting, secretly regretting their original decision.

In the middle of the afternoon, Tian Fu went to the Prince Regent's Mansion again. Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally said that he had finished dealing with the matter, but he was busy with the memorial recently and was a little tired. He said that he would go back tomorrow and asked the ministers to go back and have a good rest until tomorrow In the upper court, everyone discusses today's affairs together.

A group of veterans really didn't expect Xuanyuan Tianzhan to dare to do this. They knelt for nothing all day without getting any benefits. Many of them understood the meaning of the regent's knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, and their original firm hearts began to waver.

At this moment, they were so envious of Cheng Che and the others, they had known that they would have been with Prime Minister Che, and even though Che Zili was killed, they never thought that these old ministers' nonsense won him a day's vacation, it was really not easy!
"Hmph... If I don't see the regent tomorrow, I will use death as a lesson." Xuanyuan Ming was full of anger, this brat didn't even give him the face of the emperor's uncle, it was too abominable.

Although he was not Xuanyuan Tianzhan's uncle, he was passed down from his ancestors at any rate. Where the seniority was, it was unbearable that a brat like Xuanyuan Tianzhan dared to give him an insult.

The next day, the regent went to court early, but he didn't go to court alone, and brought the regent princess. When everyone heard the eunuch's shrill voice telling the regent and princess to arrive, the court fell into chaos. Amidst the booing, a group of old lords showed a bit of astonishment and this red bamboo fragrance? !

Regarding the reaction of the ministers, Xuanyuan Tianzhan ignored the reaction, and took Hong Zhuxiang's hand and walked straight to the superior. The man was wearing a gold-embroidered black robe, cold and domineering, showing the demeanor of a king, and the woman in red was better than fire, flamboyant and arrogant. , one black and one red, one big and one small, one man and one woman, standing together, they are such a perfect match.

The car stared straight from the eyes, this is brother Zhan's princess, she really is a fairy in the world, a peerless beauty, no wonder she wants to hide it from people to see.

Looking at Che Zili, whose eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Che Zimei, Hong Zhuxiang smiled sweetly, and the man's heart trembled in shock, and the warmth flowed, but at the same time, another cold gaze came directly at him.The car left the forehead, uh... Brother Zhan, don't stare at me like this, I'm just curious and surprised.

All the ministers also felt that it was a little unexpected. This princess had an innate noble temperament. The red dress was warm, the skin was fair, and the friendly smile gave people a kind of indifference and alienation, as if her smile would Different people have different meanings. She faced the court officials without a trace of tension. Such a woman is indeed worthy of their regent, but these old guys and ministers with daughters of the right age, I'm afraid I won't let it go.

"My lord, don't be fooled by this enchanting concubine. She is just a prostitute and cannot enter the court at will." Xuanyuan Ming shook his head, as if he did not believe that there was such a beautiful woman in this world.

"Uncle Wang, don't get too excited. You're getting old. If you don't pay attention, you will hurt your body. It's not worth it." Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Xuanyuanming with "worried" eyes, and the "concern" in his eyes was obvious.

Hong Zhuxiang secretly smiled in her heart, she really pretended, last night at home she was saying that Xuanyuan Ming is an old thing who relies on the old to sell the old.

"My lord, this old man and all the ministers jointly signed a letter requesting that Hongzhuxiang be expelled from the court." Xuanyuan Ming's beard was raised high, and Hongzhuxiang was looking down at him directly, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Hong Zhuxiang curled her lips into a smile, seeing Xuanyuan Ming's thoughts in her eyes, the more she disliked this old guy, the more she wanted to do this, she not only wanted to see him uncomfortable, but also looked at him with disgust.

"Old Uncle Wang, are you going to drive me out of the court? Or from the Prince Regent's Mansion? Or from the Hanhai Kingdom? Old Uncle Wang should think about it carefully, don't get excited, and you can't even speak clearly "Hong Zhuxiang deliberately pronounced the old words heavily, and many young people couldn't help but chuckled, and the one who laughed the brightest was Che Zili.

When people are old, they don’t want others to say that they are old. When Hong Zhuxiang said this, Xuanyuan Ming suddenly became furious, his chest heaved violently, and he almost fainted from anger. He still couldn’t recover after kneeling for so long yesterday. Even more angry now.

"The concubine is right, what does the old uncle mean?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan echoed Hong Zhuxiang.

The man's hearty laughter resounded in the hall, but Xuanyuan Ming didn't like it no matter what he heard, so he secretly glanced at the other old princes and motioned for them to speak.

"Prince Ming means to drive Red Bamboo Fragrance out of the Prince Regent's Mansion." The other old prince panicked and his voice trembled. He was not as courageous as Xuanyuan Ming who dared to challenge the authority of the Prince Regent at will. The reason why the prince didn't Appearing is to put pressure on them. If you still insist on what you have seen, I am afraid that the regent will be furious.

"This is no longer the territory of the Prince Regent's Mansion. This is the Imperial Palace. Does Uncle Wang know the place?" Hong Zhuxiang said with a smile.

"You..." Xuanyuan Ming was so angry that his fingers trembled, "Don't think that you can stay in Hanhai Kingdom to do whatever you want because you are eloquent, the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion is not so easy to enter, and the gate of our royal family in Hanhai Kingdom is not so easy to enter either. "

"In Uncle Wang's opinion, what kind of person can enter the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression darkened. Xiang'er was the most qualified woman to enter the Prince Regent's Mansion, except for Xiang'er, no one else was allowed.

"The prince has a noble status, and he should be cautious in choosing a princess. How can he just rely on his private life? The regent princess should be outstanding, and the most talented woman should be selected by our ministers. Such a woman To be the princess regent."

Xuanyuan Ming originally wanted to say that he would overwhelm the city and the country, with unparalleled beauty, but when he saw Hongzhuxiang's appearance, he withdrew his words. Hongzhuxiang is so beautiful, even his daughter Xuanyuan Yifeng can't match her. superior.

Xuanyuan Yifeng is the number one beauty in the Hanhai Kingdom, and Xuanyuan Ming has always been proud of it. Now that he saw Hongzhuxiang, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. But, even if Hongzhuxiang is beautiful, so what?His daughter's talent is unparalleled in the world, and Hong Zhuxiang must be incomparable, so he wants Hong Zhuxiang to compete with her daughter!

" that's the case! It means that the princess regent will be approved by all the ministers?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled on the surface, but in her heart she cursed nonsense, it's none of your business to find a wife, and she wants to take her daughter Forcing it to others, without looking at whether they want it or not, for the sake of your own glory and prominence, are you really disregarding your own daughter's happiness?These bad old men.

"Of course! A woman who wants to be the regent princess must be the best among all the women." Xuanyuan Ming firmly believed that Xuanyuan Yifeng would surpass all the women, and the daughter he trained would never lose to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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