The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 241 Red Bamboo Fragrance VS Civil and Military Officer

Chapter 241 Red Bamboo Fragrance VS Civil and Military Officials (1)
"Old Uncle Wang, do you mean that I will compete with your daughter?" Hong Zhuxiang asked with a smile.

"This is exactly what the old minister meant. Whoever wins is qualified to be the regent princess." Xuanyuan Ming stroked his beard proudly, but did not notice the changing atmosphere around him.

As a result, some ministers were dissatisfied. They clearly agreed to drive away Hongzhuxiang and let the girls compete on their own. Now that Xuanyuanming is boasting about his daughter's talent, do he really think their daughters are idiots?
"That's right. Since the old prince said that he wants to choose the best one, all the ladies of the princes and nobles should be allowed to participate in the competition. Our family Ling'er is also quite talented. The old minister will sign up for the little girl here." Master Ruan couldn't sit still, and took the lead in attacking Xuanyuanming. Xuanyuanming glanced at Ruan Wenhua with disdain. His daughter Ruan Ling'er might not even be as good as Yifeng's toe.

"The old man's daughter is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the old man also wants to sign up for her daughter."

"Weichen's daughter is twenty-eight years old, and she was born with a pretty face..."

"..." A group of people became lively and rushed to sign up.

Hong Zhuxiang was speechless, well, Ah Zhan is so charming, almost all ministers with daughters have signed up, as for?To snatch a man!
Competing with women?How boring!Since she wants to compare, she has to compare with this group of immortals, hmph... dare to provoke her Hong Zhuxiang, let them know what it means to not shed tears without seeing the coffin!She is the best at repairing ancient horses.

"Ah Zhan, so many women like you, I'm jealous." The little woman pouted, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"It's not me that they like, but the position of princess regent." Xuanyuan Tianzhan picked up Hong Zhuxiang and strode towards the harem bedroom...

This competition was grandly planned by King Xuanyuanming of Ming Dynasty. In the huge imperial garden, there were a lot of guests and crowds of people. Aristocratic ladies attended in all their costumes. There were everything from fat, swallows and thin...

Wu Zing's brows frowned into Sichuan characters, he didn't understand, the prince was still in the mood to drink tea, when is this?

"My lord, do you think the wangfei can win so many women?" Wu Zang knew that his wangfei was strong in martial arts and smart, but the wangfei never liked things that women like, let alone compete with those versatile girls. .

"Do you know what your princess dislikes the most?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked with a smile.

"Let's cook!" The concubine lamented that every time she ate, it was too delicious, praised Aunt Qing for being great, for being able to cook good dishes, and saying that she would never learn it in her life.

But why does the prince ask such a question?

"When you were in Maple Leaf Valley, you forgot that Xiang'er won the championship?" Xuanyuantian gave Wu Ting a blank look. He believed that since Xiang'er agreed to the competition, he must have full confidence. how?How could the woman whom Xuanyuan Tianzhan had identified tolerate a few old foxes driving her away?If that's the case, he, the regent, will have no face to be the regent!

Wu Zing instantly read some different meanings from the eyes of his prince. It turned out to be like this. The prince is not a puppet who can't be the master. How can the majestic Regent of Hanhai Kingdom who has real power be swayed by others?
Thinking of this, Wu Ting's heart suddenly became enlightened.

In the corner of the high wall, Hongzhuxiang looked at all kinds of women in the garden, feeling dazzled and boring, but even so, how could Ah Zhan have so many peach blossoms, she was in a bad mood!

It was the first time that Wuying smelled such a strong smell of vinegar on her own princess, and the strong smell spreading everywhere was no less than when the prince was jealous.

"Princess, none of them are your opponents." Wuying said.But when he said this, he was obviously guilty. Thinking of the so-called cartoons that the princess drew for the prince, he completely lost hope in the painter of the princess, and he followed the princess for more than a year. He was really worried when the princess played the piano and danced!I really don't know how the princess's previous song and dance workshop started? !

"Of course! Who is your concubine? How can you lose to a group of vulgar fans?" Hong Zhuxiang straightened her chest, her flamboyant red dress fluttered in the wind, her slender waist was straight and stiff, she waved her hands, and her sleeves However, the beauty is infinite, the silkworm tulle shawl is swaying all over the place, arrogance, standing alone, the fragrance of the thousand-year-old snow lotus even exudes the holiness and beauty of the woman, it seems that her whole body is shining, dazzling...

As soon as he saw the red bamboo fragrance, Xuanyuan Ming's complacent expression dimmed a lot. This woman is so beautiful, even if she can't win the top spot, she can still win the title of a stunning beauty for herself. His daughter Xuanyuan Yifeng is absolutely perfect. Not her opponent!

"The emperor is here, the empress is here!" The eunuch's shrill voice made the minister's jaw drop. Didn't the emperor leave everything to the regent?What does it mean that the emperor appears now?
"My ministers see the emperor, see the empress, long live the emperor, long live the emperor, and the empress!" The ministers knelt down on the ground, terrified, and all the people in the imperial garden, except for the red bamboo fragrance, all looked at each other without exception. knelt down.

Hongzhuxiang bowed respectfully towards the high-ranking emperor and empress, nodded and smiled as a gesture, Xuanyuan Ce burst out laughing loudly, with a magnetic voice that made it hard to imagine that his son was 23 years old.

"Everyone loves you, please don't be polite. I came here to make a judgment for everyone today. You can feel free, don't be cautious."

"Bold Red Bamboo Fragrance, you don't kneel down when you see the emperor. You are contemptuous of the emperor's prestige, what should you do?!" He Tianyi roared dissatisfied immediately, he is in charge of etiquette, how could such a thing be allowed to happen?

"What's the matter? Is there any dissatisfaction with Master He?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes turned cold, and she looked at He Tianyi solemnly. If this old man in his 50s dared to ask her to kneel down, she wouldn't mind being the first to provoke her. he!
He Tianyi was shocked all over, he didn't understand where a little girl in her teens came from such majesty, especially these bright and deep black eyes, even he, who had been in officialdom for a long time, was a little afraid.

"He Aiqing, my daughter-in-law doesn't like red tape very much, so I granted her permission not to be bound by palace etiquette." Xuanyuan Ce looked at Hongzhuxiang with a deep smile, and there was some expectation for her in his eyes. He really wanted to see what kind of talents this woman who made his son put his heart and soul to heart and soul would have!
Xuanyuan Ce's "Daughter-in-law" caused a commotion among the audience, Ming Wang Xuanyuanming's beard was the tallest, but the prestige established by the emperor over the past twenty years is not something ordinary people can challenge!

Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say a word about it. Xuanyuan Ce didn't expect that his kindness could not be exchanged for a grateful look, but it was a bit unexpected. If it was a woman from another family, I'm afraid she would have been grateful to him long ago. The daughter-in-law is really unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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