The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 244: Appreciation of Teacher on behalf of Father

Chapter 244: Appreciation of Teacher on behalf of Father (1)
"Master He is very knowledgeable, I am ashamed."

"..." All kinds of praises are endless.

"Little girl, do you know that you are afraid now? I think you should obediently call Mr. He Master! Hahahaha..." Xuanyuan Ming was extremely proud. He dared to bet that Hong Zhuxiang would not be able to say much, and it was herself No wonder others say that it cannot be repeated!
"Afraid? I, Hongzhuxiang, have never known how to write fear!" Dressed in red, flamboyant and unrestrained, everyone looked at her, as if they saw freedom and unruly, as if all the rules came to her, will cease to exist.

Such a woman makes them, noble-born princes and aristocratic women, envious!
Xuanyuan Ming's complexion became more and more ugly, this woman doesn't look like an easy boss, shouldn't she really be against her?But the position of Princess Regent can only belong to his daughter Xuanyuan Yifeng, he must not let Hongzhuxiang go so easily!
But what King Ming didn't know was, who wouldn't let it go?

"Since King Ming is so convinced that I, a little girl, will lose, why don't we give it a little more credit? If I speak more skillfully than Master He Tianyi, you and Master He will worship me as your teacher. If my speech is not as good as He Tianyi If you are an adult, I will worship you two as teachers, how about it?"

Hong Zhuxiang pursed her lips into a smile, blinked her eyes at Xuanyuan Tianzhan on the roof calmly, and looked secretly, the car was about to fall out of her eyeballs, envy, really envy!
"Don't be arrogant!" Xuanyuan Ming's old face darkened, and he stared at Hongzhuxiang unkindly.

"I think Xiang'er's idea is very good!" The emperor said at the right time. He said that he would support his daughter-in-law.

"I also think it's very good!" The queen also expressed her support.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at the queen gratefully, and the two looked at each other, colliding with a fire of sympathy.Maybe the queen thinks it is not easy for a woman to roll around in the wind and dust, but as a modern person, she never cares about these things. The dance hall is just a place for entertainment.

Although she had never formally paid homage to the queen, and did not know what the queen thought, but the queen's words infinitely narrowed the distance between them!Xuanyuan Ce pursed his lips almost invisibly, and he also helped her, why didn't this girl look at him gratefully?
"Then it's settled. I really want to see who is called whose master?" Xuanyuan Ming was impatient. He couldn't believe that Hong Zhuxiang could say so many unrepeated things!
"Miaoshou real person, formerly known as Wenrenmiao, a descendant of the first hermit family, proficient in military tactics, formations, geography, mountains and rivers, literature and martial arts, pointing to the country, waving his hands in all directions, unprecedented." Hong Zhuxiang's brisk words came easily, her eyebrows Fei Yang, with a smile in his eyes, and a long shawl that exudes a noble and holy temperament.

"Miaoshou Zhenren has traveled all over the world and has great ambitions. Although there has been a saying since ancient times that times make heroes, and heroes make times, who would want to create a chaotic world and then calm down the chaotic world?"

"When Daoist Master Miaoshou was young, the general situation in the world was chaotic, but it was still in balance... This is also the reason why his lofty ideals could not be realized..."


"Having said so much, everyone should know why Master Miaoshou doesn't like people calling him a famous doctor, right?"

"Got it, got it...Princess, go ahead, we haven't heard enough!" said a young minister.

A lot of people also look like they still have something to say.

"To sum it up, there is no one before, but there are newcomers. All the talents of Master Miaoshou are second in the world!" Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyebrows. These young people are eager to learn, so they admit that she is the princess.

Hong Zhuxiang looked in Xuanyuanming's direction, and sure enough, his old face turned green, but He Tianyi listened carefully, and frowned and began to think.

"Why is it number two in the world?" Someone immediately asked in confusion.

"If Master Miaoshou is the second in the world, then who is the number one in the world?" The young man seemed addicted to asking, Hong Zhuxiang was speechless, he had too many questions.

"Number one in the world, of course it is your lord Zhan, the dignified regent of the Hanhai Kingdom—Xuanyuan Tianzhan!" Hong Zhuxiang's voice was clear and bright, and the entire imperial garden echoed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was startled, and everyone looked for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's figure, but they looked all around, and they didn't find the figure of their prince!That's right, the prince didn't admit to this competition, so how could he attend it?

In fact, those old ministers knew that even if Hong Zhuxiang was driven away, their prince would not take a fancy to his daughter, but they were not willing, they wanted to give it a try.Except for these old ministers who want their daughters to fly on the branches and become phoenixes, almost everyone has a good impression of this ice-snow, smart and stunning woman. It is also a blessing for them to have such a princess.

The air on the roof suddenly froze, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart beat wildly, about to jump out of his chest!

His thick eyelashes trembled, and his enchanting and alluring amber eyes were full of love for a lifetime. He looked softly at the red sun below, and a pair of bright and dark eyes were looking back at him deeply. The two look at each other, everything is silent...

A steady stream of warmth poured into my heart...

"I never thought that there would be someone in this world who understands you so well!" Che Zili said with emotion.He once thought about what kind of woman is worthy of a man like Xuanyuan Tianzhan?Now, everything is clear.

You don't need a noble identity, you don't need a strong background, you don't need a strong background, you have ability and capital, you don't need to explain, what you need is trust, understanding, acquaintance, true love, and love for life.

"But Wangfei, you also said that Master Miaoshou is the master of the prince. Can the apprentice be as powerful as the master?" The man in his early twenties opened his curious and shining eyes, his face was full of curiosity, and the red bamboo fragrance helped him. Well, this is the most curious person she has ever met, ten times more curious than her.

"What's your name?" Hong Zhuxiang asked, judging by his attire, he didn't look like an official, but rather like a nobleman.

"Watching the moon in Xuanyuan, I met the girl." The man said playfully.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue with an unkind expression, this brat was not called Xianger's sister-in-law but a girl, he was getting more and more courageous.

"Master Wangyue, as the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and each generation is stronger than each generation. Your Lord Zhan is far-sighted and strategized. You have already emerged from the blue and are better than the blue. Naturally, you are better than the master..."

"Xiang'er, can you tell us about other people? I still want to know the story of Master Longyang..." Xuanyuan Wangyue became energetic.

The tiles on the roof were frozen stiff, exuding a millennium cold air, very good, this brat is called Xiang'er again, can he call Xiang'er?He will settle this account with him carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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