The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 245: Appreciation of Teacher on behalf of Father

Chapter 245: Appreciation of Teacher on behalf of Father (2)
"I also want to know about the snow waves and blue sea..."

"Stop it, you want to listen for nothing? How can there be such a cheap thing?" She said dryly, is it easy for her?However, the students of Hanhai Country are really eager to learn, no wonder there are so many talents!

Xuanyuan Wangyue smiled awkwardly, and then remembered the most important thing of the day, the man blinked innocently in his bright eyes, turned his head to He Tianyi and said: "Master He, I would like to admit defeat, you should hurry up and call Master Xianger? "

He Tianyi only felt that his eyes dimmed, and he was extremely sad. Where would he save his face in the future?
"By the way, there is also King Ming..." Xuanyuan Wangyue hastily added.

Ming Wang Xuanyuanming's face had already turned dark, how could Hongzhuxiang, a teenage girl, know so much?Her understanding of Master Miaoshou surpassed that of He Tianyi by several times, it's really incredible!
Xuanyuan Yifeng's face froze. If her father was called Master Hong Zhuxiang, wouldn't she be two generations younger than Hong Zhuxiang?Her father had lost face, and her wish to marry into the Prince Regent's House would also be in vain.

The faces of the two old antiques in their 50s blushed. It's a pity that everyone didn't intend to let them go. Instead, they looked at them with interest. It was they who promised to ask the winner to be their teacher if they lost. Now He Tianyi is knowledgeable Not as good as others, and no one to blame!

"Master..." He Tianyi yelled, his voice was as soft as a mosquito, he never thought that a 50-year-old pedant would be worse than a teenage girl.

"What did Mr. He mutter just now? The little girl didn't hear it, did she call me Master?" Hong Zhuxiang opened her big round and bright eyes, and the water ripples sparkled, touching people's hearts.

"Yeah, Mr. He, willing to admit defeat, what does Nini look like?" The young man began to boo.

Who told He Tianyi to rely on his profound knowledge and upturned nostrils to ignore young people like them? Now the concubine is already the goddess in their hearts, and they must absolutely protect her!
"Master." He Tianyi was a little embarrassed by the words of the boys. Yes, he is willing to gamble and admit defeat, but he has to lose with integrity. Although his old face is going all out, no matter what, there is King Ming to accompany him. !
"Good apprentice!" Hongzhu replied sweetly.

Everyone was shocked, what kind of exciting feeling is this?If it is strange for an old man to call a little girl "Master", then it is even more unimaginable for a little girl to call an old man "Good Apprentice".

Hong Zhuxiang didn't really want to make things difficult for He Tianyi, and He Tianyi's knowledge was indeed profound, but she wanted to take this opportunity to tell all the people in Hanhai Country that she was not that easy to provoke, and if she wanted to provoke her, she would have to pay a price.

Xuanyuan Ming's face was gloomy, he didn't know whether he knew too much about hating Hongzhuxiang, or should he blame He Tianyi, an old fellow, for his lack of knowledge? !He, the majestic old prince of the Hanhai Kingdom, actually wants to call a teenage girl Master, it is really outrageous!
"Could it be that King Ming dares to act or not?" Xuanyuan Mochiyue said with a teasing smile.

"Who said that this king dares to do what he dares to do?" Xuanyuan Ming was so angry that his internal organs were torn apart, his mind trembled, the red bamboo fragrance was very good, he would never let her go.

"Miss Xiang'er, my father is old and has difficulty in moving. I would like to worship you as my teacher on behalf of my father. I also hope that Miss Xiang'er has a large number of adults, so don't embarrass my father."

Xuanyuan Yifeng came from her seat, she was dressed in a purple dress shining brightly in the sun, she had a decent smile on her beautiful face, she brushed her slender waist, making her look even more charming, which man saw it, There will also be pity in my heart, and my heart will flutter.

Hong Zhuxiang curled her lips into a smile, and a wicked light shot out of her bright eyes. Now is not the time for her to establish her prestige.Moreover, although the cruelty in Xuanyuan Ming's eyes was forbearable, it couldn't escape her eyes. How could she let someone who wanted to kill her so easily let him go?

"It's easy to say..." Hong Zhuxiang circled Xuanyuan Yifeng twice, her eyes were naked and bold, "But, since you are an apprentice, you have to kowtow and kneel, three times and nine times, your father and Mr. He are old Yes, I can naturally avoid their etiquette, but you... it is inevitable." Hong Zhuxiang said lightly, as if describing a very small matter.

Xuanyuan Yifeng's footsteps trembled, and her center of gravity was a little unsteady. She was sure that she had heard correctly, but the red bamboo incense made her worship three times and nine times.Was her guess wrong?Shouldn't Hongzhuxiang take this opportunity to prove her generosity?Why do you care about her instead?
"Hongzhuxiang, don't deceive others too much. My daughter is noble, how can she kneel down to you?" Xuanyuan Ming originally thought that his own daughter would call Hongzhuxiang Master for him, but he was also relieved. Yes, Hong Zhuxiang actually made such a request with a big mouth, three worships and nine kowtows, even the current emperor has not made people kneel three times and nine kowtows, right? !How dare she is a little girl?
Xuanyuan Ming's deep eyes concealed a flash of killing intent, Hongzhuxiang is so sensitive, how could she not know it?So many masters, how could they not know?

Xuanyuan Ce glanced at Xuanyuan Ming seemingly inadvertently, but actually felt the dangerous aura coming from him. Xuanyuan Ming has always been arrogant and arrogant, and he must not be able to bear the resentment in his heart. When he married Yun'er as his queen, Xuanyuan Ming is also the most violent. It seems that he, the old prince, has been arrogant for too long.

"Hmph... who do you think you are? You're just an old thing. If it weren't for the fact that you are the minister of the Hanhai Kingdom, I would have been rude to you a long time ago. What identity are you giving me here now? Let me tell you, Those so-called identities you care about are not worth mentioning in my eyes, Hong Zhuxiang. My apprentice, I still despise you for not being qualified!" Hong Zhuxiang stood there proudly, her red clothes fluttering in the wind, the woman's face was full of innate nobility, blooming like a red snow lotus, her whole body was holy, The elegance is full.

Hong Zhuxiang's words made those who were usually bullied by Xuanyuan Ming very happy. No one in Han Hai Kingdom dared to scold King Ming like that. Even the emperor had to give King Ming three points of face. Now the concubine pointed at Xuanyuan Ming's nose and scolded him. Happy!
"Presumptuous, you are just a prostitute, how dare you speak nonsense here! Despise the royal blood!" Xuanyuan Ming trembled with anger, Hong Zhuxiang even scolded him as an old man, what right did she have to say that?

"Who dares to insult my princess of the Nanyue Kingdom?" Yun Feihong came waving his folding fan. The cloud white brocade robe carried a touch of warmth, and he walked with his head up, his temperament was dusty, but the smile that hadn't changed for thousands of years at the corner of his mouth seemed to freeze up.

"Brother, why are you here?" Hong Zhuxiang's tone was full of excitement, she rushed over excitedly, and threw herself into the man's arms, Yun Feihong firmly caught her petite body, the brother and sister were very close .

(End of this chapter)

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