The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 246 Princess Feixiang

Chapter 246 Princess Feixiang
"Xiang'er, didn't that vinegar jar bully you?" Yun Feihong asked with concern.

"No..." Hong Zhuxiang blinked innocently, it's nice to have a brother, and he's such a handsome brother!

The frozen area on the roof is no longer a large area, but the entire space. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's whole body is filled with air-conditioning. If Yun Feihong dares to hug Xiang'er like this, he will never have a good life in Hanhai Country.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt sour in his heart, and Xiang'er was real, so aren't you afraid that he will be jealous?
"Pfft... Sour and cold... Weird smell." The car laughed strangely, and desperately glanced at Wu Zing in the dark, "Wu Zing, what do you think? Is it sour?"

"Ah..." Che Zili yelled, and fell down from the roof. Xuanyuan Tianzhan, a black-bellied guy, actually kicked his ass, kicked him off the roof, and looked at his body Falling quickly, the car is speechless, so it won't just die, right?This is a high altitude, and there are dark crowds below, the sky...

A white shadow floated in the sky, and everyone looked up. Isn't this their Prime Minister Che?How could it fall from the sky?Could it be that Prime Minister Che is practicing lightness kung fu, but he doesn't seem to be learning this lightness kung fu very well!
"Prime Minister Che doesn't know martial arts!" Someone shouted.Everyone panicked, this is their Prime Minister!Che Zili closed his eyes, not daring to look down, is this man really not going to save him?

When he was more than ten steps away from the ground, a black shadow caught him, and the car was overjoyed. It seemed that brother Zhan was still reluctant to let him die, so he called Yinwei to rescue him.

Two meters away from the ground, Soul Chaser let go of his hand, and with a "bang...", the car fell to the ground in all directions, grinning in pain, his ass, this damn Soul Chaser, hasn't landed yet!

Che Li just wanted to yell at him, but is there any shadow of chasing souls around?There are only pairs of eyes that look like monsters.

Seeing Che Zili in a state of distress, Wuying secretly smiled, without even thinking about it, he knew that it was the masterpiece of his family's black-bellied prince, and the only prince in Hanhai Kingdom who dared to be such a black-faced prime minister.

But Mr. Prime Minister, you must have made sarcastic remarks all the time, right?You will suffer disaster if you speak sarcastic words. You grew up with the prince and have been with him for more than [-] years. Don't you, old man, know the prince's temper?
Wu Zing on the roof trembled all over, thankful that he didn't answer Prime Minister Che's idiot words just now, otherwise, Prime Minister Che would not be the only one who fell down.

"Che Aiqing, you don't learn the lightness kung fu very well, do you want me to send a master to teach you?" Xuanyuan Ce said with a deep smile, why didn't Zhan'er show up?It turned out to be on the roof!This brat!
"My Majesty, I came to watch this competition, but I didn't expect to be late, and I hope the Emperor will forgive me." Che Zili smiled awkwardly, and bowed respectfully to the Emperor and Empress.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan, a heartless man, actually kicked him down from such a high place, and he was not afraid of him falling to his death. If he died, where would he find such an arrogant prime minister to be squeezed by him? !
Che Zi glanced at Yun Feihong angrily. It was this man who indirectly caused his injury. How could Brother Zhan deal with him so indiscriminately?It was Yun Feihong who hugged Xiang'er, and it had nothing to do with his car, he just took pleasure in his misfortune.

Che Zili suddenly thought of something again, and his mood inexplicably improved, Yun Feihong, if you offended that black-bellied man, you are doomed!Imagining the days after Yun Feihong, Che Zili was in a good mood for no reason.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Xuanyuan Ce smiled heartily, which resolved a lot of embarrassment, and everyone recovered from the shock just now.

Receiving Che Zili's gaze, Yun Feihong took Hong Zhuxiang and walked slowly. He followed Han Bingyu all the way, but he did not expect Han Bingyu to meet Long Ruhuo, and the two teamed up to find Helian soon. North, they escaped under the cover of black-clothed dark guards. He didn't bring so many people with him, so he returned to Nanyue Kingdom.

Later, when he heard that Xiang'er had come to the Hanhai Kingdom, he specially asked his father to bring along a decree. Now that someone is using Xiang'er's identity as an excuse, the decree just came in handy. If anyone dares to bully him, Yun Feihong Little sister, he will never let him have an easy time.

However, he didn't notice a murderous look, it wouldn't make him feel better, that look was Xuanyuan Tianzhan's sharp eyes.

The man's figure was tall and straight, his expression was high, and the faint signature smile on the corner of his mouth was very conspicuous. The cloud-white brocade robe made him look handsome and handsome, but the eyes that glanced at King Ming inadvertently were full of chill.

"Prime Minister Che, I haven't seen you for many years, so you're fine." Walking in front of Che Zili, Yun Feihong asked with a smile.

"I'm very good!" Che Zili didn't give him a good tone. Just now because Yun Feihong hugged the jealous little beauty, his ass was about to explode. How could it be better?

Most importantly, there are so many people watching!Who is in charge of his image of being a majestic Prime Minister of the Hanhai Kingdom?

"That's good!" Yun Feihong smiled, walked past the car, and walked towards the superior emperor.Che Zili curled his lips, this Yun Feihong was laughing all the time, is it that funny?
The crowd was filled with admiration. The eldest prince of Nanyue Kingdom was really astonished. His handsome face was like a painting, his black eyes were like ink, and he exuded a mature and restrained aura. He was noble, confident, and full of charm. He was worthy of being Nanyue Chinese women's dream lover.

Yun Feihong's appearance instantly captured the hearts of many women. Some shy women blushed directly and lowered their heads in embarrassment.The eldest prince of Nanyue Kingdom is as gentle as the wind, refined and elegant, not as cold-hearted as the prince, especially the smile on the corner of his mouth, which gives people a warm feeling.

Seeing everyone's staring eyes, Hong Zhuxiang secretly raised her forehead, another evildoer who has plagued the world for thousands of years!What do you think a man looks so good-looking for?However, Yun Feihong's appearance reminded him of Sheng Tian's Murong Rui, that man was the real gentle and gentle man, his brother was just an appearance.

"Feihong pays homage to the emperor." Yun Feihong bowed respectfully to Emperor Hanhai, his eyes were full of sincerity, Xuanyuan Ce's name had already been heard like thunder, such an upright and clever emperor deserved Yun Feihong's admiration.

"My nephew is free!" Seeing the admiration and admiration in the eyes of the other party, Xuanyuan Ce was in a good mood. Back then, when he ascended the throne at the age of 15, he punished traitors, supported loyal ministers and good generals, established prestige, and deterred all officials. His reputation can be described as great Absolutely amazing... Now, naturally, she has won the hearts of the people and is supported by the people.

"Your Majesty, this is the letter of credence written by my father himself, please have a look at it." Yun Feihong presented the imperial decree of Emperor Nanyue to Xuanyuan Ce.

God knows how excited the emperor Yun Tianxiang of Nanyue Kingdom was when he knew that Hong Zhuxiang was his daughter and was still alive. Although he had been in a high position for many years, he was used to hiding his emotions, but when he heard The news brought tears to his eyes, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep for days and nights. He owed Xiang'er a lot of fatherly love, and he was eager to make up for it.In the end, the great Nanyue Emperor finally couldn't sit still, and sent out his eldest son Yun Feihong, and handed over the affairs of court affairs to his younger son Yun Feilong.

(End of this chapter)

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