Chapter 260 Shocked
"Xiang'er wants to see a handsome guy?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was full of jealousy, turned over and held down the little woman, instantly transformed into a wolf, not giving her any chance to resist.

"Uh...uh...they must be ugly...ugly, I don't care to see them!" She regretted it, she wanted to make it up!

"Ah... Ah Zhan, you are enough to catch the eye, I only look at Ah Zhan!" Hong Zhuxiang was sobbing and talking, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan was so immersed in the beauty that he didn't listen to a word.

Hong Zhuxiang was speechless, and secretly scolded Nalan Ruofei and Leng Yishuang all over, blaming these two guys, which made her unable to change for a while... Well, Ah Zhan, take it easy, Xiang'er will never dare again La!

On the bustling street of Xuanyuan City, a luxurious carriage with the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion drove slowly, and the common people retreated to both sides, their eyes full of admiration for the Prince Regent.

Inside the carriage, Xuanyuan Tianzhan loosened the neckline of his pine brocade robe, a feeling of irritability and depression made him out of breath.Under normal circumstances, he would only feel this way if he was facing a great enemy. Could something bad be happening today?

"Ah Zhan, what's the matter?" Hong Zhuxiang vaguely sensed the man's uneasiness, holding his big hand with her soft little hand, and an ominous feeling welled up in her heart.

"Xiang'er, don't leave my sight today!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hong Zhuxiang seriously, and hugged her tightly into his arms. He had a premonition that something would happen today.Are those small countries going to rebel?Impossible? !

Looking at the slowly moving carriage, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Xue Zhongchen's eyes. He no longer needed to hide his aura like he did a few months ago, because Xuanyuan Tianzhan was not his opponent at all now. He had to admit that the country Master's medicine is extremely effective!He must catch Hongzhuxiang as soon as possible, and use her blood to save Jing'er, otherwise his body will suffer backlash, and it will be troublesome.

On both sides of the street, the top killers hidden among ordinary people are ready to move, all of them are like wolves and tigers, staring at the moving carriage motionlessly!It seemed that they only waited for an order, and rushed towards the carriage without thinking about themselves. Now they only have that carriage in their eyes!
"My lord, we'd better be careful, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has always done things with impeccability, I'm afraid..." The white-clothed guard was a little worried. Such a young man seemed too gloomy and scary, and he didn't even know how to get along with him.

Xue Zhongchen glanced at the white-clothed guard with an unkind expression, a dark cloud flashed across his blue clothes, and murderous intent was hidden in his monstrous eyes... Xuanyuan Tianzhan, today is your death day!

On the way to the palace, another group of killers was staring at the middle of the road in fear. Their purpose was to attack the carriage and assassinate the woman on the carriage desperately!

"Are we really going to do this? That's the regent's carriage!" A killer was very worried. With the regent protecting Hong Zhuxiang, he was afraid that they would die before they got close.

"Ming Wang said that Hong Zhuxiang must be killed. Don't forget that we have taken poison. If we can't kill Hong Zhuxiang, we will die." The other killer's eyes were bloodshot. He didn't want to die, so he had to let Hongzhuxiang to die.

The carriage moved forward slowly, but it suddenly became very quiet outside, so quiet that it made people feel a little uneasy. Wu Ying and Mingyue followed the carriage, obviously feeling a strong murderous aura!
There was an ambush on the road in broad daylight!Did these people eat the guts of the ambitious leopard?How dare you ambush the prince's carriage!
"Kill!" Following an order, the black-clothed killer went straight to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's carriage, pointing his sword straight at it, and the crowd quickly surrounded the people in the carriage.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in front of this king? If you are sensible, get out of here immediately!" A man's deep and powerful voice came from inside the carriage, shaking the hearts of the men in black, but they were poisoned and could not return empty-handed like this. Otherwise there is only one dead end.

"As long as you hand over the red bamboo incense, we will never make things difficult for you!" The leader man in black summoned up his courage and said.

Inside the carriage, Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyebrows, but she was a little surprised. It turned out that these people came after her. If someone in Hanhai Country wanted to kill her and acted so impatiently, then there must be only one person—Ming Wang Xuanyuanming !This old man moves quite fast, but unfortunately, he is just too stupid!
"Don't keep one, kill!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't intend to deal with Xuanyuan Ming in such a hurry, but since Xuanyuan Ming wanted to touch Xiang'er, don't blame him for being rude.He will never allow Xiang'er to be in any potential danger!

Hearing the order from his lord, Wu Ying whistled to the golden armored guards who were hiding in the dark, and a group of fast-moving golden armored guards rushed out to fight the man in black...

The morning sun is particularly charming, however, the way into the palace is full of bloody smell...Many ministers who also entered the palace were horrified when they saw the corpses piled up on the road. It must have been more than ten years since Xuanyuan City Have you ever had such a big event? !

On that day, the emperor was furious, officials were terrified, envoys from all over the world complained incessantly, the carriage of the regent was attacked, and everyone with motives became objects of suspicion... The figure of Jin Jiawei shuttled through Xuanyuan City, and all suspicious persons were arrested. Detention!

When Yun Feihong heard the news, he was shocked at first, then furious, and asked to intervene in the investigation of Princess Nanyue's assassination as the eldest prince of Nanyue Kingdom.

Leng Yishuang entered the Prince Regent's Mansion that day, intending to accompany Hong Zhuxiang, and also thought of a lot of comforting words for Hong Zhuxiang.Who would have guessed?People seem to be nothing, very calm!
"Leng Yishuang, have you found a good-looking handsome guy, and you came here to share with me?" Seeing Leng Yishuang's fiery look, Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but lowered her voice and laughed.

"Ah...Xiang'er, what are you talking about? Do you want to see a handsome guy?" Leng Yishuang shouted deliberately.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was reading a book, when he heard Leng Yishuang's voice, he cast a look of inexplicable meaning, Hong Zhuxiang's eyelids twitched, unexpectedly this woman was more naughty than her.

"Leng Yishuang, do you want to kill me?" Hong Zhuxiang gave Leng Yishuang a hard look and complained.This vinegar jar will punish her until she can't get out of bed!
"Hong Zhuxiang, do you still have a conscience? They are here to care about you, besides, you are the one who is not serious first, and ask me about my handsome guy or something!" Leng Yishuang sat down with his buttocks, annoyed the way.

"Have you eaten yet? Let's have lunch together." Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes, even though she was very cold, she had been tossing around for a long time, and it was time to calm down.

Leng Yishuang hesitated, looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, saw that his face was calm, and he didn't mean to be disgusted, so he sat down.

The three of them were having dinner together, Leng Yishuang suddenly smiled, in the past, basically only during palace banquets was the time to have a meal with my cousin, and my cousin was away all the year round, so there were very few chances to meet each other.Now this kind of feeling is like a relative. Suddenly, Leng Yishuang seemed to have really untied all the knots in his heart, and he was in a particularly good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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