Chapter 261 Poisoning (1)
"I'll stay with you tonight!" Leng Yishuang worried that Hong Zhuxiang would be bored by herself, so she decided to stay with her at night.

"Hmm..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan dragged his voice, with an expression that if you dare to stay, you will never enter the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion again.

"Oh... I mean, I wanted to stay, but it seems inconvenient, so I'd better go back later, and Daddy will worry about me too." Leng Yishuang stuck out her tongue at Hongzhuxiang, she But I have always been afraid of my cousin, and now I am no exception.

Prince Leng's Mansion, Lord Leng sneezed loudly for the first time, did he catch a cold?No!His body is still very strong, and he has no symptoms of cold!

Long Yuyan didn't find Ouyang Ren in Wuwang Mountain, and after inquiring all the way, he found out that Ouyang Ren had gone to Hanhai Country, so the man hurried back again, unexpectedly hearing such earth-shattering news as soon as he came back.

"Who the hell are you talking about? How dare you assassinate the Prince Regent and the Princess? If Grandpa finds out who he is, Grandpa will have to skin him!" A man said angrily.

"Yes! If we find out who did it, we will never spare him!" Another man also expressed his attitude.

Long Yuyan's heart tightened, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Xiang'er were assassinated?How is the situation now?
"Fortunately, the prince was prepared. I heard that the Golden Armored Guards were dispatched, and those people were all eliminated without even approaching the prince's carriage."

"That's... who is our prince? A god-like figure, God will bless him!"


In the streets and alleys, almost everyone was discussing this matter. Long Yuyan finally confirmed that the little junior sister and Xuanyuan Tianzhan were fine. The man's hanging heart finally let go. He had been running around for many days. I must find an inn to take a good rest.

"My lord, I didn't expect someone to strike first. Now that the snake has been startled, Xuanyuan Tianzhan will definitely step up his guard. Are we delaying the time of action?" The guards in white have always felt that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is not easy to deal with, and now the situation is even more so. act rashly.

"Let's act tonight, the prince can't wait that long!" Xue Zhongchen said disdainfully.

So what if the Regent's Palace is heavily guarded?With his current martial arts, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is no match for him at all, he wants Xuanyuan Tianzhan to watch Hong Zhuxiang leave him, and he wants that man to experience the feeling of being powerless after losing his beloved woman!

"But son..." Before the white-clothed guard finished speaking, Xue Zhongchen abruptly interrupted him.

"Shut up! When did you learn to talk back? Well..."

"You dare not!" The guard in white shuddered and knelt down. Immediately afterwards, he heard the most evil laughter in history.

"Hahahaha..." Xue Zhongchen laughed wantonly, the voice seemed to come from hell, filled with darkness and gloom, roaring in the air...

When Long Yuyan went upstairs, he felt that there was a strange smell in the inn. Normally, he would have studied it deeply, but now he is too tired, and he has no mind, let alone energy to pay attention to so much!He needed to recuperate for a while, and then went to the Prince Regent's Mansion to see Xiang'er. By the way, he found an opportunity to tell Xuanyuan Tianzhan that Ouyang Ren had come to Hanhai Kingdom.

Xue Zhongchen came out of the inn, dressed in blue with a monstrous face, giving people an indescribably evil feeling...

In the Prince Regent's Mansion, Leng Yishuang looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's increasingly gloomy face, then looked at the late sky, and felt that it was time to leave... Hong Zhuxiang, a heartless person, did not help herself, she did it on purpose Stay with her!

Hongzhuxiang was calm, with an expression that I didn't ask you to stay, Leng Yishuang's eyes were puffed up, and he walked out carelessly...

Hong Zhuxiang thinks it's funny, Leng Yishuang is not afraid of anything, only afraid of A Zhan, even a look in his eyes, in her eyes, is this man really so scary?

"Ah... who are you? How dare you trespass into the Prince Regent's Palace!" Leng Yishuang's horrified voice came from outside the gate of Zhan Xiangxuan's small courtyard. Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hong Zhuxiang were shocked, and rushed out immediately... The situation outside , but it shocked the two of them!
"My lord, let's go! Protect my lord!" Zheng Bo shouted with all his strength, vomited blood, and passed out.

In the large courtyard, the guards of the palace had already collapsed, Mingyue and Wujing were both injured, and Wuying also brought the golden armored guards out.

This kind of situation has not happened in the Hanhai Kingdom for decades. The martial arts of the palace guards are all similar to those of Wuyuelou masters, but now they have been severely injured. It seems that these black-clothed intruders have extraordinary martial arts!
Seeing the menacing man in black approaching, Leng Yishuang yelled deliberately just now, trying to remind Hong Zhuxiang not to come out, but the flamboyant red dress behind her has already caught her eyes.

"Didn't you hear my voice? What are you doing here? Let's go!" Leng Yishuang's voice was a little hoarse, her heart hurting, she had a hunch that these people would be difficult to deal with.

"Don't talk!" Hong Zhuxiang walked over to help Leng Yishuang who had fallen to the ground, with blood on the corner of her mouth, a murderous intent flashed in her dark eyes, she dared to hurt the people around her, she would never let her go !

The men in black seem to be completely unafraid of Hong Zhuxiang's sharp eyes, because they only remember to complete the task in their minds, and have no other feelings or ways of thinking...

The current situation is that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is standing in front of Hong Zhuxiang and Leng Yishuang, and Wuying with the golden armored guards is standing in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, surrounded by high-level hidden guards who are hiding in the dark and ready to dispatch.

On the ground, there were many corpses of palace guards lying on the ground. Standing opposite were hundreds of men in black with expressionless faces. They were the ones who broke into the palace!Now there is still an arrogant attitude of defiantly!
"What are you doing out here? Hurry up and go back!" Leng Yishuang was in a hurry, ignoring his own injuries, and hurriedly pushed Hong Zhuxiang.

"Don't be afraid, I won't let them hurt you!" Hong Zhuxiang held Leng Yishuang's hand and comforted her.No matter what these men in black are here for, let's find out first!
At this moment, Leng Yishuang felt relieved, although the pain in her heart did not decrease but increased, but she finally saw a person clearly, and she saw clearly the heart that this person has for her.

From now on, Leng Yishuang will not allow Hanhai state-owned women to bully Hongzhuxiang again!
Looking at the man in blue clothes who entered without fear outside the door, Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned slightly. It's only been two months, and he can't feel the breath of Xue Zhongchen anymore!How is this possible? !
"Xiang'er, go back to the house!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan sent a voice transmission to Hong Zhuxiang, and let him deal with all of this!

Judging from the current situation, Xue Zhongchen must have improved his martial arts through improper means, and these men in black are not normal, he does not want Xiang'er to suffer any harm.

(End of this chapter)

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