Chapter 262 Poisoning (2)
Facing the man's gaze, Hong Zhuxiang shook her head resolutely. She will not leave. Although she is just his little girl in front of A Zhan, and he cherishes and protects her, but in front of the enemy, she is a proud iceberg Hong Xuelian is proud of the world, how can she leave?
"Yishuang, you go back to your room, don't come out!" Hongzhuxiang asked Xiaohei and Xiaobai to send Leng Yishuang back to Zhanxiangxuan, and she insisted on staying.Fighting side by side with him is not just talking!

Leng Yishuang was afraid of dragging Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hongzhuxiang, gritted his teeth, and took the initiative to return to Zhanxiangxuan.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, are you finally in a situation that you can't control? Hahahaha..." Xue Zhongchen laughed wickedly and wildly. Today, he will return all the shame he suffered before to Xuanyuan Tianzhan!He wants Xuanyuan Tianzhan to lose face to him!

"Do you think this is the snowy waves and blue sea where you can do whatever you want?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan also lowered his face, his tone was cold and icy cold.It seems that he has been too kind to Xuelang Bihai in the past few years, which caused the people inside to be scheming and go astray.

People outside thought that Xuelang Bihai was a sacred place, but they didn't expect that the people of Xuelang are now willing to degenerate and ruin their future.

"Today, I will let you taste the taste of powerlessness!" Seeing the ignorance in the man's eyes, Xue Zhongchen was furious.

"Big words!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan chuckled lightly, dismissively.

The two figures shuttled away like Li Xuan's arrows, and everyone felt the waves in the air fluctuate and their internal energy tumbling...

In just a moment, Hong Zhuxiang felt the seriousness of the situation. Two months ago, Xue Zhongchen's martial arts were mediocre, but now, no matter whether it is his internal strength or moves, he seems to be inferior to Ah Zhan.How is this possible?

"Princess, what should I do now?" Wuying was in a hurry, he wanted to go to help his prince, but he found that he was not at the same level as them, he couldn't intervene!
As soon as the two men fought, the people below also started to fight, Hong Zhuxiang was a little shocked, the situation changed so fast, it was beyond people's imagination.

Seeing the fallen masters one by one, Hong Zhuxiang's heart felt like a knife. Although she might not be able to call out their names, when was it that they were not secretly protecting her?For such a long time, she has already regarded them as her own, and now seeing them desperately protecting her without fear of death, the feeling in her heart is really indescribable.

The brain was running at high speed, and Hong Zhuxiang quickly made an analysis. These men in black were working hard, like machines, and they were tireless. If they were not supported by some kind of mental power, then they had taken some kind of medicine. If they fought head-on, It will only make your own people fall into trouble time and time again, why not...

"All the Golden Armored Guards obey the order, don't confront these men in black and entangle them, but don't fight recklessly!" A bright and sharp light flashed in the dark eyes, and Hong Zhuxiang exuded a gloomy air-conditioning all over his body. If there is no other way, just use the most insidious method!

"The hidden guard listens to the order, now give full play to your advantages as hidden guards, attack with hidden weapons, and hit the enemy's eyebrows, eyes, temples and other death spots! Cooperate with the golden armor guards to fight, and no one is allowed to act without authorization!" Two orders were issued.

In the large courtyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion, the earth-shattering cry of the man in black was heard very quickly. The golden armored guard avoided the front of the man in black and entered the palace. The life of the man in black is so cooperative, perfect and impeccable!

The Golden Armored Guards and Hidden Guards secretly admired their princess, as long as they could kill these men in black, they didn't care what method they used. Anyone who dared to break into the Prince Regent's Palace deserved to die without a burial!
Having dealt with the man in black, Hong Zhuxiang looked anxiously at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's dancing figure. Under the blend of moonlight and lamplight, the man's domineering black robe was covered with layers of halo... I don't know his expression... Hong Zhuxiang closed her eyes and listened to the man!

"I'll go out and have a look." Leng Yishuang listened to the sound of fighting outside getting smaller and smaller, his heart was agitated, why was it suddenly so quiet outside?
"Princess, you'd better not go out. If nothing happens, the prince and concubine will come back naturally." Xiaobai and Xiaohei were a little embarrassed, and the princess told them to look after Princess Leng Yishuang. They couldn't even handle such a small matter. it is good.

Besides, the outside is already chaotic enough, Leng Yishuang doesn't know martial arts, once she goes out, it's not good if the princess gets hurt in order to protect her.

"Yes, I can't drag them down!" Leng Yishuang also understood this truth, she shook her head fiercely, and sat down peacefully, but she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles!

Until a muffled cry of pain came from the courtyard, Leng Yishuang couldn't sit still anymore and ran out.

"Ah Zhan!" The scene in front of her pierced Hong Zhuxiang's heart, so painful, so painful, she never thought that she would see him like this!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body smelled of blood, and the big drops of blood were covered by the black brocade robe. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, he was wearing a black brocade robe today, otherwise Xiang'er would have been terrified.

The man supported his body in pain, his face was so calm that nothing abnormal could be seen, he couldn't fall down, how could he fall down in front of Xiang'er?No, never!However, how could he hide his serious injury from this woman who loved him so much? !

At this moment, Hongzhuxiang's eyes were red and she was furious. Xue Zhongchen was intact, but she hurt Ah Zhan? !
"Xiang'er, I'm fine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan closed his eyes, trying to gather the strength in his body again, even if he died, he still couldn't lose to Xue Zhongchen!The vile, shameful and sinister man!

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, don't be stubborn, you won't make it through tonight!" Xue Zhongchen patted the dust off his body, the blue clothes were particularly dazzling, making the people around want to kill him!

"Ah Zhan, have you been poisoned?" The man's gradually purple lips and eye sockets completely angered Hong Zhuxiang, who did not expect Xue Zhongchen to poison Ah Zhan, how despicable!

Just as Hongzhuxiang was about to make a move, Xuanyuan Tianzhan held her back, her amber eyes were pleading like never before... Hongzhuxiang felt a pain in her heart, and she couldn't breathe for a moment!

"Xiang'er, don't fight Xue Zhongchen! He has taken forbidden medicine for practicing martial arts, and he has poison on his body! Jin Jiawei, come on!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was weak all over, he needed time to force out the poisonous gas, he must not let Xiang'er go on an adventure.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, you are really ruthless! Knowing that Jin Jiawei is not my opponent, you still let them come to die!" Xue Zhongchen's face changed, and a bad feeling rose in his heart. The people he brought They were all killed by Jin Jiawei, is Xuanyuan Tianzhan delaying time?Is there any way out for him?

Hmph... After being poisoned and injured all over his body, he still wanted to delay time, he didn't know what to do, Xue Zhongchen didn't mind getting a few more people to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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