Chapter 263
"Set up the formation!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan spat out two words, and the Jin Jiawei who was about to strike realized that they didn't have to rely on force to defeat Xue Zhongchen, they just needed to trap him.

"Xue Zhongchen, do you think you can be lawless after taking forbidden medicine? Fight with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, you are still a little tender!" The aura of all things in the world purifies the toxins in the body, but it takes time!
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, I won't let you go!" Xue Zhongchen was trapped in the formation, distressed, he should have killed Xuanyuan Tianzhan with one palm, if it wasn't for seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan in pain, he Already died under his own hands.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan distressedly, a kind of unforgettable, unspeakable love deeply surrounded her.

"Ah Zhan, you are injured, Wuying, hurry up and call the imperial doctor!" Hong Zhuxiang shouted at Wuying, only to find that Wuying was radiating cold air, staring at Xue Zhongchen motionlessly, while Mingyue was staring at Wuying blankly.

Hongzhuxiang secretly sighed "I'm sorry", and another Wuying appeared!While speaking, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was sore all over, and fell on Hong Zhuxiang's body.

Hongzhuxiang couldn't control that much, first helped Xuanyuan Tianzhan back to Zhanxiangxuan, seeing the unconscious man covered in injuries, Hongzhuxiang felt deep pain and anger hitting the bottom of his heart, Xue Zhongchen's skill How perverted is it?It's really unreasonable for a master like Ah Zhan to be seriously injured!

Tears dripped from the corners of Hong Zhuxiang's eyes, and they fell on the back of her hands.this man!
"Princess, it's not good. Xue Zhongchen burst out like crazy, and his skill has skyrocketed! Now he is fighting Wuying. It seems that not his opponent!"

"Understood, you go down first!" Hong Zhuxiang sat by the bed, took a deep breath, her eyes fell on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's fair face, and looked at him quietly.

This man has supported her for so long and paid so much for her. He should be tired and take a good rest.

"Azhan, wait for Xiang'er to come back!" Hong Zhuxiang leaned over and kissed the man's slightly pale lips affectionately, but it made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable. For the first time, he didn't kiss her back. For the first time, he didn't kiss her back. Opening her mouth, Hong Zhuxiang stood up, turned around and left the inner room.

The enchanting red clothes dragging all over the place, like blood-stained nine-day flowing veil, proud of the clouds, red bamboo fragrance in the dark eyes, no emotion can be seen, the waves are undercurrent, all hidden...

"Where are you going?" Since Hongzhuxiang helped Xuanyuan Tianzhan back to the house, Leng Yishuang stood guard outside the door, wandering anxiously, seeing that Hongzhuxiang was about to go out, and hurriedly pulled her.

"Help me guard the Regent's Palace, don't let any peach blossoms in, if my things are touched by someone, you are ready to break up with me!" Hong Zhuxiang threw out a sentence, without giving Leng Yishuang time to react, Nei Li flicked her hand away, and went out the door without looking back.

Looking at the empty hands, Leng Yishuang didn't chase after them impulsively, but just stood there, watching Hongzhuxiang's bright red dress disappear from sight... She knew that once Hongzhuxiang decided on something, any No one can stop it!

Don't worry, I will value your home more than my own!
"Wuying, stop!" The long brocade in the sleeves was thrown out, and a strong internal force pulled Wuying away from the battlefield.

Hong Zhuxiang felt heartbroken as she watched the palace fall into chaos. The corpses piled up in the main courtyard, the coagulated blood, and the smell of blood permeated everywhere...all of these strongly stimulated her!This is her home, but now there are corpses with incomplete limbs lying across, and rivers of blood dripping!

The Golden Armored Guards were going all out to besiege Xue Zhongchen, many of them were injured, they stopped slowly after hearing Hong Zhuxiang's words, but they didn't dare to relax their sword hand for a moment.

Wuying was also injured in many places, but he remembered that he wanted to protect the prince, the princess, and the Prince Regent's Palace!

"Wuying, do you still remember her?" Hong Zhuxiang asked Wuying, pointing to Mingyue who was already stunned. Although the situation is urgent, now is an opportunity for the two of them to start again, which should not be missed.

"Remember!" Wuying blurted out, how could he not remember?That night in Maple Leaf Valley, he was the one who seriously injured her, so he remembered it very clearly!Since that time, he was no longer that cold-hearted Wu Ying.

"Mingyue, take Wuying down to heal your injuries!" Hong Zhuxiang said simply, signaling Mingyue not to worry about her.

"Master." Mingyue choked up and said.

"Go down! Wu Ying also goes down, you all need to be well!" Waiting for her to come back!Hong Zhuxiang said in her heart.

Every time there is an attack, the image of the person will be re-imaged in Wuying's mind. Now it seems that both she and Mingyue have been re-recognized and accepted by the cold Wuying.This is something to be happy about!
Hong Zhuxiang looked at Xue Zhongchen with a smile, without blinking her eyes. She still remembered that the first time she saw Xue Zhongchen, this man pretended to be Xue Yuan to deceive her, and said that as long as a bowl of her blood was used as a medicine, she could save her life. his beloved woman.

For a moment, she really hoped that Xue Zhongchen was Xue Yuan, she hoped that he was still alive, but now, she would only let Xue Zhongchen die, like that demon Feng Wuhen!
"The princess won't really follow Xue Zhongchen, will she? Xue Zhongchen is a lunatic!" Seeing Hong Zhuxiang stepping towards Xue Zhongchen, Xiao Hei's eyes darkened, and he muttered sadly.

He didn't think much, he just hoped that his princess would be fine!

"Probably not..." Xiaobai felt that the princess was worried about the prince and would not follow Xue Zhongchen.Coco...but...the princess really seems to be leaving? !

Hong Zhuxiang walked towards Xue Zhongchen calmly and calmly, smiling like a flower, but she was sharpening her knife in her heart, sharpening a sharp knife!

Xue Zhongchen, how much I, Red Bamboo Fragrance endured you back then, will pay you back sooner or later, and how much you hurt Ah Zhan today, sooner or later, I, Red Bamboo Fragrance, will pay you back twice as much!
Seeing the woman with an incomparably charming smile and a bright and bright smile, Xue Zhongchen was shocked. This woman is really beautiful, even more beautiful than Jing'er... Unfortunately, she is Xuanyuan Tianzhan's woman!
Hmph... Xuanyuan Tianzhan, you just wait to die!He experimented on many people, who were seriously injured and poisoned by him, and no one could survive a night.

"Let's go, don't you want to use my blood to save your beloved Jing'er?" Hong Zhuxiang didn't even look at Xue Zhongchen, and took the lead out of the Prince Regent's Palace, riding a BMW, flying away in the dust...

Xue Zhongchen's pupils shrank again and again, looking at the disappearing red clothes, he hurriedly chased after him, he always felt a strange feeling lingering in his heart...but he couldn't tell what was wrong? !

The night was unexpectedly long. Except for the Dragon Soul team led by Zhuihun who secretly followed Hongzhuxiang and Xue Zhongchen, the rest of the people obeyed orders and stayed in the Prince Regent's mansion. Wujing was directing the guards to clean the courtyard. The maids also came out to help, and the palace was filled with unprecedented sadness!
(End of this chapter)

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