The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 264 - The Outrageous Scale

Chapter 264 - The Outrageous Scale (1)
"Sir, you have seen that no matter how Xiaofan knocks on the door, no one comes to open the door." Xiaofan glanced at Han Bingxue sadly and said dejectedly.He couldn't figure out why she insisted on knocking on the door in the middle of the night, why couldn't she wait until early tomorrow morning?

"How about we come back tomorrow?" Ouyang Ren frowned and asked tentatively.He remembered that the Prince Regent's Mansion was also guarded at night, had the rules changed in recent years?Or, what happened in the palace?
Han Bingxue didn't say a word, her face under the white veil was already tense, she had a bad premonition that Xiang'er must have encountered difficulties!

"It's too late now, they're probably asleep!" Ouyang Ren could only guess like this. Along the way, Han Bingxue was so worried about Hongzhuxiang, and he could already imagine how much she had endured in her heart.

The three were about to leave, but they saw a group of people rushing over in a hurry. The leader was dressed in white and was very handsome.

"Open the door, General Xiao is here!" someone outside shouted to the inside.

"Come in!" came the answer from inside the door, but the door didn't open.Xiaofan felt very strange, how could he get in without opening the door?
Xiao Tianyue went up lightly, quickly entered the palace, and went straight to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's room. If something happened to the prince, he would never forgive himself in his life... Xiao Tianyue blamed himself, the prince treated him like a brother, How could he not be by the prince's side when he was assassinated?

Ah... they actually flew in!Xiao Fan was stunned, he rarely saw people use lightness kung fu, he only saw Long Yuyan disappear quickly, now he saw so many people flying in directly, he felt incredible!

Han Bingxue's eyes lit up, and she planned to follow her in. Ouyang Ren stopped her immediately and said, "No, they all have special communication methods, and they are full of hidden guards, so it is impossible to bypass them. Will be found. Now that it is late at night, it is easy to be shot as an assassin!"

Han Bingxue took a look at Ouyang Ren, and took back the steps she had taken. She must calm down, she must not panic!
Zhan Xiangxuan, in a daze, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a powerful force pouring into his body, his mind was full of red bamboo fragrance, his eyelids were heavy, his head hurt, and he felt powerless...

"Xiang'er..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan called out dryly, his voice was very hoarse, he missed Xiang'er, missed Xiang'er very much!
" only have women in your eyes, and you don't even want your own life!" The bearded Lao Gao, the master of the wonderful hand, why doesn't he miss him as his master? !

"Genius doctor, how is my prince?" Seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan's painful expression, Wu Zong asked anxiously.

"What do you call me?" Master Miaoshou has black lines all over his head, he hates being called a genius doctor the most.

"Doctor Miao, tell me, what happened to my lord?" How can Wu Zing control so much, he is now worried about his lord's safety with all his heart.

"I almost died!" Master Miaoshou said angrily.If he hadn't come in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!

"Doctor Miao, you must save my lord, I kowtow to you, please." Hearing what Master Miaoshou said, Wu Zing fell to his knees with a plop.Xiao Tianyue also clenched her fists, her black eyes were fixed on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face, her heart twitched with pain, my lord, don't let anything happen!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan was hurt all over his body and his mind was in chaos. He felt that his physical strength could not support him. He saw Xiang'er leaving, but he couldn't hold her back. Where is Xiang'er going?Did Xianger not want him?

"No! Xiang'er, don't go!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan opened his eyes sharply, searching for the red spot on the tip of his heart, but there were so many people here, but he didn't see Xiang'er, how could it be?

"You are just right, you need to rest!" Master Miaoshou felt sorry for his apprentice and softened his tone.

"Go away!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan only felt that the person in front of him was annoying and blocked his sight.

Daoist Miaoshou was very angry, he pushed Xuanyuan Tianzhan back on the bed, and said sharply: "Do you see who I am?"

"I don't care who you are..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said halfway, the face of Miaoshou Daoist was enlarged in front of him in an instant, he took a closer look, and the person in front of him turned out to be a serious Miaoshou Daoist with a childlike face and white hair.

"Master! Why are you here?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked in surprise.

"If you don't come as a teacher, you..." Master Miaoshou just said a few words, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan directly ignored him.

"Where's Xiang'er? Where's Xiang'er..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan kept calling Hong Zhuxiang's name, his eyes also looked around for the red figure in panic, "I clearly remember that Xiang'er was sitting by the bed! Xiang'er go Where is it?"

Xiang'er must have gone to get something, Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought so.

Master Miaoshou's heart twitched, and he automatically retreated to the table. The people in the room also fell silent for a moment, without saying a word, but they were full of sadness.

At this moment, Mingyue couldn't hold back the sadness in her heart anymore and sobbed, the master left with Xue Zhongchen alone, and now she doesn't know what's going on?A perverted man like Xue Zhongchen felt horrible just thinking about it, she was worried about her master.

"What are you doing? It's not like you haven't seen such a bloody scene. Fighting on the battlefield is much more cruel than this, cheer me up." Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't bear such a low and sluggish atmosphere, and roared, "Wuying , go and call the princess, the king wants to see the princess now."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan wanted to ask Uncle Zheng to go, but he remembered that Uncle Zheng was injured. Fortunately, before he passed out, the Golden Armored Guards formed an array to trap Xue Zhongchen, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!
"My lord, my concubine..." Wuying looked at her lord's pale face, and couldn't bear to tell this cruel news.

"What's the matter with you guys? What's the matter with the princess? Xiao Tianyue, tell me!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan seldom called Xiao Tianyue's name directly, but now he was really angry, these are the people he cultivated by himself, How can you speak so hesitantly? !

"Cousin, the red bamboo fragrance was taken away by Xue Zhongchen!" Leng Yishuang took a deep breath and summoned up his courage.Let her tell the news!
"What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again!" Xuanyuan Tian's cold eyes shot straight at him instantly. The whole room seemed to be frozen, icy cold to the bone, and the man had a vague bad feeling.

"I said that the red bamboo fragrance was taken away by Xue Zhongchen!" Leng Yishuang roared suddenly, his heart and lungs were in pain, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and big tears flowed down...


"Yuancheng, why are my eyelids twitching all the time? My heart is always flustered. What's going on?" Murong Rui felt incredible. Yucheng had been taken back by the general he sent, and the north was temporarily peaceful. What happened?
"Maybe the emperor came here because he was too busy with state affairs! As long as the emperor has a good rest, he will be fine!" Yuan Cheng sighed softly, not daring to express his thoughts, only Hong Zhuxiang had something to do every time At that time, the emperor would be so restless.

(End of this chapter)

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