The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 265 - The Outrageous Scale

Chapter 265 - The Outrageous Scale (2)
For so many years, it has been difficult for the emperor. I can only pray that there will be nothing wrong with the red bamboo incense, otherwise the palace will not be peaceful again...

"Your Majesty, the flying pigeon of the Hanhai Kingdom is passing on the letter!" Leng Feng walked in quickly. After a few months, he seemed much calmer than before.

letter?When Murong Rui heard these two words, he became flustered instantly. Didn't he already receive the news from Hanhai Kingdom at noon?Why is it here again in the middle of the night?
Murong Rui's eyes were dazzled by the clear and clear words written on the letter paper. He extremely doubted his own eyes!

"Leng Feng, my eyes are a bit blurry, can you see what is written?" Murong Rui took a deep breath, panicked.

"The regent and princess of Hanhai Kingdom were assassinated, and the murderer is unknown!" Leng Feng read calmly.

"Pa..." The teacup on the dragon case slipped to the ground in an instant, and the tiles on the ground bounced around, scaring the eunuchs and maids to their knees in a hurry.

A blue figure was as anxious as the wind, and he came out of the hall in the blink of an eye, and the cold wind froze, when did the emperor's martial arts become so high? !

Leng Feng hurriedly followed out, fearing that he would not be able to catch up with the emperor later, but things went against his wish, a person dressed like a court lady stood in front of him fiercely, and stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Presumptuous! You, you...why haven't you left yet?" His eyes glanced at the woman in front of him, and Leng Feng was very surprised. He never thought that it was Che Zimei. Could it be that she has not left in the palace?
"What exactly happened?" Che Zimei had stayed in the palace for so long, and she had never seen Murong Rui in such a hurry, something must have happened!
"Why should I tell you?" He still wants to chase the emperor!
"If you tell me, I'll give you this jade pendant!" Who is Che Zimei, how can she not understand Leng Feng's thoughts, since the first time she saw Leng Feng in Maple Leaf Valley, she knew that Leng Feng was thinking about her .

Looking at the jade pendant in Che Zimei's hands, Leng Feng's heart moved inexplicably, and he said without thinking, "Okay!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he had done too much. Even if he liked the beauty of the car, he shouldn't be like this!

"One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase!" Che Zimei strikes while the iron is hot.

"Your Lord Zhan and Miss Xiang'er were assassinated!" Leng Feng said with a sullen face without turning back.

Che Meimei's eyes were startled, she retracted her slender hand, the jade pendant fell back to her sleeve, and flew away, Leng Feng opened his mouth, but couldn't say the words "You haven't given me the jade pendant yet!".

He realized angrily that he had been tricked by a woman?Che Zimei never planned to give him the jade pendant!This woman who doesn't play cards according to common sense!
Zhan Xiangxuan, the atmosphere had frozen to the lowest point, Xuanyuan Tianzhan exuded air-conditioning all over, and a strong bloody smell came out of his mouth faintly.

Xiao Tianyue waited without a trace for a group of people with their heads bowed, never seen before, Mingyue wept softly, Miaoshou Daoist looked out the window without saying a word.

"Leng Yishuang, do you dare to say it again!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was furious, how could Xianger be taken away by Xue Zhongchen?How could he be taken away by Xue Zhongchen who was trapped in the formation?

"Cousin, it's true. Xue Zhongchen violently broke the formation, and Xiang'er followed Xue Zhongchen." Leng Yi's heart ached, and she felt powerless. Died of suffocation... She suddenly missed the days when she and Hong Zhuxiang were together in Feixianglou, and really wanted to go to Feixianglou to eat delicious food again!
"Pfft..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes went dark, and he spat out several mouthfuls of blood. The man was trembling almost all over, and his pale face was terribly cold.

It seems that Xiang'er is really not in the palace anymore, he clearly remembers that Xiang'er was sitting on the bedside and looking at him, he clearly remembers that Xiang'er was there, obviously...

Outside the door, Long Yuyan's feet were weak, and he almost couldn't hold on. The man's eyes, which were as bright as shooting stars, suddenly dimmed, and he rushed out... Xue Zhongchen?Long Yuyan knew that it was the prince of Xuelangbihai!He dared to take the little junior sister away, he better pray that the little junior sister is okay, otherwise...

"My lord, I blame this subordinate for neglecting his duties. This subordinate immediately went to get the princess back!" Wuying knelt down. He had been protecting the princess closely, and blamed him for being useless. If something happened to the princess, he could only apologize with death. !

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart was in pain like never before, as if it had been hollowed out abruptly...Xiang'er, how could you follow Xue Zhongchen alone?You have no idea what a demon that is!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan braced himself up, thinking of Xiang'er's situation, he felt anxious and hairy, ignoring his own injuries, the man stood up... He was going to find Xiang'er, he said, never let Xiang'er Leave him, they will never be separated again!

"Hiss..." Damn it, my whole body is sore and weak!Xuanyuan Tianzhan waved his hand angrily, and suddenly practiced his skills, trying to regain some strength.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, do you want to kill yourself?" Realizing his apprentice's thoughts, Master Miaoshou immediately jumped up from the chair, unable to calm down anymore.

He is seriously injured now, how can he use his skills to toss?He must take a good rest, otherwise it is likely to leave the root cause of the disease that cannot be eradicated. One of the two of them has already suffered serious physical injuries. Doesn't he know how to cherish himself?
"Master, you never stop me. Are you going to break your promise this time?" The master said, what he wants to do, the master will never stop him!
Seeing the sharp light in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, Daoist Miaoshou was taken aback for a moment, and then he sighed deeply. He knew that his apprentice always had his own ideas, and even if it was a deep and hopeless situation, he could make the best decision immediately. judgment!

This is his most proud apprentice - Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
This kid Zhan'er is so good that he doesn't even have a chance to show off as a master. What else can he say besides his deep pride and pride? !

"Eat this and get good luck!" Fortunately, he has recently refined a miracle medicine to detoxify and treat internal injuries, but sadly, there is only one!It's just taking it too early, I don't know if Zhan'er's body can bear it? !

Xuanyuan Tianzhan practiced his skills, fine beads of sweat ooze from his forehead, a magical force is flying around, and his body is experiencing a strong shock!
"My lord! You'd better have a good rest, let's go save the princess." Looking at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression, he became impatient. The lord vomited so much blood just now, one can imagine the extent of his injuries!

"Cousin, you don't need to be so anxious, don't you believe in Red Bamboo Fragrance?" Leng Yishuang gritted her teeth, she was also very worried about Red Bamboo Fragrance, but she was afraid that her cousin would not be able to hold on.What if Hong Zhuxiang came back, but he fell down again?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan accepted the merit, and looked at his master gratefully. Master Miaoshou turned his head away, even though this kid still has a conscience, he knows that he is a good master!

(End of this chapter)

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