The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 286 The Mystery of the Year

Chapter 286 The Mystery of the Year (2)
"General, give the order!"

"General..." Several iron-blooded youths united as one, pleading for orders one after another... They were full of enthusiasm, just to show their ambitions.

Xuanyuan Wangyue squinted his long and narrow eyes, and a wild smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, as expected, they were all iron-blooded men, and he saw them right.

"Come here! This mission..." Xuanyuan Wangyue gathered several people together, and gave them the mission in a voice that only a few people could hear.

After hearing Xuanyuan Wangyue's plan, the men were almost stunned. It was hard for them to imagine that General Wang Yue, who looked younger than them, had such courage.

Several people are more determined, this battle can only be won but not defeated!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't even know how he coaxed the stubborn little woman back into the room with promises. When she saw the resurrected Xue Yuan walk into Yu Jingxuan, it was really unprecedented. panic...

"Xiang'er, what's wrong?" Murong Rui knew something bad had happened when he saw Hong Zhuxiang's face was pale.

There was obvious distress in the man's soft eyes. He knew that Xiang'er would only be like this if something happened to someone Xiang'er cared about, but who was in danger?
Long Yuyan and Yun Feihong also stopped the chess pieces in their hands, with doubts and worries on their faces... The atmosphere in the room dropped to the lowest point in an instant, and the oppressive pressure almost made it impossible to breathe.

Hong Zhuxiang felt that her mind was going to be a mess, she couldn't stay any longer, she just wanted to know the facts.

"Ah Zhan, are you sure you want to continue to hide the matter from me about Yu Jingxuan?" Hong Zhuxiang didn't answer Murong Rui's words, but turned to look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head and met her dark and bright eyes. It was these extremely beautiful and clear eyes that made him inescapable.

He wanted to protect her at the tip of his heart and under his wings, but he seemed to have forgotten that a woman who is strong in her bones would be willing to live under the protection of others all the time?Even if this other person is her lover, even if this other person is Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

Alpine red snow lotus needs not only sunshine and rain, but also storms and sun exposure, especially for her Xiang'er!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hands were resting on Hong Zhuxiang's shoulders, his amber eyes were extremely gentle... Since he knew her, why bother to hide it from her?She is not only his little woman, but also has a red bamboo fragrance of her own judgment!In fact, like him, no matter how difficult the situation is, she always has her own persistence!
"Xiang'er, I didn't intend to hide from you, it's just that I don't want to mention some things back then..."

"Azhan, I..." Hong Zhuxiang originally wanted to say that she didn't mean to ask, but Xue Yuan was like a knot in her heart. If she keeps being confused like this, she will go crazy sooner or later!
"Fool, it's really nothing. Since Xiang'er wants to know, it's enough to satisfy your curiosity as a husband!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone suddenly relaxed, and he has to bear all the hardships. How could he be willing to let the baby he holds in his hand give up? Worried?
Murong Rui turned his head away, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his gentle face, and a hint of sadness was unconsciously revealed in his eyes... The man smiled wryly, then raised his head, relieved...

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, one tall and one short, one big and one small, one black and one red looked at each other, facing each other frankly!
"Five years ago, I came to Xuelangbihai. At that time, it was to develop the influence of Wuyuelou here, but I vaguely felt that Xuelangbihai was very different, until I found out the person whose inner strength had skyrocketed! At that time, banned drugs There are not so many, it's rare..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan sat down at the table with his red bamboo incense in his arms, as if he was telling an old story.

"I sent people to follow up and investigate, but followed the clues to the palace of Xuelangbihai. I was shocked. How could such a fairyland-like place like Xuelangbihai allow such a thing to happen? So, I sent more The masters went to the palace to investigate, but they are all gone forever." Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly smiled bitterly, because he was young at the beginning, so he insisted on investigating clearly!
"So, in order to find out the reason, you risked yourself?" How could he, who was so proud and domineering, allow the masters he sent to die without knowing why?Therefore, he must go there in person.

"Xiang'er really knows her husband best!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold expression was much less cold, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The result..." This is the point!

"As a result, I broke into Yujingxuan." Xuanyuan Tianzhan curled his lips, looking back on the past!
The four of them were pricking up their ears to listen to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's speech, but they didn't expect him to stop talking at this point... Is this to tantalize people? !
"Ah Zhan, and then..." Hong Zhuxiang looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's appearance, but couldn't figure out what exactly he saw in Yu Jingxuan?
"Xiang'er, are you sure you want to listen?" Even if Xiang'er wanted to listen, he still didn't want to talk about it!

"Listen, of course you have to listen!" Yun Feihong said recklessly. Although he had already guessed something, it was different from Brother Zhan's mouth.

"It's nothing more than Yu Jing'er who lives there, and her husband looks so graceful, she has taken a fancy to..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Yun Feihong a cold look, and his tone was a little unnatural.

"..." Murong Rui and Long Yuyan couldn't help chuckling, they didn't expect Xuanyuan Tianzhan to have such an affair... But, he wouldn't do anything to offend Xiang'er, would he?If this is the case, they will not obey!
Hong Zhuxiang always glared at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but after seeing Murong Rui and Long Yuyan's expressions, she glared at them unceremoniously... Are these two men gloating?Murong Rui and Long Yuyan stopped talking immediately after receiving the cold gaze.

"Did you go to bed?" Hong Zhuxiang's face was gloomy, and her heart was sore... However, she believed that Ah Zhan had never had sex with that woman.

The big men can't take it anymore, Xiang'er, do you want to ask so directly?
"Xiang'er, where do you want to go? With a woman like that, I'd be disgusted to death..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan jumped up from the chair directly. He only needs to take a look at a woman like that to be disgusted.

What's more, he just glanced at Yu Jing'er roughly, and didn't even take a closer look at her appearance... Moreover, all those forbidden drugs came from Yu Jingxuan, so he naturally wouldn't have a good impression of the people inside.

"So, Yu Jing'er played tricks on you?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes were icy cold, a woman like Yu Jing'er who would never give up until she reached her goal must have used despicable tricks!
"Yes, she said that if I didn't look at her directly, she would have to destroy me... She sprinkled a potion on a maid in front of me, and that maid quickly turned into a puddle of pus and blood...I just knew, I All the masters sent were turned into puddles of pus and blood." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone was so light that no one could see the fluctuations in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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