287 Chapter 1 Really anxious ([-])
The temperature in the room suddenly heated up, the ground was ambiguous, and the swaying white gauze curtain was silently laughing... a joy!Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman moving around on him in a funny way, and couldn't help itching his teeth, no, his whole body was itching!

Until, the hidden guards outside the house, such as chasing souls, were thrilled to hear the roar of their own princess: "Get out, didn't you agree to let me be on top? You... um..."

Uh... the prince is domineering again!Princess hold on!
Tonight seemed extremely long, but to Long Yuyan, it was unprecedentedly short. He had just entered Yu Jingxuan's outer courtyard, and he already felt that there were many crises. Years ago Xuanyuan Tianzhan would be trapped inside!

The east began to turn pale, and the sky was bright. Long Yuyan carefully exited the outer courtyard of Yujingxuan, and saw the exquisitely arranged organs and poison inside!

When he came out, he accidentally saw a blue figure leaving from Yu Jingxuan's direction in front of him. It was... it was Murong Rui!
Long Yuyan knew a lot about Xuanyuan Tianzhan. He always felt that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a deep affection for his junior sister, but he never expected that Murong Rui had such deep affection for Xiang'er.Long Yuyan sighed and flew back...

Hongzhuxiang, Hongzhuxiang, do you know that besides your favorite Ah Zhan, there are two other men who are willing to risk their lives to break into Longtan and Tiger's lair for you!
"General Wang, it's already the top of the day, and you're still sleeping? It's so relaxing!" He led an army of tens of thousands to stay here, not planning to attack Qingfeng City, and he was so careless.

"Now it seems that this world... this general is the biggest, right? But... this general doesn't seem to know you, right?!" Xuanyuan Wangyue raised his eyelids, but it was only dawn, and the fuss made him think he was really asleep It's a big morning.

"The last general is Zhao Ting, who joined the army under General Yin Yun's account. He specially asked to check the situation of General Wang's attack on Qingfeng City. Unexpectedly, General Wang..."

"Stop! It was General Yin Yun who called you, not General Xiao Tianyue?" Xuanyuan Wangyue grasped the key point instantly, and his gaze towards Zhao Ting also became serious.

"That's right! General Yin Yun was worried that General Wang Yue, who was young and aggressive, would harm these soldiers, so he deliberately..."

"Come here, report to General Xiao, saying that General Yin Yun has overstepped his authority, and that he has no way to teach his subordinates, so he even sent someone to insult this general! Also, invite this General Officer Zhao out of the barracks." Xuanyuan Wangyue's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. , slammed on Zhao Ting's body fiercely, he was an unknown young general, he was promoted to a high-ranking official by virtue of the military order this time, and Qingfeng City had not been captured yet, how dare he be so presumptuous? !

"Wang Yue, what are you doing?" Zhao Ting was furious, what shame did this make him?
"Didn't you hear my general's order? Pull Zhao Ting out!" Xuanyuan Wangyue's eyes were instantly cold, young and energetic?Do things frizzy?He can ignore these things, but Zhao Ting questioned that he would harm the soldiers, and he took it for granted, which made him unbearable.

He is Xuanyuan Wangyue, who regarded Zhan Wangfu as his home since he was a child, and a young man who grew up with a man like Xuanyuan Tianzhan, how could he be a thing in the pool? !

This time, he happened to give these veterans a warning for his cousin, telling them not to ignore the young people in the army. They are indeed vigorous, but they are the backbone of the army in the future. A good general must not only be able to fight, but also be able to fight. employ people!
Early this morning, Xue Zhongchen finally suffered a backlash, his body felt itchy and painful like being crawled by thousands of insects!
"Come on, water..." Xue Zhongchen's throat felt dry, what was going on?Didn't Yu Jing'er give him medicine to suppress backlash?Or, that woman lied to him again?What he was given was just another forbidden drug...

She, how could she be so cruel?Could it be that my feelings and connivance for her have been ruined by her?What is this woman's heart made of?Why so hard-hearted?And he was so foolish as to be cruel to that woman!

"Prince, we are surrounded, what should we do now?" Xue Zhongchen's personal bodyguard in white brought a cup of tea tremblingly, because he has lost a lot of weight due to the recent backlash. If he was crazy at the beginning, he is really crazy now. Unable to cheer up for a moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's siege at this moment is obviously a good opportunity.

"What?!" Xue Zhongchen was trembling with pain, and overturned the tea in the guard's hand, the hot tea splashed on the guard's body, and the skin next to the clothes immediately became red and swollen.

"Prince, what are we going to do now?" The guard in white didn't care about his injury, he was more worried about how they should get through this disaster.

"Enter the secret room!" Since Yu Jing'er gave him such a medicine, it would put him to death. If he still tried to ask Yu Jingxuan for help, he would only be humiliating himself.Is it true that the sky is going to kill him in the snow?

"Hmm..." There are still some people in the secret room who have not been found by Xuanyuan Tianzhan. As long as today is over, they will still have a way to survive, but he doesn't know that Xue Zhongchen's backlash will be taken directly at noon today. his life.

But what Xue Zhongchen never expected was that the secret room was no longer the secret room he had imagined... The dark crowd inside instantly burned his eyes. Until now, he didn't know how failed he was in life!
No wonder Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't even want to meet him. It turned out that he really didn't deserve to be his opponent. He just sat there, as if he controlled the whole world!

The white-clothed guards couldn't believe their eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was waiting for them here, and the Xuelang Bihai master who hid in the secret room because of backlash, had obviously been cleaned up by him, and even the bones had been dealt with to pieces net.

Xue Zhongchen took a look and found that the people standing in the secret room were all people from Xuanyuan Tianzhan... This is not only surprising, but also terrifying!

Things suddenly became strange and weird. On the land of Xuelangbihai, in the palace of Xuelangbihai, in his secret room in the snowy dust, in his seat, Xuanyuantian with a relaxed face was sitting. Zhan, and this man is still his opponent.

Xue Zhongchen seemed to have seen a big joke, but this joke came from himself.Xue Zhongchen's footsteps were fixed in place, he didn't know if he should advance to negotiate with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, or should he retreat and desperately break out of the secret room?
But he had a hunch that no matter what he did, he couldn't escape Xuanyuan Tianzhan's palm. He was not qualified to negotiate a peace with him, but he couldn't pull up any strength when he retreated. His body was weak and painful like never before. .

While Xue Zhongchen was hesitating, a chuckle came from the secret room, and then everyone saw that Xue Zhongchen was unsteady on his feet and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Ah Zhan, it's not fun in the secret room at all... You still said you brought people here to see a mad dog. Where is there a mad dog? It's just a dead dog that is about to die." Hong Zhuxiang curled her lips, full of coquettish anger Said.

(End of this chapter)

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