288 Chapter 2 Really anxious ([-])
"Xiang'er, a mad dog can't see it, but a dead dog can also see it." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said very cooperatively.The man's amber eyes are full of doting, he just said that there is a good show to watch, and he never said there are any mad dogs, but he likes such a naughty and lovely Xiang'er the most.

"Even if it doesn't look like a mad dog, an ordinary dog ​​is fine too... But such a half-dead dog is not good-looking at all!" Hong Zhuxiang's mouth curled up in a big arc, and the way he spoke was really pissed off.

"...Xiang'er, there is also a mad dog. Let's take a look at it later... Let's appreciate the dead dog in front of us first!" Once the little girl becomes naughty, no one can match her!Even he himself is three points inferior!

This kind of dialogue, not to mention Xue Zhongchen's face turned purple, even the three beautiful men who have always been calm couldn't help raising their eyebrows. These two people are really defiant!Well... After meeting Xuanyuan Tianzhan, they didn't calm down much!
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, no matter how unbearable I am, Xue Zhongchen, I have defeated you. How can the defeated generals have the right to say anything about me?" Xue Zhongchen didn't know where the courage came from, but he struggled to get up and staggered to Xuanyuan Tianzhan before!
"The defeated general? The person in this world who is least qualified to say these four words is you—Xue Zhongchen! You are just a puppet controlled by others from the beginning to the end! Could it be that you are still willing to die now that you are about to die? You are the first man I, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, have ever seen to achieve such a level!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone was not serious, but it hit the nail on the head.

Xue Zhongchen was played by Yu Jing'er in the palm of his hand, and he worked hard for five years to find someone who could change the color of the blood test beads. Not to mention, he was deceived and worried day and night!Until the end, a super banned drug sent him on the road of desperation... Should we say that Yu Jing'er is ruthless and ruthless, or that Xue Zhongchen is stupid?
Such a man, what qualifications does he have to say that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is the defeat of his subordinates... Besides, if he uses all his strength to cast Dragon Teng to gather spirits, how could he not be able to defeat Xue Zhongchen?

Longteng Juling can absorb the power of all things in the world, including the soaring internal power of Xue Zhongchen, but he must find an opportunity, a reasonable excuse to attack Xuelangbihai... This is his real purpose!

The regent was seriously injured by the prince of the sea area in the snowy waves and blue sea. Naturally, this hatred must be avenged, and this is no longer a personal grudge, but a national feud!Since it is a national feud, it can only be resolved by war, and the final outcome of the war can be imagined.

The only thing that surprised him was Xiang'er. He didn't expect that after he woke up, Xiang'er would follow Xue Zhongchen to Xuelangbihai... just to stop sacrificing so many Golden Armored Guards.

At that time, Xue Zhongchen trespassed on the Prince Regent's mansion, Xuanyuan Tianzhan made a quick decision, before he could tell Hong Zhuxiang that when he woke up, his beloved was gone... It wasn't until later that he realized that Xiang'er She has already seen through his thoughts, and went to Xuelangbihai to wait for him!
This kind of heart-to-heart connection and this kind of emotional resonance left him speechless. He could only love her more deeply, love her, and pamper her!
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, what do you mean by that?" Xue Zhongchen was confused and confused...but the severe pain all over his body became more and more intense.

"It's really a pig's brain, don't you understand until now? What did you eat Yu Jing'er in the palm of your hand? Super banned medicine! So, when noon comes, you will eat back and die... Ah Zhan asked you , Are you still enjoying it until this moment?" Hong Zhuxiang bit the words extremely hard, and there was obvious mockery in her tone.

"..." Xue Zhongchen was stunned, he thought that he would just suffer backlash, but he didn't expect Yu Jing'er to give himself a deadly forbidden drug!
Even Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hongzhuxiang already knew about it, but he was still kept in the dark, it's really ridiculous!Hehe... He, Xue Zhongchen, is indeed a puppet held in the hands of others, and he is a puppet who is discarded like a shoe after being used!
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, help me!" The pain in his body was getting worse and worse, Xue Zhongchen could no longer hold on, his whole body's mental strength seemed to be exhausted, and he was trembling all over.

The blood on his face gradually disappeared, and his empty and hopeless eyes finally lost their former brilliance!She looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hong Zhuxiang with prayers and sorrow in her eyes...

"This king saved you... Do you still have the face to say this?! At the beginning, who ambushed the assassin halfway to try to assassinate this king and test his strength? And who was trying to deceive Xiang'er so that he could use Xiang'er?" Blood for Yu Jing’er’s medicine? Who even took banned drugs and arrogantly broke into the Prince Regent’s Palace and seriously injured the king? What’s even more ridiculous is that this person just now said that the king was his defeat! Xiang’er, Do you think it's funny?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's deep eyes pierced Xue Zhongchen like a sharp knife, he has never been a kind person, and he will not be soft-hearted when dealing with enemies.

"Not only is it funny, but it's also ridiculous. A man's face has been lost... It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world. People must always be responsible for what they have done!" Looking at Xue Zhongchen's appearance, Hong Zhu But Xiang couldn't feel any sympathy in her heart, poor people must have something to hate, this sentence can best describe Xue Zhongchen.

"What's wrong with me? I just love Yu Jing'er. I love someone, so I am willing to do many things for her. Xuanyuan Tianzhan, don't you do the same?" It's just that he loves the wrong person, at least Xue Zhong Chen stubbornly thought so.

"Shut up! A woman like Yu Jing'er deserves to be compared with Xiang'er?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body was smeared with frost, and he looked at Xue Zhongchen coldly, turning his wrist, gathering internal strength, and the white light in his hand instantly bloomed...

"Ah Zhan, why do you mind what a dead dog says?" Hong Zhuxiang gently grabbed the man's hand, signaling him not to get angry, but...a prisoner came to challenge his prestige, that was something he couldn't tolerate!What's more, Xiang'er was affected...

The palm was aimed at Xue Zhongchen, white light flew out, and a gust of wind blew up in the secret room, everyone in the room was shocked except Hongzhuxiang and Murong Rui... The prince's martial arts has improved to a higher level!
Needless to say, Hong Zhuxiang, she knows this man too well, and Murong Rui needless to say, he knows his rival in love!

Long Yuyan thinks that he has achieved quite a lot in martial arts, but if he fights with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the outcome is even more uncertain!Moreover, from Heishuiya to now, he can clearly see the improvement of Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
Yun Feihong could only silently lament that he did not have a master with peerless martial arts, and it was impossible for him to surpass brother Zhan in martial arts in this lifetime.

"Pfft... ah..." The blood sprayed all over the ground, burning pain all over the body, and now the whole body is not only in pain, but also roasted like being in a sea of ​​fire...

"Yu Jing'er, you cruel and ruthless woman, I curse you to be sent down to the [-]th floor of hell!" Xue Zhongchen's eyes flashed determination, noon was approaching, and he had no way out!

(End of this chapter)

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