Chapter 289

"Ah..." A deep and roaring voice echoed throughout the secret room with deep despair and resentment.

"Everyone be careful, Xue Zhongchen is going to explode himself!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's gaze sank, he pulled Hong Zhuxiang over and held him in his arms.

The others also used their internal strength to form a protective layer around their bodies!

Being tightly protected in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms, Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes speechlessly, isn't Ah Zhan overly nervous about her?It made her look like a weak woman who doesn't know martial arts... However, her heart is still sweet.

With a loud bang, the air wave in the secret room suddenly fluctuated, and the prince of the sea area around the snow waves and blue sea finally disappeared... Perhaps at the last moment, Xue Zhongchen also felt regret for what he had done, but, this world will never end. No regret medicine!

In life, a person is often faced with many choices, and most of these choices are full of uncertainties, but no matter which path a person chooses, he should have his own principles of life and doing things!
Perhaps, you were lucky enough to choose a sunny avenue, and from now on, the sea and the sky will be brighter...

Or maybe you were unlucky and chose a forest road full of thorns, but as long as you move forward bravely in the direction of light, you will eventually see the dawn of dawn...

"General Wang, the sun is really rising now. If you still don't act, your subordinates are worried that the general will issue a military order. By then..." Pei You is already 30 years old, and he has never doubted the king in front of him. General Yue's ability, but now it is only three hours before sunset, he is really anxious!

Xuanyuan Mochizuki looked at the lieutenant general who was left with him with a smile, this 30-year-old veteran was quite cute, Xuanyuan Mochizuki looked up at the scorching sun high in the sky, smiled lightly, it was indeed time to go!I'm afraid these ten thousand soldiers are already impatient.

"Immediately summon the entire army, this general wants to speak!" Since the eight young generals sent did not send out any abnormal signals, then, he is determined to win Qingfeng City!
On the huge school field, Xuanyuan Mochiyue was dressed in silver armor, majestic and majestic, retreating from his rebelliousness and cynicalism... Standing in the middle of the school field seemed to be a serious and meticulous general!

The ten thousand soldiers were all startled and excited, they never imagined that this young man could have such a compelling and powerful aura!They seem to have seen Prince Zhan when they were young, leading them to gallop on the battlefield and fight bloody battles!

"Soldiers, this is a crucial battle for our survival. This is the first battle that concerns the honor and disgrace of our Hanhai Kingdom. This general has issued a military order yesterday. He must capture Qingfeng City before sunset. Do you have the confidence? ?” The passionate words were inspiring and shocking, Xuanyuan Mochizuki looked around, and all the soldiers on the school ground were full of enthusiasm and high spirits.

"Taking Qingfeng City, long live the Hanhai Kingdom!"

"Taking Qingfeng City, long live the Hanhai Kingdom!"

"..." The iron-blooded man's voice echoed in the sky, and the sound was deafening.

Xuanyuan Moonwatching's eagle-like eyes scanned the surroundings. He was worthy of being the elite of the Hanhai Kingdom. Standing on the high platform, he seemed to see thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, rolling rivers... He knew that soon, the cousin he had always admired would be wielding his master. Go west, and in the long flow of history, his name of Xuanyuan Wangyue will eventually be recorded.

Huangtu hegemony, from the beginning!
"Soldiers, the so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, now is a good time for you to make contributions and show your ambitions! This general hereby declares that this mission is of great importance, and it requires the soldiers to work together and cooperate fully. Fear of sacrifice! Now, this general will select 1 elites from among your [-] people to form a death squad!" Xuanyuan Wangyue looked around again, and announced his decision solemnly and solemnly.

The Death Squad has always been an army formed voluntarily for the country and without fear of sacrifice.In other words, the 2000 people who were selected had almost no chance of surviving this battle!
"You can think about it carefully. The death squads of my Dahanhai Kingdom must be soldiers who are extremely brave and willing to sacrifice for the country..." After all, it is a matter of life and death. Xuanyuan Wangyue intends to give all soldiers a little time to think.

Pei You looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue in puzzlement, and felt more and more that the young man in front of him was not simple. His resolute methods and strong aura made him feel ashamed as a veteran, and his appearance seemed somewhat familiar, as if he had once Where have you seen it!
The soldiers in the school field gradually calmed down. Facing the scorching sun high in the sky, everyone began to think about their own destiny and gradually make their own choices!

Everyone looked serious and solemn. Although Hanhai Kingdom hadn't established a death squad for a long time, the death squad established by Emperor Gaozu was still recorded in Hanhai Kingdom's history books!
"Now, those who are willing to join the Death Squad, please come out!" Xuanyuan Wangyue's voice was filled with internal strength, and it spread around. He wanted to see how many people dare to stand up?Exactly how many people can follow him to do a pioneering career?

One after another, a few burly and handsome soldiers stood up. At first glance, they were men with unique skills and great ambitions!Most of them were in their twenties, and it was the time when men were most energetic. Xuanyuan Wangyue looked at the few people who stood up first, and nodded with satisfaction. This was exactly what he wanted.

Expendables?It's not that you must die, but that you must dare to sacrifice!How could Xuanyuan Wangyue's death squad that followed him die so easily?
Although there are quite a lot of elites in Hanhai Kingdom, no one is willing to send the soldiers to die for nothing. After all, they are flesh and blood, and they all have their own worries and concerns.

Some of them may want to do a great job, but do not want to bury their bones in a foreign country, regretting their whole life; perhaps they are afraid of death and do not want to join the death squad, and die silently...

Xuanyuan Wangyue understands the thoughts of the soldiers, but what he wants is the elite among the elites, and what he wants is comrades who can accompany him to fight all over the world!If they can't overcome the hurdle of death, then they will never be able to become the best fighters, or even generals!

"General Pei, count the number of people!" Xuanyuan Wangyue was not surprised that there were less than [-] people on the line, and the soldiers were good but not many, especially this kind of death squad for special missions!

"The last general takes orders!" Pei You took a deep look at Xuanyuan Wangyue, then turned around and went to count the number of death squads.

In the end, only 200 people stood up and expressed their willingness to join the Death Squad...

Xuanyuan Wangyue selected 800 people he recognized from them, and the rest were divided into four parts, led by the four generals left in the army.

The army set off and headed for Qingfeng City in a mighty manner. According to Xuanyuan Wangyue's order, Pei You deliberately made a vigorous movement... The four-way army soon arrived at the gate of Qingfeng City, and the soldiers were intertwined with the sound of drums Their roars... the siege has officially begun!
(End of this chapter)

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