Chapter 295
"Then we will die together!" Xue Yuan attacked quickly, and struck Yu Jing'er's neck with both hands. Yu Jing'er does not know martial arts, even if she can use poison, he can twist Yu Jing'er's neck as quickly as possible.

"Heh..." Yu Jing'er laughed briskly, and pressed her finger to a button, and two iron chains flew out from both sides, tightly entwining his arms and constantly tightening them.

"Ah..." Xue Yuan let out a cry of pain, the blue shirt on his shoulders was dyed red, and he saw clearly that there were two moving hands on the iron chain, and now, they were deeply embedded his shoulders.

"Why are you so misbehaving? Didn't I tell you not to try to kill me?" Yu Jing'er walked over gently, pinching Xue Yuan's chin with her fair hands, and aimed his evil eyes at the winking eyes that she thought she was unparalleled in the world !
Xue Yuan resisted the pain in her shoulders, and looked at the woman in front of her with complicated eyes. She is so beautiful, but why is her heart so vicious? !
"Are you staring at me so straight because I'm good-looking?" Yu Jing'er smiled, a smug smile on her beautiful face.

"A woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion, no matter how beautiful she is, it's in vain!" The man's eyes regained his clarity, and he was dressed in blue clothes, making him even more elegant. Even if he was imprisoned by iron chains, no one could ignore his beauty!
"As long as the goal is achieved, I don't care about the rest!" This is Yu Jing'er's principle, and it is also the poison that will destroy her conscience!
Xue Yuan's appearance made Yu Jing'er's heart tremble for no reason, the man is so beautiful, it is really unbearable to abuse him!She was just giving Xue Yuan some warnings, she didn't really want to hurt him!

The iron chain was loosened, and Xue Yuan barely propped up her body to leave... Yu Jing'er just quietly watched the blue back who was gradually moving away, with a smile on her lips, the man who would come back automatically, she never stayed!As long as Xueqing lives foolishly in this world for a day, Xueyuan will always obey her, just like Qingmu.

Qingmu went to look for Xuanyuan Tianzhan, so it's time to come back, right? !She doesn't want to see Qingmu come back alone, she believes in Qingmu, because this man has almost never failed to do what he promised her, even if he risked his life, he would satisfy her!

"Xiang'er, are you okay?" Turning his eyes away from Xue Yuan who came out of Yu Jingxuan, Xuanyuan Tianzhan unconsciously retracted the hand that was hugging Hong Zhuxiang's slender waist.

Hong Zhuxiang shook her head slightly, her bright eyes were still staring at the door of Yu Jingxuan, the moonlight was bright enough for her to see those familiar eyes clearly.

Murong Rui unconsciously looked at Hong Zhuxiang's face, she was extremely calm, but Xiang'er valued love and righteousness, seeing Xue Yuan again, how uncomfortable she must be at this moment!But what he didn't expect was...

"From Xue Yuan's walking posture, it can be seen that Xue Yuan has injuries on his body. From this, it can be inferred that he is not Yu Jing'er's person, at least it can be seen that he and Yu Jing'er are not in the same heart." The little woman analyzed clearly In fact, there was no partiality in her tone, she was indeed worried about Xue Yuan, but she must have a clear head.

"Miss Xiang'er is right. It was Yu Jing'er who coerced Xue Yuan. Xue Qing didn't know why she fell into a coma. Xue Yuan went to Yu Jingxuan to get Yu Xue Sheng Pill... Yu Xue Sheng Pill has miraculous effects , can make people who are unconscious wake up quickly!" Qing Mu has decided to get rid of Yu Jing'er's control, and she knows everything she knows.

"But there was obviously some accident in the middle, otherwise, Xue Yuan wouldn't be what she is now!" Although Xuanyuan Tianzhan has not been in contact with Yu Jing'er for a long time, he has a thorough analysis of her essence !
Yu Jing'er has never been a kind woman, let alone help Xue Yuan for no reason. The biggest possibility now is that Xue Yuan didn't get the Yuxue Shengwan she wanted, or the medicine of Yuxuesheng Pill. The effect did not meet my expectations!

Qingmu raised his eyes calmly, secretly admiring Xuanyuan Tianzhan's keen insight. He remembered that Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw Yu Jing'er five years ago. Five years ago, he took Yu Jinger's The essence has been seen inside and out, thoroughly!
Speaking of it, I was really ashamed, knowing that I was being used, but still plunged headlong into the dire straits, and didn't know how to turn back until I was burned by the fire, and the wound was incomplete.

"When I first came to Xuelangbihai, I happened to encounter Xueqing jumping into the sea..." Murong Rui hadn't finished speaking when he heard Hong Zhuxiang's shocked and anxious voice.

"Jumping into the sea?..." When she first came to Xuelangbihai, Hongzhuxiang had seen Xueqing, and she didn't look unusual at that time, but why did she want to jump into the sea again in just ten days?
Xueqing, such a simple, kind and beautiful woman, shouldn't be like this!Hong Zhuxiang's heart aches, although she doesn't have a deep friendship with Xueqing, but she likes such a simple and kind woman...

"Xiang'er, at that time Lengfeng recognized Xueqing and planned to save her, but at the last moment, a man in blue clothes came forward to save her, and that man was Xueyuan!" Murong Rui was anxious to find her at the time. Hong Zhuxiang didn't pay that much attention either. He didn't think about what happened that day until he saw Xue Yuan at this moment.

"So, as long as you follow Xueyuan, you will know what happened to Xueqing!" Hong Zhuxiang guessed that Xueqing should have been unconscious at that time, but after eating Yujing'er's Yuxue Shengwan , what happened to her?

"Chasing the soul, send out a group of hidden guards to follow Xue Yuan, be careful not to startle the snake!" Seeing the little woman's heartbroken gaze, Xuanyuan Tianzhan tightened his arms around her slender shoulders, and then moved towards the person in the dark Voice transmission into secret.

Xue Yuan left with difficulty and disappeared from everyone's sight. Hong Zhuxiang clearly saw two figures behind him, who seemed to be Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai...

The moonlight is like a flower, and the silver veil pouring down the ground is like a fairy girl from the nine heavens, gently stroking the earth. Such a beautiful night seems to be calm, but there are turbulent waves hidden in it. Way to die?
"It seems that Yu Jing'er doesn't know my plan yet. She just waits for me to bring Lord Zhan in. Since nothing has changed, let's act according to the plan..." Qingmu looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, deep in his heart. He took a breath, as if he was adjusting his mood!

Qingmu told himself with a smile over and over again, this is not betrayal, this is just getting rid of the fate of being a puppet, even if he dies from poison, he will have no regrets...

The love he once had had long since evaporated. He shouldn't have liked such a woman. Fate played tricks on him and trapped him for the rest of his life... Forget it, that's all!He tried his best, everything resigned!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan nodded slightly towards Qingmu, indicating that he can go in now, Yujingxuan, a place he never wants to step into again, but, except when he wants to completely destroy it...

(End of this chapter)

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