The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 296 The Strange Poisonous Fragrance

Chapter 296 The Strange Poisonous Fragrance (1)
He once said that as long as Yu Jing'er stays in Yu Jingxuan for a day, he will not hurt her life, but this does not mean that Murong Rui and Long Yuyan will not kill her... Fighting with Xuanyuan Tianzhan , Yu Jinger is not qualified enough!
Qing Mu was dressed in green clothes, with a handsome and gentle face full of tenderness, if Hong Zhuxiang hadn't already known the truth, she would never have seen that it was his faking!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Qingmu walked side by side, dressed in a black robe, showing a slender and perfect figure, walking in the clouds, full of elegance and charm... A black mask covered half of the face, and the whole person was extremely mysterious. People can't help but want to explore what kind of face is as handsome as a fairy under the mask!
Such a Xuanyuan Tianzhan, even Hongzhuxiang is a little fascinated, just the back view is so attractive to her, I don't know... Er, well, she is a bit of a nympho!
But... Ah Zhan's coldness and coldness will probably scare the timid people out of their wits!

"Ah...Miss, please forgive me. I am just worried about the safety of the national teacher, and I have no other intentions! Huh, huh!" As soon as they entered the hall, they heard Tong Ying's painful cry, which should be caused by something Angry Yu Jinger!
"Jing'er, what's the matter..." Qing Mu walked into the room first, with an extremely natural expression on his face.However, when he glanced to the side and saw Tong Ying whose face was covered with blood, his heart suddenly contracted, as if being tightly held by a hand, the pain spread uncontrollably throughout his body.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan came in afterward, his always calm gaze under the mask was also stained with a hint of darkness!After five years, this woman is really still so cruel and merciless. He originally wanted to leave her a whole body, but now it seems that Yu Jing'er is not worthy at all!

Hong Zhuxiang's whole body was shaken, her hands and feet were suddenly icy cold, Tong Ying's experience reminded her of Aunt Yu, no, to be precise, it should be her mother...Murong Rui slowly leaned in the direction of Hong Zhuxiang , Silent comfort!

Among the five, the one who was most shocked was Long Yuyan who walked at the back. He lived in Heishuiya all year round. Where had he seen such a cruel scene?He has seen a lot of blood and slaughter, but this is the first time he has seen such a scene!
This woman belongs to Yu Jing'er, how could she treat her like this?

With a smile in her eyes, Yu Jing'er casually played with the dagger in her hand, gesticulating in front of Tong Ying, until she saw a man in a black robe and a mask, she slowed down her movements, her gaze Staying on Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Tong Ying knelt on the ground in pain, sobbing and crying, she covered her face tightly with her hands, blood flowed from her fingers, staining her hands red, when Tong Ying saw Qing Mu, her eyes were even more Uncontrollable pain!She knew that she must be very scary and ugly now, subconsciously she didn't want Qingmu to see such an unbearable side of her...

Hong Zhuxiang's heart twitched violently. After the bloodletting incident last time, although she can't say that she likes Tong Ying, she can't see a good woman being so disfigured!She had been listening to Azhan say how vicious and ruthless this woman Yu Jinger was. At that time, she was just a little emotional, but now, she has the urge to kill!Is a woman with a completely devoid of conscience worthy of living in this world?Yu Jing'er must die!

"Why did you hurt her so much? She belongs to you!" Qing Mu's voice instantly became hoarse, apart from disappointment, pain, and hatred!
Tong Ying is Yu Jing'er's person, but she took good care of her during those nights when she was so vicious, and even though Yu Jing'er has been treating her badly, she has never complained...

Yu Jinger didn't look at Qingmu, as if she didn't hear him clearly at all, such indifference and disdain made Qingmu feel that she was just a tool to be used!Hehe... Hasn't he always been a tool to be used?

Yu Jing'er took a quick look at the three people behind Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and then turned her attention to Xuanyuan Tianzhan. The three ordinary-looking men were not enough for her to take it to heart!
Hong Zhuxiang was really happy and angry in her heart, she was happy that Yu Jinger didn't set her eyes on the three of them, otherwise it would be in vain!What made her angry was that this Yu Jing'er looked like Ah Zhan, it was really disgusting!
"You're finally here!" Although Xuanyuan Tianzhan was wearing half a mask, she could imagine a face as beautiful as an exile's under the mask!Although he didn't look at her, but he stood in front of her, it doesn't matter, she has plenty of ways...

"I haven't seen you for five years, you really have changed!" Xuanyuantian Zhanyun said lightly.

"Really? I also feel that I have changed. Am I more beautiful now?" Yu Jing'er raised her hand and touched her delicate face. In recent years, she has paid great attention to self-care, and her skin is smoother than before Delicate... Could it be that Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw it?This really flattered her!

"Become more wolf-hearted!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't look at Yu Jing'er's face at all. He didn't know if she had become more beautiful, but he had seen it become more cruel!
Uh... Ah Zhan, so you are such a vicious guy with a black belly!Absolute black belly!Hong Zhuxiang's mood improved in an instant, and she knew that someone as arrogant as Ah Zhan would not show mercy to someone who disliked her!

Yu Jing'er glared at Tong Ying fiercely, turned her head and raised her eyebrows, and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with a smile: "Why bother to get angry for a cheap girl who doesn't know her identity?"

Tong Ying, a girl who doesn't know how to live or die, dares to secretly admire Qingmu and ruin her face, which is already giving her a cheap advantage!Even if Qingmu is the man she Yu Jinger has had enough of playing with, she won't allow others to think about it!

"Miss, Tong Ying thinks she treats you sincerely and has a clear conscience, but Tong Ying never expected to end up like this!" Tong Ying cried heartbreakingly, the wound was already covered with sweat and tears, mixed Blood, the whole person is beyond recognition!

Her face hurts, her body hurts, but her heart hurts even more, she just said that the national teacher has been out for too long, she was a little worried, and the young lady lost her temper for no reason, saying that the national teacher is useless, and she hasn't come back yet!
Tong Ying admits that she likes Qingmu, but she just thinks about it in her heart. She knows that she is not worthy of a man like Qingmu, so she doesn't dare to think about it, but how can Miss treat her like this? !

"Bitch, do you dare to say that you are not in love with Qingmu? Do you dare to say that you don't?" Yu Jing'er growled, and slapped Tong Ying's disfigured face. Now, she still dares to argue , do you really think she doesn't know anything?

More importantly, Tong Ying actually said that she was right in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Since Tong Ying was right, it was Yu Jinger's fault!What a joke, a girl actually blamed her on Yu Jinger's head!
Yu Jing'er's slap towards Tong Ying directly deepened the disgust of several people towards her. It's not that Hong Zhuxiang has never seen a top-quality woman, but a top-quality and ruthless woman like Yu Jing'er is still the first See you next time!
(End of this chapter)

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