The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 304 Outsmarting Yu Jinger

Chapter 304 Outsmarting Yu Jinger

"Uh..." Hong Zhuxiang's neck hurt and she couldn't breathe for a moment. At this moment, she knew that there is a strong hand in the strong, and Yu Jing'er's martial arts soared so fast, it was really hard for her to parry!
But, she can't let others bully her like this!

Hong Zhuxiang condensed all the strength in her whole body, and every trick of Xiaoyao Tianxia appeared in her mind. She didn't believe that she couldn't get rid of Yu Jinger's black ribbon, and she didn't believe that she would die in Yu Jinger's hands!

"Don't waste your energy, this ribbon has been infused with my strong internal force, and it won't break." Yu Jing'er didn't believe that Hongzhuxiang couldn't feel the pressure on the ribbon, but she admired Hongzhuxiang a little. Under such circumstances, she was able to react with a clear mind.

"Release Xianger!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan grabbed the black ribbon and confronted Yu Jinger. He desperately pulled the black ribbon in the direction of the red bamboo fragrance. The ribbon will never be broken, if Yu Jing'er doesn't let go, Xiang'er will be strangled to death... He would rather die himself than Xiang'er!

Although Xuanyuan Tianzhan exhausted all his strength, Yu Jing'er only pulled it a little, and the black ribbon was straightened instantly. Hong Zhuxiang could accurately feel the strength, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand was already dripping blood... ... Where exactly is Yu Jinger, who can have such a powerful skill?
"Let her go, and then..." A trace of evil flashed in Yu Jing'er's eyes, and she stared at Xuanyuan Tianzhan boldly and nakedly. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was what she had always hoped for. Yu Jinger's prey, then... Hehe, I am very satisfied just thinking about it!

"Shameless woman!" Before Xuanyuan Tianzhan could answer, Hong Zhuxiang cursed with all her strength, and her internal energy suddenly surged, "Happy world surprises you, as graceful as a surprise!"

Accompanied by a shocking roar, a red gauze flew into the air, broke through Yu Jinger's black restraint, turned around, and the secret room became turbulent instantly. Hong Zhuxiang's figure shuttled in the secret room like a red phantom. Feel the huge improvement in your own strength.

She only now knows that she has never really comprehended Master Xiaoyao's unique skill, until her life was hanging by a thread, she found a little feeling, Hong Zhuxiang had a hunch that the profoundness of this martial art must surpass her My imagination... It's just Master, why did you pass on such a powerful skill to Xiang'er, but left alone? !
As soon as Yu Jing'er's hand lightened, her eyes filled with disbelief, impossible, absolutely impossible, Hong Zhuxiang's martial arts faintly resembled their place, how could this be possible... She is just an ordinary woman!

Murong Rui and Long Yuyan were not completely relieved that Hong Zhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan broke into the secret room of Yujingxuan alone. The moment they heard the shocking noise, they rushed in immediately and went straight to the depths of the secret room...

With the previous experience, their movements are obviously much more proficient. Originally they asked Qingmu to rest outside, but Qingmu said that the poison in his wound had been controlled, and he insisted on going in. After so many years with Yu Jinger Entanglement, it is time to make an understanding.

Murong Rui stretched out his hand to touch his chest, his mind was filled with the scene of Xiang'er taking drugs for him, maybe Xiang'er didn't care about anything, but this scene was worth remembering for the rest of his life.

The man's heart is full of worries about the red bamboo fragrance. The shock of Yu Jingxuan just now made his heart tremble and panic... If he had known this earlier, even if Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped him, he would follow By Xiang'er's side, at least when Xiang'er needs it most, he can always be by her side... When the most dangerous time is, he can use Long Feitian!

However, when thinking of Long Feitian, Murong Rui was still puzzled by one thing. There is a huge power in his body, but he doesn't know why he can't exert it.

Master Longyang Zhenren once told him not to use Long Feitianxia unless it was absolutely necessary. He used it when he was assassinated by Feng Wuhen in Fenglin, and he used it when dealing with Helianbei, and he hardly used it at other times. , but he has never stopped cultivating Long Feitianxia... This time, it seems that he is going to use it again. Master, do you blame disciples?

Red Bamboo Fragrance's Happy World Shocking Hong style, the explosive power was so great that the whole Yu Jing Xuan shook slightly, Yun Feihong was sitting in Xuelang Bihai Palace, he was always worried about his sister, at this moment he finally couldn't bear it anymore, He ordered Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hidden guards to surround Yu Jingxuan layer by layer.

Chasing the soul's figure shuttled around the Yujingxuan courtyard, but found that the outer courtyard was empty, and the hidden guard entered the outer courtyard smoothly. However, as soon as they entered the outer courtyard, they felt dizzy and their breathing became short of breath. Except for Yun Feihong, Except for the top experts such as Chasing Soul and Huihun, everyone else has this symptom.

"Prince, this courtyard is not accessible to ordinary people. Only those with a certain level of skill can enter. For the rest of them, if they enter without authorization, they will die for no reason." This is the preliminary judgment made by Zhuihun, although He didn't know what the reason was, but it seemed that this was the most reasonable explanation.

"People who feel unwell retreat immediately!" Yun Feihong looked at a group of hidden guards who were frowning in pain, and decided to let everyone go out to wait, while he, Zhuihun and other people who could go in went to look for Hongzhuxiang.

The red bamboo fragrance shattered Yu Jing'er's black ribbon, and it fell firmly in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan. She took the man's hands in distress, and her eyes stopped on the deep red wound on his palm. It turned out that Murong Rui was not the only one who was stupid. , this man is also stupid!Was he so stupid that he forgot to use Longteng Juling to deal with Yu Jing'er?In such a short time, she can still support it!

In fact, Xuanyuan Tianzhan also wanted to use the dragon to gather spirits. The power of the dragon to gather spirits is great, but he still couldn't gather such a deep strength in a short period of time. The time was too short, and Yu Jinger's martial arts suddenly became a little bit higher Xiemen, he was afraid that Xiang'er would just be like that...

Hong Zhuxiang carefully cleaned up Xuanyuan Tianzhan's wound, as if no one else was there, her eyes were full of tenderness, and her affectionate eyes kissed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's big hand over and over again. At this moment, she is no longer the lonely iceberg red snow lotus, she It's just his little woman, she only loves her man.

Yu Jing'er looked at the two people standing opposite him strangely, but she didn't move. Hong Zhuxiang could be injured or die, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't, so even if they acted a little intimate in front of her, she could Tolerate!
"Xiang'er, are you alright?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a little worried, Xiang'er burst out with a strong momentum in an instant, would she not be able to control it?Moreover, the red mark on her neck... Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart couldn't restrain the pain. It seems that he has to constantly improve himself and challenge the limit, so as to keep Xiang'er safe all his life.

"Fool, it's you who has something to do!" Hong Zhuxiang whispered distressedly, and skillfully took out the unique golden sore medicine developed by Master Miaoshou from the man's arms, and gave him the good medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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