Chapter 305
Yu Jing'er finally couldn't listen to the gentle and gentle tone of the little bird with red bamboo fragrance. Like a black whirlwind, she waved her hand and struck at the two people who were tightly stuck together...

There was a cold look in Hong Zhuxiang's eyes, but she really couldn't beat Yu Jing'er. She glanced around, and Hong Zhuxiang quickly made a judgment. There are so many available resources in the secret room...why not make good use of them?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan built an air wall around the two of them to temporarily resist Yu Jinger's attack... However, Yu Jinger's power is too terrifying, and she will soon break through the air wall and hit their bodies. The man turned around suddenly, and protected the woman in front of his chest. If the air wall was hit, he would block a certain amount of air pressure for Xiang'er.

"Ah Zhan, I will attract Yu Jing'er to attack me in a while, you take the opportunity to gather sand with the Dragon Gathering Spirit, and hit Yu Jing'er's eyes, and then... Only then can we win!" The red bamboo incense sticks to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ear On the other side, he told him his plan secretly through voice transmission.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan nodded, and glanced at his little woman appreciatively, his brows and eyes softened a little, following Xiang'er's method, Yu Jing'er must die!It's just that she was a little worried about Xiang'er...

Yu Jing'er saw the two of them chatting about each other again, a surge of anger rose in her heart, and she waved her palm again, did they take her seriously?
"Red Zhuxiang, go to hell!" Yu Jing'er's evil and presumptuous voice scattered in the air, it was very strange...

"Hmm..." Hongzhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged each other tightly, the air wall was broken, and the two were hit back a few steps. Although they were protected by Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Hongzhuxiang's heart was still It hurts from the shock, and her legs and feet are a little numb. Yu Jinger's martial arts are really strong!
However, she will soon experience the most painful moment in her life... Hong Zhuxiang violently flicked her bangs on her forehead, revealing a stunning face, which made Yu Jing'er go crazy. How could Hong Zhuxiang grow up? So beautiful?How can it be more beautiful than her?

"Yu Jing'er, haven't you always wanted to kill me? Come on..." Hong Zhuxiang straightened up, her eyes were burning, hot and dazzling, her tone was full of provocation, and there was also some disgust and disdain... She just stood there There, waiting for Yu Jinger's attack!

Yu Jinger always thought she was very dazzling, but at this moment, it seemed that Hongzhuxiang was the most dazzling one... Moreover, Hongzhuxiang dared to look at her with disgust, what qualifications did she have?She must let this ignorant girl see how powerful she is. Just now she just gave a small test, and she hasn't used her full strength yet!

"What a big tone, I want to see what you are capable of!" Yu Jing'er snorted softly, and flew out like a black ghost in an instant. Her goal was Red Bamboo Fragrance. This time, she personally sent her to hell !
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hands were lucky, and the white light in the palm became bigger and bigger with the turning of his hands. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, the dust on the ground was absorbed, and the secret room was turbid...Xiang'er's method is really special, he This is the first time to use Dragon Gathering to gather dust!

Yu Jing'er's vision was a bit blurred, and a lot of dust entered her mouth and nose. She frowned, but her movements did not stop. Yu Jinger's eyes.

Yu Jing'er was dizzy from the sudden impact of sand, what is Xuanyuan Tianzhan doing?Can some sand stop her from killing Hongzhuxiang?impossible!She, Yu Jinger, can accurately find the location of Hongzhuxiang just by listening, she just needs to close her eyes and use her ears!

Seeing Yu Jing'er closed her eyes as she thought, Hong Zhuxiang smiled knowingly. If a person can do whatever he wants with only the strength of martial arts, it is too unscientific. Only the mind and limbs are used together. , is benevolent!
Hong Zhuxiang quickly raised her wrist, and a finely carved silver bracelet appeared in front of her eyes. At the end of twelve hanging chains of different lengths, pure red gemstones were shining brightly. On Hong Zhuxiang's other hand, But quickly pressed on the black jade gemstone on the back of the bracelet.

Yu Jing'er, let you be defeated by my Hong Zhuxiang today. A wolf-hearted woman like you will never end well. To be a human being, you should have the most basic humanity... And you have long since lost your conscience .

Lied to Xue Zhongchen for five years, tried every means to release her blood, poisoned Qingmu all the year round, mutilated Tong Ying's appearance, A Zhan who coveted her, and those bones who died in Yu Jingxuan, everything should be done. understood.

"Ah..." The severe pain in her eyes made Yu Jing'er scream, and her body instantly fell from mid-air uncontrollably, her eyes hurt so much!

The secret room is high and wide enough for people to hear Yu Jinger's screams... Hong Zhuxiang was the first to smile. The bracelet Ling Lao gave her was really useful. It was very useful when dealing with Helianbei last time , this time against Yu Jinger is also very effective, yes, she likes it.

"Master, how are you?" The four men in black jumped out of a hidden door in the secret room in panic, and looked at Yu Jing'er in disbelief. There were actually two tiny silver needles stuck in the master's eyes...

"What else can I do?" Yu Jing'er said viciously.She pulled out the silver needles from her eyes, and her fingertips felt warm, but her eyes were blurred, and she was actually blind, just like that...

"Xiang'er, are you alright?" Murong Rui and Long Yuyan rushed over, looked at Hong Zhuxiang carefully, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just in time for you to come, just in time for a good show!" Hong Zhuxiang bared her teeth at the two mischievously, only to find that Qing Mu behind them was dressed in the same green clothes as Murong Rui, but he The whole person looked even paler, and a pair of eyes looked at Yu Jing'er suspiciously and deeply.

The harm Yu Jinger once brought to Qingmu may never be predicted by others, but Hong Zhuxiang carefully discovered that when Qingmu saw Yu Jinger, apart from a trace of complexity and surprise in her eyes, An unusually calm face...

Maybe he really let it go? !
Yu Jing'er is really regretting it now, she is too confident, thinking that with her current martial arts, it is no problem to deal with Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hongzhuxiang, but she did not expect that Hongzhuxiang would attack her in such a strange way , the sound of the silver needle was so thin that she didn't hear it at all, and even if there was a sound, she probably wouldn't be able to hear it. At that time, a pile of sand flew towards her eyes. !
Yu Jing'er finally felt the feeling of her dignity being trampled under her feet. Apart from pain and humiliation, she could only let others slaughter her. How helpless and sad it is!

"Hehe...doesn't it feel good? Yu Jinger, Miss Yu!" Hongzhuxiang has no habit of being soft-hearted when dealing with bad guys. Ghosts and spirits are her essence. trick...

(End of this chapter)

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