The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 318 Grand Celebration

Chapter 318 Grand Celebration (1)
"Mr. Rui, good fortune is not shallow! Why didn't I, Yun Feihong, get such a good treatment? God bless me!" Yun Feihong finally got rid of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's black hand, and inserted a sentence into the crowd.

"Brother Yushu Linfeng, looks like Pan'an, don't you worry about having an affair? Do you want me to help you with my sister?" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly turned her head to look at Yun Feihong, and said with a wicked smile.

She has seen these beauties in the Hanhai Kingdom before. They all look absolutely iconic, not to mention one, a large group can be found, only you can't think of it, there is nothing she can't find, and my brother is not young, it is time to find Thinking of this, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly felt very sad, why are there so many big boys who are "waiting for the boudoir" around her?Well, we have to marry them one by one.

Yun Feihong pursed his mouth, he still didn't know what kind of idea Xiang'er was playing, he couldn't even think about giving him all the peach blossoms of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the large group in Nanyue Kingdom was enough for him to have a headache, why did he need to mess with it everywhere? Peach blossom?

"Xiang'er, I specially made spicy grilled fish for you. It's really tender and fragrant. You'll be satisfied..." Leng Yishuang smiled and beckoned the servants to bring up the dishes she had prepared for Hong Zhuxiang, thinking about this I'm afraid it is the most suitable dish for Xiang'er's taste.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and sure enough, the man's handsome eyebrows frowned, and his face instantly turned dark into a pot, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was worried that everyone would have a table full of hot and spicy flavors, Nalan Ruofei With the lesson learned from the last time, I naturally dare not prepare those heavy dishes again, but why didn't this guy persuade me to order Leng Yishuang?

Nalan Ruofei shrugged innocently, it wasn't that he didn't persuade, but that Leng Yishuang didn't listen!This girl is as stubborn as a bull, it's strange who can persuade her!

"Shuang'er, I've been on fire recently, so I can't eat such spicy food, hehe... How about next time? Next time I will definitely try your delicious food." In order to avoid a volcanic eruption, Hong Zhuxiang spoke first.

"How can this work? I prepared this specially for you. Nalan Ruofei said that you have changed your taste, and I bet him that it is impossible. Xiang'er, why don't you try it?" Leng Yi looked at it eagerly. The fragrance of red bamboo, the meaning of expectation is obvious.

Hongzhuxiang was in a dilemma, but she had learned the lesson from the last time, she would never move her chopsticks. The last time Ah Zhan almost demolished the Feixiang Tower, it's no wonder she dared to try it.

Except for Mingyue and Wuying, everyone looked at Hong Zhuxiang strangely, especially Murong Rui and Yun Feihong. They found that Xiang'er's daily meals were very light when they were in the snow, waves and blue sea. Lang Bihai is more suitable to eat light food, and now I know that there must be something else hidden in it.

"This... Shuang'er, my taste has really changed..." Hong Zhuxiang smiled awkwardly, trying to explain.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Leng Yishuang a cold look, and directly signaled Wuying, Wuying received the gaze of his prince, and quickly took the dishes away like the wind...

When everyone came back to their senses, they only saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan as if nothing had happened, calmly sandwiching dishes for Hongzhuxiang, but they were all bland... Everyone was shocked, Lord Zhan's behavior was very strange. Domineering, very unexpected.

Nalan Ruofei looked at Leng Yishuang provocatively, grinning his teeth, with an arrogant look like who told you not to listen to me, which made Leng Yishuang's teeth chatter.

"Oh? It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, I prepared some desserts. Come here, hurry up and serve the desserts. That Xiang'er must have a good taste of my desserts..." Leng Yishuang reacted very quickly. From Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression, she knew that this was not what Xiang'er meant. If this continues, the cousin's temper will come up at some point. For everyone's safety, she still thinks it is best to endure.

Che Zimei smiled helplessly, she obviously made the dessert, okay?Leng Yishuang just took a spoon to stir it a few times, this girl's face was not red at all, she was really refined.

"Okay! I will definitely taste this dessert!" Hong Zhuxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Leng Yishuang gratefully, he is really a good and understanding boy!Leng Yishuang blinked innocently, she was scared by her cousin, okay?My palms are still sweating.

"Xiang'er, why don't you find another good husband for you, and marry such a domineering man, I'm afraid that he will bully you!" Yun Feihong felt resentment in his heart, how could her younger sister be eaten to death? dead?

"Brother Feihong needs to be tickled again?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped his hands and looked at Yun Feihong with a half-smile, but the voice made people feel a little creepy.

Everyone couldn't help shivering, tickling?Your Majesty speaks really nicely!Let's eat with peace of mind, who dares to pluck the beard of a tiger?
The time that young people spend together is always happy and short. Everyone has various youthful vigor and various free releases. There is no such thing.

The great integration of high and low status, without geographical restrictions, really makes people feel warm, and it also narrows the distance between people.Hong Zhuxiang enjoyed such a time extremely.

Although Xuanyuan Tianzhan always plays the role of a domineering and powerful black-bellied man, everyone knows that the prince loves the princess and is occasionally jealous. Besides, as long as everyone does not occupy the princess all the time and does not touch the bottom line of the prince, the prince is He will not make a sound. If anyone dares to provoke the prince like Nan Yue, the prince, the consequences will be quite tragic.

The complete victory of the snow waves and the blue sea, the whole country of the Hanhai Kingdom celebrated with joy, and the palace feast was also held in an unusually grand manner. After the last time he competed with all civil and military officials, this is the second time that Hong Zhuxiang has competed with all civil and military officials. get together.It's just that the atmosphere this time is obviously very different from the last time. It's no longer everyone questioning her, but respect that has never been seen before.

Hong Zhuxiang was also unwilling to delve into whether it was Xuanyuan Tianzhan's deterrent, or whether everyone sincerely convinced her, but she was surprised to discover the fact that Xuanyuan Ming was not punished?He still held his head high and sat at the head of the princes and other officials, and his daughter Xuanyuan Yifeng also sat at the head of the noble ladies, wearing a luxurious purple dress even more recklessly than last time...

Hehe... It seems that no matter whether it is Shengtian or Hanhai Kingdom, no matter how many years they have passed, one fact remains the same: there are always various inside stories in the imperial court, and it is difficult to get rid of moths for a while!
"Master, last time you and the lord were assassinated on the way into the palace. It is said that it has been investigated. The criminal department said that an enemy of King Ming blamed King Ming, and King Ming was also the victim." This is the official statement, and Mingyue naturally does not believe it. , but the assassin leader who did not know where, insisted on voluntarily pleading guilty, and the Ministry of Punishment had no choice.

"It really is a good trick!" Hong Zhuxiang looked back, and took a sip of tea lightly, Xuanyuan was obviously not as stupid as he looked, and his ruthlessness was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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